PHP-Fusion and Coppermine Photo Gallery integration - Page 2 PHP-Fusion and Coppermine Photo Gallery integration - Page 2


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PHP-Fusion and Coppermine Photo Gallery integration

Started by Mr T, July 12, 2005, 11:50:35 AM

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         // URL of your fusion
$this->boardurl = 'http://localhost/fusion';

// local path to your fusion config file

is there anything else to edit on that file or just this


i turn on debug mode and i got this  Fatal error:
While executing query "SELECT u.user_id AS id, u.user_name AS username,
u.user_password AS password, u.user_level AS group_id FROM ``.fusion_users AS u WHERE u.user_id='1'" on 0

mySQL error: Incorrect table name 'fusion_users'


Looks like it didn't pickup your database name, try specifying it.

// Database connection settings
$this->db = array(
'name' => 'type_the_name_of_your_fusion_database_here',
'host' => $db_host,
'user' => $db_user,
'password' => $db_pass,
'prefix' =>$db_prefix



i got new problem everything works fine but when i click on photo to enlarge popup window come out but not the photo that i click just the parts of my site "header and footer", what could be the problem <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script>
this is good in template.html.


Hi nibbler,

Can you help me too. I've read this post 10 times already but still no success.

I've created the file with the content:
// URL of your fusion
$this->boardurl = '';

// local path to your fusion config file

I then used the bridging wizard where I wrote the word "test" as a bridge. I finished the wizard, but after I finish and click on the users to see if the users are linked from Fusion I get an error message:
// URL of your fusion $this->boardurl = ''; // local path to your fusion config file require_once('config.php');
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/sce/public_html/ on line 265

Can you please help me!



You don't create a file, you use the one I posted.


Just 4 words: YOU ARE THE BEST


P.S: I have no idea how I mislooked your file



$this->boardurl = ''  //I left blank

the ../config.php line stayed default

I just tested it and it works perfect!



The only thing I found is that the web publishing is not working if the users are taken from the fusion. It asked me for a password even if I was logged in the gallery and then nothing happenes. If I disable bridging then it works.

Got any ideas mate?  ;D


Hi Nibbler,

There seems to be some issues to the bridbe integration with fusion.

I can login with my fusion password, but I can't upload pictures, I have some script errors, can't make any comments to the pictures,... Do you have any similar feedback from other users? If not I could have specified wrong parameters in bridge file.



hm! i have any problems to create the bridge file!!
can any where help me please??


did it all works except in Coppermine i get this

There was an error while processing a database query.

While executing query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `xmex_fusion`.fusion_users" on 0

mySQL error:

?? dont know what happend!!


I have been using PHP-Fusion and Coppermine for several years now and today I found the CPG-PHP-Fusion bridge. I really became glad since my users aren't computer specialists and by just having to login twice makes them very confused. Thats my real life problems...  ;)

I installed the bridge, but it gives some strange results. My groups seems to have been "reset" in some way. Can anyone explain how groups are handled when bridging CPG with PHP-Fusion? Is it not possible to activate the bridge in a site that has been active for a while?

Is it not possible to use groups other than predefined groups.
I also get an error message when trying to manage users in CPG when bridge is activated. Empty page with only text "No input file specified."

Has anyone faced the same problems as I do??

BTW, I use CPG 1.4.3 and PHP-Fusion 6.00.304.


- Upgrade ASAP to 1.4.9

disable bridge and re-install it with post-base group

and also here is a warning from documentation:
Warning: If you already have users and custom groups in your coppermine database when you enable bbs integration, be aware that they will be lost. If your coppermine users have already created private albums and uploaded pics to them, they will be lost as well!
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


To bee more specific I need to continue my post above... Sorry for my dual replies...

In PHP-Fusion we have two sorts of "group" definitions:
1. user_level (Ther ar 4 different: Superadmin, Admin, Member and Guest)
2. user_groups (which are custom defined at each installation)

What I want to acheive is that only users that are
1) (Superadmin, Admin or Member) as defined by "user_level" and
2) defined as member inte the user_group "Club Members"

shall have the rights to create their own albums in CPG. This results in the effect that Users that are only "Member" will not have priviliges to create their own albums.



Thanks alot for the bridge Nibbler :-)

I have a dilemma that i hope someone might have the answer to...
I'm trying to get cpg in the same window as fusion without having to open cpg in a new window, with no luck.

usually this code works, but where do i put it? or is there another way to solve it..?
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once "subheader.php";
require_once "side_left.php";

Joachim Müller

Coppermine can not be integrated into another page using PHP's include or require command.


alfter that it's able to post comments/upload foto's . How to fix it?