MYSQL Error Message? MYSQL Error Message?


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MYSQL Error Message?

Started by skeezmo, January 14, 2005, 05:21:30 PM

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When I try to install my board using the install.php file all works until I click on Lets Go!  When I do click this, I get this error message:
Could not create a mySQL connection, please check the SQL values entered

MySQL error was : Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

I am using:

  • MYSQL Server 4.1 (on Port 3309)
  • Coppermine 1.3
  • Hosting the Server on my Own Computer using Apache 1.3, and Windows XP
  • PHP 4

I chmoded the albums, and include folders using a php script, because of the fact im hosting it on my own computer.  Because I am hosting the MYSQL Server on port 3309 (3306 conflicts wityh another mysql program on the network) I just where it says the host:  My.IP.Here.!!:3309 added the port nubmer after it.  Dont know if there is another way I can do this, but this is all I could figure out.

Perhaps for the MYSQL thing, it is searching for a server on My.IP.Here.!!:3306:3309

Thanks in Advance everyone!!


Joachim Müller

Quote from: skeezmo on January 14, 2005, 05:21:30 PMI chmoded the albums, and include folders using a php script, because of the fact im hosting it on my own computer.
Definitely not :D - there's no CHMOD on Windows. Running your own server is not recommended at all if you're not an expert. Having no idea how permissions work on your box will definitely get you into troubles - webhosting (instead of selfhosting) is recommended very much.
However, this is not related to the issues you're having of course.



Quote from: skeezmo on January 14, 2005, 05:21:30 PMI chmoded the albums, and include folders using a php script, because of the fact im hosting it on my own computer.

It does work, and they were successfully chmoded


Did you try using Coppermine before using CHMOD?  I'd bet it would work just fine.  CHMOD is a unix command, not a Windows command.  If you want to set permissions on a Windows box, right click on the file/folder, Properties -> Security.

Try using your php script to chmod to 644, then try using Coppermine and check the file/folder permissions.  Any changes?
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Actually I have that error solved now.  I just typed in for the host localhost:3309, instead of my ip address:3309.

Now, I am faced with another issue.  I am not able to upload any pictures to my site, because the GD2 extension that came with my version of php (4.3.10) is corrupt or something.

Im working on that atm and will reply if i need help.

Thanks everybody


If you have another problem, don't reply to this thread.  Search to see if there's another problem like yours, and respond to that thread.  If not, create a new thread.
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There are no stupid questions
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