second admin in the gallery but not in the board... second admin in the gallery but not in the board...


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second admin in the gallery but not in the board...

Started by IckZ, February 02, 2005, 08:25:45 PM

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I hope that you can help me... I'm using the board from wbb and the bridge etc. I want to let another user be an admin in the gallery cause he makes also pictures and he should controll the gallery too but i don't want that he is also an admin in the board... how could i manage this?


i've searched the board but i didn't found any artikle for this problem only threads where somebody want an second admin without using a bridge or the info that i could change it in the bridge file oder in the database but no code or something....


Try changing this line in the bridge file:

define('USER_IS_ADMIN', ($USER_DATA['mgroup'] == WBB_ADMIN_GROUP));


define('USER_IS_ADMIN', (($USER_DATA['mgroup'] == WBB_ADMIN_GROUP)) || (USER_ID == 123));

where 123 is the id of the other user o be made admin.

Same for $USER_DATA['has_admin_access']= ($USER_DATA['mgroup'] == WBB_ADMIN_GROUP);

change to

$USER_DATA['has_admin_access']= (($USER_DATA['mgroup'] == WBB_ADMIN_GROUP) || (USER_ID == 123));


so how should I change the code if i want to have 2 second admins ?? could anybody help me?


($USER_DATA['mgroup'] == WBB_ADMIN_GROUP || USER_ID == 123 || USER_ID == 456)
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