Newbie Coppermine integration and SMF Newbie Coppermine integration and SMF


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Newbie Coppermine integration and SMF

Started by aducrejr, December 28, 2004, 03:36:07 PM

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I have givien up on phpbb

what are the steps intergrating SMF
I read the methohology thread and just got lost

I have Coppermine working fine and SMF

whats Next?
personal Gallery

Joachim Müller

Refer to the integration section in the documentation, the methodology thread is only "dev talk".



$path = '../smf';

How should my path look if I use  SMF  Coppermine
personal Gallery


You don't have to change anything in the smf bridge file.  You can change $path="../forum", but the bridge file looks thru several possible locations of the smf forum $possible_paths = array($path, '..', '../forum', '../forums',
'../community', '../yabbse', '../smf');
It will find your smf location.
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when I changed the // define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'smf');
by removing the //
I am not able to see the page shows blank

Is there a step that I am missing?
personal Gallery


I don't know.  Did you follow the integration instructions in the documentation?
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There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


The documentation doesn't give any specifics for SMF

1. I went to the bridge directory and changed
// Set this to the location of your Settings file:
$path = '../forum';

2. include/

Changed the define settings to:
define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'smf');

Seems like I am missing something, because when I change step 2. I can't load gallery in browser but I can login/out of SMF
personal Gallery


Post a test user login/pass so we can take a look.  Also, what version of php are you running?
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There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


for gallery and SMF

user: test
Paswword: password

PHP Version 4.3.6

thanks for your interest in helping
personal Gallery


Do you have Coppermine and SMF sharing the same database?
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There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


they are both on the same database I can login/out of SMF
But Coppermine shows a blank page when I goto it
personal Gallery


You probably have display_errors disabled in php.ini, which is not very helpful for debugging.

personal Gallery


in your php.ini search for display_errors and set it to ON


I search my computer before posting this question

Where is the php.ini flie located
personal Gallery


it depends on your server setup, but you don't know where to find it probably means you're not self hosting, therefore you can't change it, you'll have to ask your server admin to do it for you.


Yahoo is my host so I don't know how much luck I going to have in them changing that file

Are the any other areas I can troubleshoot?

Again main problem SMF works fine whenI try to intergration. Gallery site becomes blank until I reverse
define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'smf');
personal Gallery


You might want to ask Yahoo if there's something they can do.  It may be something they've configured to prevent including files from a different main directory.
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There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Here is the response I recieved from Yahoo after asking for help. Does this seem like it is a valid workaround

QuoteDear Yahoo! Customer,

Thank you for contacting us.

We're sorry, the feature you are mentioning is not currently available through Yahoo! Web Hosting and we do not have an estimated date as to when or if it will be available. However, we'll pass your comments on to our Development team for further consideration.

FYI, here is one workaround:

1). Create a 'includes' subdirectory under web site root directory

2). Create a file with the following code:

ini_set('display_errors', "1");

3). Add the following line to your PHP file:

include ("/includes/");

Please do not hesitate to reply if you need further assistance.



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Original Message Follows:

How do I change the display_errors to (on/enable) in the php.ini file

I am having problems integrating a forum in to a photo gallery and the developers of the photo gallery suggested that I change those properties

"in your php.ini search for display_errors and set it to ON"
personal Gallery

Joachim Müller

creating a separate dir/file that only enables the error reporting you need is overkill, just add <?
ini_set('display_errors', "1");
to coppermine's code.
