99% done. 1 Question about current user info in SMF theme 99% done. 1 Question about current user info in SMF theme


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99% done. 1 Question about current user info in SMF theme

Started by jmcmanus, January 02, 2005, 11:56:08 PM

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I have successfully integrated Coppermine and SMF using the smf theme (with minor modification).  I would like for the login area on Coppermine to show the name of the logged in user as it does over on SMF.  Where would I find the code to include this and would it be palce in the template.php or theme.html?

Joachim Müller

I'm not sure what you mean: once bridging is enabled, coppermine doesn't have a login section of it's own, but uses the login page of your bbs app.



Correct.  The login is actually done through SMF.  However, if you are logged in youe see that under SMF but if you are on the Coppermine screen the message just says please login or register.  Check it out here www.nwcba.com  (header menu for gallery/forum) using login:jmcmanus pswd:sunamcm    Thanks.  Jim


You can do that as a custom header, just follow the docs. You can use the USER_NAME constant to get the current user's username.


thanks, I figured a custom header but didn't know about user_name.  Is there a list of constants?  By the way, cudos for both products and how easy it was to install/integrate and even modify them.