some small bugs in minibrowser.php some small bugs in minibrowser.php


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some small bugs in minibrowser.php

Started by Andi, February 18, 2005, 04:07:22 PM

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Hello :)

note before: i've commented out the debugger function, because it hides me to much errors in my devel (vkpMx-Port) installation.

Now in minibrowser.php i get some small errors:

QuoteNotice: Undefined index: select_directory in D:\Localhost\dev-Coppermine\devel\minibrowser.php on line 82
The language variable $lang_minibrowser_php['select_directory']  is not defined everywhere.
I change the language array in /lang/english.php to this:
if (defined('MINIBROWSER_PHP')) $lang_minibrowser_php = array(
 'close' => 'close', //cpg 1.4
 'submit' => 'OK', //cpg 1.4
 'up' => 'up one level', //cpg 1.4
 'current_path' => 'current path', //cpg 1.4
 'select_directory' => 'please select a directory', //cpg 1.4

QuoteNotice: Undefined index: folder in D:\Localhost\dev-Coppermine\devel\minibrowser.php on line 151
On Startpage from minibrowser.php this variable is not defined. I've change this line to the following:
if ((!empty($_REQUEST['folder']) || !empty($_REQUEST['startfolder'])) && ($folder != '' && $folder!= '/')) {
Hmm, not sure if it's ok, but it seams to work...

QuoteNotice: Undefined index: PATH_TRANSLATED in D:\Localhost\dev-Coppermine\devel\include\ on line 2680
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_SERVER_VARS in D:\Localhost\dev-Coppermine\devel\include\ on line 2681
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_SERVER_VARS in D:\Localhost\dev-Coppermine\devel\include\ on line 2682
- $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] is not defined on every PHP-Installations.
- the old servervariable HTTP_SERVER_VARS is not global in this function
my solution:
change line 2680 to this:
   if (isset($_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"])) $path_from_serverroot[] = $_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"];
and delete line 2681-2682
hope, I could help you... :)


Uuuups, edit the previous post...  :o

QuoteNotice: Undefined index: select_directory in D:\Localhost\dev-Coppermine\devel\minibrowser.php on line 82

I've seen, that the correct caption is printed out over the iFrame...

change line 82 in minibrowser.php to this:
hope, I could help you... :)


 still one ;)

The html-title Tag is not correct.

<title><?php echo $CONFIG['gallery_name'?>: <?php echo $lang_fullsize_popup['click_to_close'];

The Variable $lang_fullsize_popup is not defined when minibrowser.php is active. And the message is not indicated anyway in a iframe.
i've change this lines to:
<title><?php echo $CONFIG['gallery_name'?></title>

ps, my versioninfo:
  Coppermine version: 1.4.1
  $Source: /cvsroot/coppermine/devel/minibrowser.php,v $
  $Revision: 1.9 $
  $Author: gaugau $
  $Date: 2005/01/23 08:05:29 $
hope, I could help you... :)

Joachim Müller

not sure how to keep track of the issues brought up on this thread - I committed some of the changes you suggested here, please check out minibrowser.php, include/ and lang/english.php
Please confirm changes and report what issues are still open for you.



Ok, the "main-error" is fixed.
a picture says more than words:
hope, I could help you... :)


Maybe it's a windows/apache2 thing. I get this in Notices:

    * Notice line 45: Undefined index: HTTP_PROTOCOL


    * Notice line 551: Undefined variable: iframe_startfolder

I do have folders in the albums folder but it says:
QuoteThere are no folders inside the "albums" folder yet. Make sure to create at least one custom folder within "albums" folder and ftp-upload your files there. You mustn't upload to the "userpics" nor "edit" folders, they are reserved for http uploads and internal purposes.

If I say No to the browsable interface, the folders show up.

On my webhost server running linux, apache 1, the minibrowser works.


we've fixed a few problems with the minibrowser due to some cross platform problems.

These issues are probably fixed as well, can you retest.


Hi :)

here the errors in detail:

QuoteNotice: Undefined index: HTTP_PROTOCOL in D:\Localhost\dev-Coppermine\devel\bridge\ on line 45
$_SERVER[HTTP_PROTOCOL] is never defined. Not in Windows and not in Linux.
- $_SERVER under Windows:
- the same file under Linux:

QuoteNotice: Undefined variable: HTTP_SERVER_VARS in D:\Localhost\dev-Coppermine\devel\include\ on line 2672
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_SERVER_VARS in D:\Localhost\dev-Coppermine\devel\include\ on line 2673
$HTTP_SERVER_VARS is not superglobal. Use global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; before line 2672.
Or delete this 2 Lines, because this:     $path_from_serverroot[] = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"];
    if (isset($_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"])) {
       $path_from_serverroot[] = $_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"];
does exactly the same.

CVS checkout from today :)
hope, I could help you... :)


I'm not sure about the HTTP_PROTOCOL, but I think you are correct.  However, I'll let someone else comment on this.  The old globals are wrong and shouldn't be used.  They were all removed a long time ago, so I'm not sure where they came from.  I see a few more files with old variables in them as well.

Thanks.  Will fix shortly.
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I fixed everything except the HTTP_PROTOCOL, until someone verifies SERVER_PROTOCOL is what should be used.  See if those notices go away now.
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Changing HTTP_PROTOCOL to SERVER_PROTOCOL works fine for me.  Fixed but awaiting confirmation before I commit.
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I believe omni is the one that added that code; I don't think it matters much if we change it to "SERVER_PROTOCOL", matter of fact I do think thats what was intended.

It is just used to create a semi-unique key to keep from having id collisions.

Joachim Müller

I agree, HTTP_PROTOCOL was added only recently. It doesn't work anywhere I tested this on - Donnoman, please commit your suggested changes.



Kego since you already have it done and tested, go ahead and commit.

Joachim Müller

urm, sorry - I didn't read carefully enough. Of course I meant you (Dave) as well, as you already prepared the fix.



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