How can i put on my site front page the Recent Added Albums? - Page 2 How can i put on my site front page the Recent Added Albums? - Page 2


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How can i put on my site front page the Recent Added Albums?

Started by ojohn, November 14, 2003, 09:50:31 PM

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Joe Belmaati

did you have a chance to look at the files I sent you...?

Thank you very much for your kind help!

Joe Belmaati
Copenhagen, Denmark

Joachim Müller


sorry, I didn't have the time yet, but it's on my agenda, promise!


Joe Belmaati

I really do appreciate it..!

Joe Belmaati
Copenhagen Denmark


I try to built the ssi mod into the index page but i get this error message:

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: function in c:\webroot\coppermine\ssi.php on line 67

What i did wrong?

Joachim Müller

nothing, it's just a notice - change your error level in php.


Joe Belmaati

I changed my root path, and I no longer get the "failed to include" error in example.php, however when I execute the file I get the following error:

QuoteParse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /hotel/belmaati/WWW/gallery/ssi.php on line 124

This is an example of the usage of ssi.php
This is how to ouput a table containing the thumbnails linking to the most recent pics:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: cpg_thumb() in /hotel/belmaati/WWW/gallery/example.php on line 41

Could this still be related to my root path or is something else wrong..?

Thanks in advance,

Joachim Müller

you'll have to get rid of the parse error first, this shoould be easy to track (it's php saying "your syntax is incorrect") - look for some missing semi-colons or quotes.


Joe Belmaati

This is the code in line 124 in ssi.php. I can't tell what's missing there.

if ($cpg_link_target=="popup")

code from line 120-130
  $return_value.= "<a href=%22%22;
    if ($cpg_link_singlepic==1)
       if ($cpg_link_target=="popup")
          $return_value.="javascript:;\" onClick=\"MM_openBrWindow('".$url_of_cpg_dir."displayimage.php?pid=".$row['pid']."&fullsize=1','".uniqid(rand())."','toolbar=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,width=".($row['pwidth']+16).",height=".($row['pheight']+16)."')\"";

Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you very much,
Joe Belmaati
Copenhagen Denmark

Joe Belmaati

should line 121 be

$return_value.= "<a href=%22%22>";


[edit: tried that and got a whole bunch of errors. I'm a php novice, so any help is MUCH appreciated!]

Joachim Müller

somehow your ssi.php file has been corrupted, the line should be $return_value.= "<a href=\"";instead of $return_value.= "<a href=%22%22>";Do you happen to edit ssi.php (and example.php) with a wysiwyg editor like MS Frontpage? If your answer is yes: get a fresh copy of ssi.php (re-download or look for the zip, if it's still on your hard drive) and only edit it with a text editor (notepad.exe will do fine).
Never edit a file containing other things than plain html with a wysiwyg editor (in fact, never use frontpage at all :wink: )!


Joe Belmaati

MADE IT WORK!!! Thanks, Gaugau!!

'!@[%&$$! MS Frontpage...! I trashing all my doings in FP and moving everything over to Dreamweaver.

Once again, thanks for your help!!

Joe Belmaati
Copenhagen Denmark

Joe Belmaati

The script is totally cool!

Is there any way to make the fetched thumbnails appear on a vertical string instead of a horizontal one?

Thank you so much for the help.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: "Joe Belmaati"Is there any way to make the fetched thumbnails appear on a vertical string instead of a horizontal one?
try this: in ssi.php, look for$return_value="<table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" align=\"center\" class=\"maintable\" border=\"0\">";
$td_start="<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"thumbnails\" align=\"center\">\n";
and change it to$return_value="<table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" align=\"center\" class=\"maintable\" border=\"0\">";
$td_start="<tr>\n<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"thumbnails\" align=\"center\">\n";


How do i make it show the pictures name under the picture?

Joachim Müller


Gaugau.. I've testet your add-on for a while. It works good, but it doesn't support long filenames. The link works, but not the thumb......


albums/userpics/thumb_Wingover%20en%20la%20Portada.jpg (the path from the first page)

albums/userpics/thumb_Wingover%2520en%2520la%2520Portada.jpg (the path from coppermine album)

Do you have a new version or patch out?

Joachim Müller

no, sorry. Like I said earlier: ssi.php is not recommended anymore...



Gaugau. Your mod works fine for me.

How will only pictures from a certain category shown on the frontpage?

Joachim Müller

you can only have it display pics from a certain album, but not a certain category. This will hopefully be in a future version of this mod (which I still haven't started coding yet :wink: ).



Is there a html script for this mod?

I have a portal with boxes which allows for htmls and would like to link the recent added pics to it.