Unable to login to coppermine Unable to login to coppermine


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Unable to login to coppermine

Started by LMalnati, October 30, 2004, 05:23:09 AM

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I have Coppermine and phpbb2 and when I try to login to Coppermine I get the error message that xx.xxx.xx.xxphpbbweb_pathlogin.php can not be found.  When I am in the phpbb2 gallery and coppermine the the URL address is as follows;


xxx.xx.xx.xx=familywebsite.com (I'm not sure why the numbers appear for phpbb2 URL, but not Coppermine.  I assume that is normal.

My phpbb.inc.php file is found below;

// The web path to your phpBB directory
// If your URL to your board is for example 'http://yoursite_name.com/phpBB2/',
// you'll have to set the below var to '/phpBB2/'.
define('PHPBB WEB PATH', '/phpBB/phpBB2/');
// Logout Flag
// the value of this boolean constant depends on your phpBB version:
// If your version of phpBB is 2.0.4 or lower - change the value to FALSE;
// if your version of phpBB is 2.0.5 or newer - leave it as TRUE

Thank you in advance for your time and effort.


Joachim Müller

coppermine and your bbs have to reside on the same domain. Apparently, your coppermine gallery is being accessed by IP address instead of name resolution, so integration won't work. Any special reason for making such a secret out of your actual error message and the actual URL of your page? If you request help on login issues, you should always provide links and a test user account (non-admin).




How do I get them on the same domain ?  Did I screw up when I loaded Coppermine ?

I stepped thru the code and I am going down on the below line

if (defined('UDB_INTEGRATION')) udb_login_page();

Once it hits the above line of code I get the error familywebsite.usphpbb_web_pathlogin.php could not be found.

I can give out the website address once I receive permission from the Head Webmaster (my wife).  She's kind of squirrely about things like this.  Hopefully tomorrow morning I can place the address within a post.

Thank You

Joachim Müller

having a page on the internet actually means sharing it with everyone, I'm not sure why you make such a fuzz about the url... If you're concerned about privacy, don't post pics on the net at all.



Issue resolved.  Within the phpbb.inc.php file I inadvertently left out the underscores for the CONSTANT "PHPBB_WEB_PATH".