Login issues with PHPBB 2.0.15 and CPG 1.3.2 Login issues with PHPBB 2.0.15 and CPG 1.3.2


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Login issues with PHPBB 2.0.15 and CPG 1.3.2

Started by Cenobitez, September 22, 2005, 03:24:25 AM

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Like Many Others im having what appears to be cookie issues ;(

Contents of Bridge File
define('PHPBB_DB_NAME', 'netgirls_phpbb1'); // The name of the database used by the board
define('PHPBB_BD_HOST', 'localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('PHPBB_DB_USERNAME', 'XXXXXX'); // The username to use to connect to the database
define('PHPBB_DB_PASSWORD', 'XXXXXX'); // The password to use to connect to the database

define('PHPBB_WEB_PATH', '/');
define('PHPBB_COOKIE_PREFIX', 'gallerycookie'); // The prefix used for board cookies

define('PHPBB_TABLE_PREFIX', 'phpbb_'); // The prefix used for the DB tables
define('PHPBB_USER_TABLE', 'users'); // The members table
define('PHPBB_SESSION_TABLE', 'sessions'); // The session table
define('PHPBB_GROUP_TABLE', 'groups'); // The groups table
define('PHPBB_UGROUP_TABLE', 'user_group'); // The group/user table

cpg_redirect Contents

if (!$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
} else {
header("Location: http://".$cpg_host.$cpg_path);

PHPBB Admin Control Panel
Domain Name  netgirls.co.uk
Cookie Domain  netgirls.co.uk
Cookie Path  /
Cookie Name  netgirlscookie
Secure Cookie  disabled
Cookie Length  99999

init.inc.php contents

define('COPPERMINE_VERSION', '1.3.2');
// User database integration
// Uncomment the applicable line if you want to use it
define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'phpbb');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'invisionboard');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'vbulletin23');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'vbulletin30');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'yabbse');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'smf');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'woltlab21');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'punbb');

CPG Config Settings

Cookie Name  gallerycookie
Cookie Path  /
Ecards Taget   http://www.netgirls.co.uk/diablo/

Now if i set define('PHPBB_COOKIE_PREFIX', 'gallerycookie');  to define('PHPBB_COOKIE_PREFIX', 'netgirlscookie'); it appears i can view the main coppermine page and i see my logged in name at the top of coppermine, but then i get logged out of the gallery but left in the forum, then if i close the forum, and reopen it, im logged out of the forum, and i cant log back into the forum and stay logged in unless i change that setting back and clear my cookies. so i have tried both ways.

Both are running in the same database, one is cpg132_ and the other is phpbb_

Test Account U: test P: test

I'm hoping its somethiong else.

Joachim Müller

First of all, you should upgrade from cpg1.3.2 to the most recent stable (cpg1.3.4 currently). Could it be that you've set your bbs to use sessions instead of cookie authentification? Coppermine needs it to be cookie-based, or it won't be able to bridge. Find out using phpbb's control panel.


I cant see where the Sessions OR Cookies thing is. I woild assume it uses cookies are the cookie data matches settings above if i open it in notepad.

I'm going to search the PHPBB site for info on the cookies/sessions thing.