Tableless CSS theme 'badger' available - Page 2 Tableless CSS theme 'badger' available - Page 2


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Tableless CSS theme 'badger' available

Started by adamish, March 17, 2005, 10:52:23 PM

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Quote from: adamish_ on April 09, 2005, 04:09:09 PM
Never thought of using DD/DT tags for thumbnails, will look into it. i always thought of them for definitions at the end of technical documents etc.
But thumbnails are just a definition (picture + title) and a description (caption, details)
This is an interesting article that worths a read... look specially at the photo gallery example  ;)


I'm confused? I've heard folks on this forum say things like "current browsers aren't ready yet for completely tableless themes" and other things along those lines. Where have they been for the last five years? ESPN, Wired, Inc. Magazine and on and on!  I've built tableless sites since 2000 and have been developing them for commercial use since 2002.

I'm working on a 100% tableless, CSS-P and XHTML complaint theme.To avoid any repetitive mistakes or problems with CPG I'd love to swap info with someone who is also experienced with CSS-P designs.
For an XHTML complaint CSS-P gallery theme do I need to be using CPG 1,4x? Or, will CPG 1.3x work fine?
Will I have to modify displayimage.php to get 100% CSS-P?
What is the relationship between displayimage.php and theme.php?

Thanks for all your help - and thank you to the CPG dev team for all your hard work!
Best regards,

Tarique Sani

Most ideal would be cpg NG that is Coppermine Next Generation but it will take atleast a couple of months even for the first beta to make its appearence, so for now I would suggest go with 1.4.x
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz

Joachim Müller

bumping this thread to the top with a task that is open: badger was created while cpg1.4.x was still in beta stage. During development of cpg1.4.x, the theming has changed quite a bit. As a result, the badger theme is missing some mandatory stuff. So if someone would like to go ahead and try making what's available so far work with the actual cpg1.4.x release: your contribution would be welcome.
