Help with one step in Intergration Help with one step in Intergration


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Help with one step in Intergration

Started by imperious, November 27, 2004, 11:06:19 PM

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Since my last post on the error I am getting has not been answered :\'([ I am gonna try to redo the whole process of intergration agian. A couple things that kinda stumped me before where the following steps. If someone can give me a example of these It could help me. Since I am a way newbie. The few steps that stumped me a little bit and i was not sure I put the right values where

-5.2.5 Keep Coppermine and bbs tables in the same database
How do I do this? A database is just the folder that the aplication is using on your server?

-5.3.2 Edit your bridge file

define('PHPBB_DB_NAME','phpBB');     // The name of the database used by the board is the folder phpbb is instaled on my server?

define('PHPBB_BD_HOST','localhost'); // The name of the database server

define('PHPBB_DB_USERNAME','root');  // The username to use to connect to the    database username to sign on to my server?

define('PHPBB_DB_PASSWORD','');      // The password to use to connect to the database password to my server?

I will be thankful of any help or corrections 8)


You should do a little bit of reading on what a MySQL database is, and what a webserver is.  It will help you understand what each one does.

A database is not a webserver - it's not where any files are stored.  It is what it appears to be - a database, like Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL, or Oracle.  It stores data, not files.  You must have a MySQL database in order for Coppermine to function.  If you don't know where your database is located, the login information, or how to administer your database, contact your webhost for help.

A database contains tables.  Tables contain data.  Coppermine by default affixes a prefix to all the tables it uses (cpg132_).  Most bbs apps also do this.  Coppermine doesn't need its' own database, it can function in a database that has other tables, like the database your bbs uses.  So if your bbs uses a database named phpBB, Coppermine can also use it.

Most webhosts supply some sort of MySQL tool so you can administer your database.  It's usually a tool called phpMyAdmin.  You can examine all the tables and all the data contained in your database.  If you don't know about this tool, you should contact your webhost for help.
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