Notice: Undefined index: cat_thumb Notice: Undefined index: cat_thumb


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Notice: Undefined index: cat_thumb

Started by bagpipes, January 09, 2005, 07:35:25 PM

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Hi all
anyone tell me what to do here,as soon as I open gallery

Notice: Undefined index: cat_thumb in /home/bagpip3/public_html/gallery/themes/final_fantasy/theme.php on line 1044

Ray P


turn off notices in your config:

For a production gallery I would suggest:

Miscellaneous settings:
Enable debug mode NO
Display notices in debug mode NO

If you want to research the problem further because you are seeing other errors ,then you would have to look on that line in the theme final fantasy to see why they are attempting to use a variable before setting it's value.

Basically an undefined index is going out of bounds for an array.

like $a=array(1,2,3);

and you do

echo $a[5];

or even

echo $a[3]

will still be out of bounds because the first element of an array is zero. In this case the echo $a[2] would echo "3".

echo $a[count(a$)-1] would also echo "3"

using and undefined index is bad form, but doesn't necessarily mean there is a problem with your gallery.


When posting please use a more accurate title. "help" doesn't help anyone searching for the same problem.

I've modified the title of your post to be more descriptive.



sorry about the title will be more forthcoming next time ;)

thanks for the help

Ray p