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Reward system

Started by lasa, October 18, 2003, 09:54:13 AM

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I have a new feature request idea. How more a user comments the photo, how more he can do in the gallery.
If a user has comment 50 photo's, he can access a download page.
If a user has comment 100 photo's, he can be a VIP, with more access, et cetera...

Is this achievable? (It would be nice;))


Tarique Sani

Yes this is achieveable BUT the utility of such an addtion is severely limited for most of the users.

Try putting out a note that you are willing to pay someone to do it for you in the general discussion forum. Someone just might respond...
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


No, I don't wanna pay for it. Maybe there are other people that can also use the function and maybe there are users who can make a mod, but i don't gonna pay for it.


yes  :x  the second coppermine becomes hire-a-coder i leave in disgust

Tarique Sani

Quote from: "John"yes  :x  the second coppermine becomes hire-a-coder i leave in disgust
Oh! really  :shock:  Care to explain why?

Note : I never said that you hire *one of the dev team members* , not that I find anything wrong with that either
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


no not really, but I would think pay-per-code isnt something the original developer had in mind for the model of this script? opensource community should be free. Plus, many in the opensource world, including me, have given what help we can in the past on various projects, for the development of the project as a whole.

Maybe if using coppermine for commercial use it would be viable to pay for something specificly needed post-haste, but doesnt this sort of action grate in the opposite direction of what community opensource software is all about?

Note: I knew your comment was not nes. directed at dev team member
2nd note: I have nothing more to say on this matter


Please, stay on-topic, maybe there is someone who can code this in coppermine...

Tarique Sani

Quote from: "John"Maybe if using coppermine for commercial use it would be viable to pay for something specificly needed post-haste, but doesnt this sort of action grate in the opposite direction of what community opensource software is all about?

Not at all! In fact this is one of the accepted open source business models... Pay for customisation of software to suit your taste.

In case you notice the first demand was sufficiently specific for me to state that the custom development be sought - I am sure none of the dev team members will disagree with me if I try to generate some sort of employment opportunity for some struggling coder somewhere in the world.

In case you want to read more about OS business models see when you finish reading that read the three resources at the bottom completely - once you are finished with that we will talk more if you wish.
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


@ tarique : I bow to your wisdom :)

My point: Is just that I presonally believe for most users of this script paying for code is the last option, even not an option at all. I wouldn't begrude someone make money in his own time. BUT, if the code is written (and paid for), it would be nice if the person who paid should make it available to the dev team to help with future development.

sorry for sending this topic off key... feel free to delete my posts

Tarique Sani

Quote from: "John"if the code is written (and paid for), it would be nice if the person who paid should make it available to the dev team to help with future development.
Well... if the customisation is done such that the code is not going to be redistributed then we (Dev Team) have to depend on the kindness of the person to give it to us BUT however if the person redistributes the code (commercially or otherwise) then GPL makes it mandatory for him to give the code back under GPL!!!

OK lets close this topic now - or we will have to split it to general discussion.

P.S. no accolades or apologies expected - just a bit of better understanding as to how things work in Open Source :)
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


So there is nobody who can make this feature?

Tarique Sani

@lasa - Stop your rapid fire posts before one of the moderators really gets offended and kicks you out.

Read the FAQ
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Yeah, but I scare up by this message:
'OK lets close this topic now'

Therefore is my previous post...


lasa, I think they were just closing the topic of whether or not someone should pay for customization... not on your specific request.

Believe me, if my parents weren't coming over today and my wife wasn't asking me to make sure the laundry gets finished and put away and the bed gets made and we didn't have plans with friends tonight and leaves to rake and bowling tomorrow, I'd start hashing out this fairly complex mod you're requesting... but, since my life is about as busy as it can get, and, I personally have very little use for this mod, I'm going to have to defer for now.
Read the Online DOCs,FAQ, and SEARCH the board BEFORE posting questions for help.



Tarique meant that he and John would end their conversation regarding the merits of paying for customization.  Your topic will stay here, so you do not need to worry.

Your feature request is very creative, but it is also a lot of work.  :) For now, just leave this request open.  At some point, the development team may move in that direction, but it will not be any time in the near future.  

One of the nice things about CPG is that you can customize it yourself.  If you really like the idea of this feature, I would encourage you to set up a test gallery where you can experiment with changes to the code.  It would be a great way to learn about PHP and complex PHP scripts.  :)

"Then, Fletch," that bright creature said to him, and the voice was very kind, "let's begin with level flight . . . ."

-Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull



Edited by Hyperion - 10/18/2003


if you want a "vip" gallery for users w/ > 100 comments, why dont you create a group for this and then make the album private to that group. then look in say, at which users have >100 comments and just add them to that group.

its not terribly difficult, you dont need an automation process (which 1 script can count and auto move them for you too...thats'd be even simpler).


Tarique Sani

SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Quote from: "boii"Edited by Hyperion - 10/18/2003


if you want a "vip" gallery for users w/ > 100 comments, why dont you create a group for this and then make the album private to that group. then look in say, at which users have >100 comments and just add them to that group.

its not terribly difficult, you dont need an automation process (which 1 script can count and auto move them for you too...thats'd be even simpler).

Because I want to make a custom CPG page for members who has comment more than 100 times. And not a album...