Gallery and Coppermine Merger (April Fool's) Gallery and Coppermine Merger (April Fool's)


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Gallery and Coppermine Merger (April Fool's)

Started by Joachim Müller, April 01, 2005, 06:55:29 AM

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Joachim Müller

In a move designed to stun the market, the Gallery team has publicly announced its plans to merge with the Coppermine project. "After Yahoo bought Flickr we started feeling a little bit left out! Why do those corporate droids get to do all the acquisitions?" asked Bharat Mediratta, co-founder of the Gallery project, in a joint press conference. Joachim "GauGau" Müller, the lead developer for Coppermine, added "It's time for us open source guys to get in on the fun of burning money by making senseless acquisitions!"

Market analysts have been quick to point out that a merger will be tricky. The members of each team are scattered all over the globe, and most of them have never met each other in person. However, both teams are optimistic that things will go smoothly and are quick to downplay any tension between the projects. "The rumors of a bar fight between Bharat and myself in Lisbon last year are completely unfounded", claimed GauGau. Bharat is quick to add "It was barely even an argument. Everybody knows that Emacs is superior to Vim."

The teams have agreed that the merged project with the catchy new name, "Gallercopperminery" will approach open source in a new and innovative way. Instead of providing a free, high quality product with world class tech support, the teams have agreed to switch to a model where they implement every single feature request that the users suggest in the forums. "The user always has a better idea of what features we should add, according to a recent Gartner report. Who are we to question that?" asks Christian Mohn, a senior Gallery support team member. "And," adds Christopher Brown-Floyd, a developer from the Coppermine team, "they always seem to know just how to implement the feature themselves so we don't have to design it ourselves. This saves us a lot of precious mental energy."

In addition to this novel approach, the team has decided that it will best serve the user's needs if it drops support for tricky operating systems like Unix and Windows and switch their focus to shipping the new product on the Sony Playstation Portable. "It's clear that every person on the planet will own a PSP before the end of the year, and it's much trendier than an iPod" remarked Jay Rossiter, a lead developer for the Gallery team.

Contact: Chris Kelly (
Public Relations Manager
Related sites: Gallery, Coppermine



I can't believe it: This morning after reading your announcement I drove to the next big city to buy a Sony Playstation Portable but they are sold out! I asked for the reason and in every computer market the same answer: It's because of this "Gallercopperminery-Project". So I went back home, jumped into my bed, closed my eyes and started to dream about the good old coppermine times. If only we could turn back time.

Can anybody help?

Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights! - Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!


argh. Just when I thought I couldn't get any more gadgets, I have to go get PSP so I can work on Gallercopperminery . :-\\

Tarique Sani

The new project will have donations turned on - those will be used to get PSP for the developers - of course there will be some riders but it is hoped that the developers wont be spending out of their pockets.

We also plan to start - Donate a PSP to your fav dev campaign....
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


April Fools' Day!
I'm not fool...  8)  ;D


Arrf !

this is a joke of April first  ;D  ;)

jps - normandy - france



it's not nice that you deleted my comment saying that this is an april 1th joke!  >:(
no freedom of speech at coppermine?!?


Quote from: nova-bossa on April 01, 2005, 04:02:53 PM
it's not nice that you deleted my comment saying that this is an april 1th joke! >:(
no freedom of speech at coppermine?!?
It's not nice of you to spoil the fun for us. We spent time preparing for this and then you ruin it for others.

Joachim Müller

your irrelevant little comment was just temporarily removed, as it is a "spoiler" - this is "best practise" on most forums. Posting again, asking why we removed it (re-posting the spoiler) just shows others what kind of person you are. If you need this ego trip (telling everyone how incredibly smart you are to find out the obvious), why don't you go outside and play with the other kids ::)?

Removed the spoiler posting from the "merger" thread and moved them somewhere safe - they will be added later (on April 2nd) again to the original thread.



