Moving public albums into "User Galleries" Moving public albums into "User Galleries"


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Moving public albums into "User Galleries"

Started by stratcast, July 13, 2005, 05:59:18 AM

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Hi, and thanks for looking at my post  ;D

The current situation of our site:
We are currently running a private server with Apache 1.x and Coppermine 1.3x at
As you can see, all the members have categories (named "nick (realname)") under the category "Private Bilder" (ignore the language, its Norwegian)

Our Problem:
Everybody have administrator rights now (and can post anywhere), but I want to start using the "User Galleries" feature of Coppermine.
As you can see (url above), I have enabled the "User Galleries" function, and a "User Galleries" category has popped up in the gallery root.

So far, so g00d  :D

The solution?
I need to MOVE ALL ALBUMS into "User Galleries" to establish some sort of order in the caos that has started to appear, but Coppermine wont let me move albums into the "User Galleries" folder at all ("User Galleries" and the categories under it is not shown in the move scrollbox)

The reason I want to do this, is to change all the users from "Administrator" to "Registred" and then disable write/upload/move/delete rights outside each users private area under "User Galleries". I also want to make everyone use the "XP Web Publishing Wizard Client" and disable FTP access (batch add) as this is a serious security risk to our site.

Makes sense, eh?  ;D But the users will be furious if I delete all their old albums and give them an empty private user gallery :D

Thanks again for looking at my post, and all help is appreciated.


Found some help in

(unless anyone have a better way of doing this)



i dont want "move" photos to user galleries. i want that users send their photos to their own user gallery´s. +- automatic create an album with their username. its that possible ??? ???


Joachim Müller

has been asked before. Search the board. Short answer: not out of the box, code changes needed.


if my problem is already solved,help me to find the resolution in the forum.because I do not find  :( :( :-[

Tks very much, and sorry bad english

Joachim Müller

hijacking a thread that deals with something different and that has been tagged as "solved" was not a very bright idea from the start, it makes supporters reluctant to help if you don't respect board rules and common sense.

To accomplish what you're looking for, edit register.php, find    $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} " . "(user_regdate, user_active, user_actkey, user_name, user_password, user_email, user_location, user_interests, user_website, user_occupation) " . "VALUES (NOW(), '$active', '$act_key', '" . addslashes($user_name) . "', '" . addslashes($password) . "', '" . addslashes($email) . "', '$location', '$interests', '$website', '$occupation' )";
$result = db_query($sql);
and add after it$category = FIRST_USER_CAT + USER_ID;
$query = "INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} (category, title, uploads, pos) VALUES ('$category', 'my album', 'NO',  '0')";
(code not tested, do a backup of everything before applying!)