Bug? : config with fruity theme is small Bug? : config with fruity theme is small


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Bug? : config with fruity theme is small

Started by tom, January 11, 2004, 01:23:38 AM

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I am using a RedHat 9 with a Mozilla Browser and I am not sure if the first problem is just releated to the browser or maybe a bug of the fruity theme:

When I log in as admin and than click on config the config appears only in the top frame of the browser. When I than scroll down in this small frame to save the page appears again in normal condition.

I looked at the code and there seems to be no frame involved ....

Does anybody else has such problems ?

Thanks for your help !

Joachim Müller

fruity doesn't use frames, nor iframes. Please post a screenshot...




I basically use the original code and I get this each time I log in as admin and than click on config.

Any ideas on that one ?


P.S. I am still developing on my local Apache - so you can't see the page yet online. However if you think that helps I can put it in a subdirectory of a page and let you see it ...

Joachim Müller

I tested this with my linux box (RedHat9, Gnome2.0) and Mozilla 1.2.1 and can not confirm this behaviour.

If it only happens on the config screen (which is visible only for you) and can't be confirmed by others I'm tempted to say it's a client issue you could well live with...



thanks for your help - this afternoon I uploaded the CPG to a temp. directory so I can post links here in the forum to see some of the points I shared here in the forum.

You mentioned several times, that you appreciate NOT to receive PM an eMail from users which I perferctly understand. But would you be wiilling to test my site with your system - I do have exactly the same versions of RH, Gnome and Mozilla and get the same problem online and local ...

Tomorrow I am going to check our from the office wiht different Windows browsers to see if they have the same problem. SInce I am making the first CPG site for a friend of mine and I am expecting more installations for friends to come up in the future I would of course like the config-area to display normal - especially since my friends do not know so much about computers.


Joachim Müller

OK, you can pm me the data: url, username, pw and a link to this thread for easy reference. Thanks.


Joachim Müller

tested this issue with the login data youPM'ed me: coppermine config page works fine (no "strange" behaviour) with:
  • IE6 on W2K
  • Opera 7.21 on W2K
  • Mozilla 1.2.1 on RH9, Gnome2.0
  • Galeon 1.2.7 on RH9, Gnome2.0[/list:u]I guess this might be some browser misconfiguration, although I must admit I'm not a Linux-geek, so I have no particular idea what may be causing this error or how to resolve things. The usual hint would be to install the browser anew...



I tried in the meantime also several things and found another strange behavior which is also visible to the not-logged-in-users under Windows and is in my opinion related to the above mentioned behaviour:
I first clicked on a album and than on a photo and afterwards on the info-button (red-circle). Than there was a second navigation bar on ther right side. This happens with Mozilla-browser under Linux and Windows 2000 using the fruity-theme:
Could some of you check if you can get the same results ?
Pls. click a bit around and if possible use Mozilla-Browser - I did not get the double Navigation-bar right away and I do not know if it would appear in other browsers (but that would be also nice to find out ...
Does anybody have an idea what could be the problem ?
I really like the fruity-theme (in my personal opinion it is the most creative one I found) and really like to use this theme.

Anybody an idea what could be the solution to the problem ?

Thanks a lot,

Joachim Müller

I noticed this behaviour with other pages as well (not with coppermine/fruity although). I think it's related to overflow : auto;in style.css - try to remove it and see if it works for you.



Quote from: GauGau on January 14, 2004, 09:26:54 AM
I noticed this behaviour with other pages as well (not with coppermine/fruity although). I think it's related to overflow : auto;in style.css - try to remove it and see if it works for you.

I too was experiencing weird behavior only using the "Fruity" theme. I'm running Coppermine 1.3.3 downloaded off of SourceForge in June 2005. My browser is Mac Safari 1.0.3 for MacOSX 1.2.8.

Basically it looked like there was an iframe on the page but Searches of Fruity's template.html and theme.php didn't find anything of the sort. Following GauGau's instructions above for removing the "overflow" line in  Fruity's CSS cleared the problem right up!

Might I suggest that whoever's in charge of including themes with new Coppermine versions remove that line in current and future downloads? That line doesn't appear to do anything but cause browser display trouble... Since GauGau the theme creator says it was okay to remove it back in January 2004, it shouldn't be popping up in June 2005. :-\\

Anyways, glad I found this thread!

Joachim Müller

hm, although the real "culprit" is your browser, the overflow attribute should be parsed properly by modern browsers. However, you have to understand that the sub-board you're posting in is for cpg1.2.x, while you have cpg1.3.x