Thumb of Video. Thumb of Video.


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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Thumb of Video.

Started by damscot, April 24, 2005, 01:25:25 AM

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I'am just installing successfully CPG 1.3.3.
I was trying to add mp4 file produce by my sanyo digital movie C1 product. I successfully update the typefile table in Mysql to manage mp4 file. but mplayer plugin failed to display it from firefox.

then I produce mpg file from the mp4 file from mencoder
mencoder -oac mp3lame -ovc copy test.mp4 -o test.mpg

Now i would like to change the basic icons displaying the movie file by the 1st frame of the mpg file. I generate it from mplayer
mplayer -nosound -frames 1 test.mpg -vo jpeg

it produces a 0000001.jpg that i rename to test.jpg.

Then using FTP upload, I was trying to upload the two files in the album repository thinking that the jpg will replace the standard video icons thumb by the first frame of my video.

It generate un error while displaying the albums  ??? :
Warning: getimagesize(albums/Night_Fever/30%20ans%20mark/thumb_test.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/html/coppermine/include/ on line 1065

any idea... to implement this feature.   ;D


Ok ...
I found a solution !!!!  ;D

first I just have to create a thumb_test.jpg file to create a customized thumbnail of my video file.

Concerning the error ... It seems that for video, It doesn't support space caracter "%20" inside directory name for thumb imaga access.
I think this is a bub !  :o