You had me going until I read that you'll implement every single user request...


to the "smart" ones:
if you realize that this is a joke just don't say it!!!
your message will be deleted without warning, other users will crucify you, ask you to play with other "kids", you are going to be banned and called a spoiler...  ::)

do you want to be a spoiler?
take care!

ps: i'm going to play with other "kids" now...


lieber gaugau!

es wäre alles ein netter witz gewesen, wärest du nicht so steif und selber, wie man sieht, humorlos. deine handlung ist sehr unflexibel und intolerant. aber anscheinend brauchst du das, du fühlst dich super stark, wenn du jemanden, der nur spontan war und sich über den "witz" freute, schnell verteufelst und verbannst. du scheinst dich beim verbannen super mächtig zu fühlen, nicht wahr? in wirklichkeit ist das nur ein zeichen von schwäche und flexibilitätslosigkeit. aber wenn es dir spass macht, so steif zu sein, dann bitteschön... verbann und verteufel mich und werde glücklich!  ;D

übrigens: die deutschen sind nicht in der welt dafür bekannt, das humorvollste volk zu sein... also, es passt eh alles zusammen!  :)


WOW! you had me going for a while... I was getting very very worried... haha  ;D ;D I the lines.
Quote from: GauGau on April 01, 2005, 06:55:29 AM
The teams have agreed to switch to a model where they implement every single feature request that the users suggest in the forums.

In addition to this novel approach, the team has decided that it will best serve the user's needs if it drops support for tricky operating systems like Unix and Windows and switch their focus to shipping the new product on the Sony Playstation Portable.

But I have to disagree with the following assessment.

Quote from: GauGau on April 01, 2005, 06:55:29 AM
Everybody knows that Emacs is superior to Vim."

VIM is far superior. Emacs is only superior for those whom are editor challenged.  ;) ;)
Please do not PM me with support questions. Please read the manual and then if posting questions please place them in the proper sub-boards.


Quote from: spoiler on April 01, 2005, 07:35:13 PM
übrigens: die deutschen sind nicht in der welt dafür bekannt, das humorvollste volk zu sein... also, es passt eh alles zusammen! :)
I'm not German, but I think your behavior is immature and selfish. I have a sense of humor since I have been editor-in-chief of a school newspaper and my favorite edition is the April Fool's one. But I don't think your behavior is funny.

I don't understand why you are so insistent on annoying the team, spoiler/bossa-nova/nova-bossa. You have received plenty of assistance from here and it's too much for you to repay the favor with your cooperation. ::)

Joachim Müller

Quote from: bossa-nova on April 01, 2005, 07:00:41 PM
ps: i'm going to play with other "kids" now...
Well, why didn't you? Why did you have to come back a third time, trying to turn this thread into a "flame war"?

Quote from: spoiler on April 01, 2005, 07:35:13 PM
es wäre alles ein netter witz gewesen, wärest du nicht so steif und selber, wie man sieht, humorlos. deine handlung ist sehr unflexibel und intolerant. aber anscheinend brauchst du das, du fühlst dich super stark, wenn du jemanden, der nur spontan war und sich über den "witz" freute, schnell verteufelst und verbannst. du scheinst dich beim verbannen super mächtig zu fühlen, nicht wahr? in wirklichkeit ist das nur ein zeichen von schwäche und flexibilitätslosigkeit. aber wenn es dir spass macht, so steif zu sein, dann bitteschön... verbann und verteufel mich und werde glücklich! ;D
You have been banned for only one day (unable to post, but able to do everything else you could think of, including reading and sending PMs). I sent you a PM, explaining why I temporarily removed your postings and that I was going to put them back tomorrow. Why do you make a feud out of this?

Quote from: spoiler on April 01, 2005, 07:35:13 PMübrigens: die deutschen sind nicht in der welt dafür bekannt, das humorvollste volk zu sein... also, es passt eh alles zusammen! :)
Are we a bit racist?



hey, gaugau!
wie ist denn so das gefühl, humorlos zu sein und user aus DEINEM tollen forum zu verbannen?
fühlst du dich dabei stark? mächtig?
tolles gefühl, was?  ;D



Slow down, life is too short to get upset.

This thread started in a funny way and shouldn't end up in a disaster ...  ::)

Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights! - Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!


This is a joke right? Or is this serious?


Quote from: Cyberpawz on April 02, 2005, 04:08:06 AM
This is a joke right? Or is this serious?

hey, don't say it's a joke. you are going to be BANNED!!!
i said just the same like you and i got banned three times.  ::)

very interesting when people who make a joke have no humor and bann you for saying that it is a joke...