Google sitemaps - Page 4 Google sitemaps - Page 4


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Google sitemaps

Started by Nibbler, June 09, 2005, 06:16:51 PM

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if albums are not in one category this sitemap doesn´t work?


get just one page.. and it´s not in html (i use sef_url) are in php!

any tips?


I am having an issue with the sitemap as it has 1 error is not part of the domain

It is referencing that it does not have the tailing slash.

In my config I have set as my url

What do I need to change so it adds the tailing slash in the sitemap for the base url?


i cannot make this works  too

cofee cup site mapper works very good for me


I have found a solution that added the tailing slash to the base url and which made it so there are no errors on the sitemap according to Google.

in sitemap.php

echo '<url>';
echo "<loc>$base</loc>";
echo "<priority>1.0</priority>";
echo '</url>';

echo '<url>';
echo "<loc>$base/</loc>";
echo "<priority>1.0</priority>";
echo '</url>';


Quote from: Dagon on June 19, 2005, 03:53:11 PM
Very nice, however it seems the files are the exact opposite as you describe.  The simple zip is actually for PHP5/xml and CPG 1.4.x, and the plus zip is for PHP4.1+ and CPG 1.2+.

Where Can I find the simple zip or plus zip?  Thanks


Attached to the first post.


Thanks for the script.

Is there a way to import another sitemap in to the one thats generated through this script?

or even for the script to crawl the main website and add as needed, minus anything found in robots.txt



No, that would be a whole new script.


Ive found a workaround if any one interested in importing their xml in to their normal site sitemap.xml...
what ive done is...

Installed and ran, GSiteCrawler, wich was posted a bit further up by another user. (Thanks)
Configure your site.
Add FTP.

Under Filter/Ban URLs...
Import your robots.txt
Click add, and add the url to your coppermine/gallery directory
You dont want this program to crawl your gallery.

Then go to URL List
If theres anything thats in their, delete it all.
Then click (Re)Crawl at the top.

This will populate the url list with your normal site, minus anything in robots.txt and coppermine gallery.

Then on each line click the tickbox manual.
(You do this so you can delete all non manual entrys (from this script) when you need to update)

Then click the Import arrow, and select Existing google sitemap-file.
open from your http://web/coppermine/sitemap.xml file
(the sitemap.php script should be configured to dump the file on your server)

Import em, and dont delete your current list, when it asks.

and thats it, then click generate, and it will upload to your ftp settings, and notify google.

When you need to update, boot it up, select Delete all non-manual links, from the url list. And import the same way, and generate.

Things you might want to keep in mind.
You could set your main index.html or main site to 1.0 priority, if you do this, open up the sitemap.php script and edit...

echo '<url>';
echo "<loc>$base</loc>";
echo "<priority>1.0</priority>";
echo '</url>';


echo '<url>';
echo "<loc>$base</loc>";
echo "<priority>0.90</priority>";
echo '</url>';

or whatever priority you want for your main coppermine/gallery directory.

Hope this makes sence, and is of some use to anyone.




this is a nice script... but i got 1 recust...

is it porseball to make the script automated over writh the old sitemap.xml??

my ide is to make a Cronjob to update the sitemap every day so google can get the newest site map every time they update and so i dont need to update it every time...




i got it...

if you find:

echo '<url>';
echo "<loc>$base</loc>";
echo "<priority>1.0</priority>";
echo '</url>';

And replasing the:

echo "<loc>$base</loc>";


echo "<loc>$base/</loc>";

it will work...

and you can now point google sitemap at the .php file... at this mode you will always got your sitemap updated...

Thanks from here...  and thx for the nice script....



i have no categories in my coppermine.
So this is the result.
tested simpel and the plus version.
is there a chance ?

thx and greets.


Generated Sat, 21 Apr 2007 13:46:46 +0200 in 0.04 seconds.





Quote from: loot on April 21, 2007, 01:51:05 PM

i have no categories in my coppermine.
So this is the result.
tested simpel and the plus version.
is there a chance ?

thx and greets.


Generated Sat, 21 Apr 2007 13:46:46 +0200 in 0.04 seconds.




Same problem here - it doesn't appear to work for those of us using albums instead of categories.  :'(



This script generates a beauty-full site map.
The only thing is that it´s named 1 not sitemap.xml
What I am I doing wrong?



What did you set FILEDUMP to at the top of the script?



You mean this entry? /ble via fopen('sitemap.xml')), or fa/?


Here is the top section of my script!


   Google sitemap generator for PHP4.1+ and CPG 1.2+

// use time of last comment on a pic as lastmod ? (if false then we just use pic's upload time (ie. db, not EXIF) which is cheaper)
define('INC_COMMENT_TIMES', false);

// dump the sitemap to a specified file (or generally anything accessible via fopen('sitemap.xml')), or false to output straight to user agent.
// Be aware that if you enable this and the output buffer exceeds php's memory limit and ini_set() fails the script will crash and burn.
// Use a .gz or .xml.gz ending if you are making a compressed file.
//define('FILEDUMP', 'sitemap.xml');
define('FILEDUMP', true);

// use gzip compression ? disable if you have zlib output compression enabled
// Zlib support in PHP is not enabled by default. You will need to configure PHP --with-zlib[=DIR]
// The windows version of PHP has built in support for this extension. You do not need to load any additional extension in order to use these functions.
// Note: Builtin support for zlib on Windows is available with PHP 4.3.0.
define('GZ_COMPRESS', false);

// [0.0 <= priority <= 1.0]
define('P_DISPLAYIMAGE', 0.5);
define('P_ALBUM', 0.5);
define('P_CATEGORY', 0.5);

// [changefreq = always || hourly || daily || weekly || monthly || yearly || never]
define('CF_DISPLAYIMAGE', 'unspecified');
define('CF_ALBUM', 'unspecified');
define('CF_CATEGORY', 'unspecified');

define('IN_COPPERMINE', true);

// This should work as it is, but hardcode if necessary.
define('CPG14', version_compare(COPPERMINE_VERSION, "1.4.0", ">="));
define('PHP5', version_compare(phpversion(), "5", ">="));

// No user servicable parts below here


Set it to the filename you want or to false. true is not an option.



Php is not my arena for sure!




Simple version easily installed and configured, and working properly.
Many thanks to Nibbler.