[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 22 [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 22


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[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x

Started by Joachim Müller, July 04, 2005, 10:05:27 AM

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Danish language file updated cpg 1.4.16
Translation based on latest english language file.

Typos and misspelling in FAQ updated
";Exampel"; updated to "Exampel"
XP publishing wizzard FAQ clearified

Mimer  8)


Latvian translation coming in.


 Hello. This is the romanian language for Coppermine 1.14.16 (stable). I have made some corrections.
Feel free to post here eventually mistakes in traduction.Thank you.

Coppermine version: 1.4.16
Revision: 4223


Hi all, here is the Welsh (Cymraeg) translation for 1.4.16.
Feel free to mod as you see fit - or contact me in order to report mistakes. the focus was ease of use (simple but correct language - no impersonal forms / needless mutations / over-technical jargon / "dim tafodiaith").
Full translation (including Windows XP wizard text) except for common abbrevs/acronyms: 'IP', 'SVC', 'EXIF'.

The missing couple of lines (see next post from Nibbler) have been translated/fixed - Thank you Nibbler - much appreciated - the checking was pretty thorough, but I think we lost the will to live by the end! :D
Country list dropdowns suck. They alienate people. Don't label me with the flag of an oppressive regime!


Thanks for your contribution. There is a missing translation here though:

  $lang_register_approve_email = <<<EOT
A new user with the username "{USER_NAME}" has registered in your gallery.

In order to activate the account, you need to click on the link below or copy and paste it in your web browser.

<a href="{ACT_LINK}">{ACT_LINK}</a>


Also, you don't need to translate this:

if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) { die('Nid mewn Coppermine...');}

but at least I learnt some welsh :)

If you want to post the missing translation this can go into the next version of 1.4.


Updated Romanian language pack for Coppermine 1.4.17.
Some corrections was made.

Coppermine version: 1.4.17



There is a slightly improved and modified finnish language file available.

Paavo Nikkilä

events/music photography


File slovak lang - slovak.php.
I complette translate slovak FAQ.
My kontact page - http://www.sturovo.com


Hi all

I will be doing the translation to Afrikaans.



I can help with Russian language if needed.  ???
Join the green campaign - Environmental Articles

Joachim Müller

@ pressurecooker: there already is a mature Russian language file. You're of course welcome to contribute and review or discuss the file.

@ sytze: any progress with the Afrikaans language file?


Joachim Müller

andrija_ng by PM:
Quote from: andrija_ng on September 06, 2008, 05:25:25 PM
i have croatian language pack translation for 1.4.19, but i dont know where to upload them. sorry for bad english
My reply:
Quote from: Joachim Müller on September 06, 2008, 09:39:36 PM
Thanks for your contribution. The place would have been the thread [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x, where you could have attached your contribution. Anyway, thanks for your language file. I have added it to the SVN, so it will be in the next release. I'm posting a copy of this message to the above mentioned thread, so others will get aware of your new translation.





Danish language file for CPG 1.4.19 updated, based on the new english language file, using WinMerge.

Missing translation translated
Danish characters corrected - æ ø å
Few old translations corrected - email -> e-mail, Brovejviser -> Brohåndtering, PM -> PB
Some gramma corrected

Tested on CPG 1.4.19

Mimer  8)


Joachim Müller

Thanks for your readiness to help. A Bulgarian translation already exists for cpg1.4.x (see http://coppermine.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/coppermine/trunk/cpg1.4.x/lang/bulgarian.php?view=log), but you're of course welcome to improve it (see transaltor documentation). In the very near future, the translation stage for cpg1.5.x will start as well - keep an eye on the corresponding accouncement thread that will be published in the very near future. Please do not ask questions related to cpg1.5.x on this thread here, as it is exclusively dedicated to cpg1.4.x.


no problem i can help to translate the multilingual mods also but this is not for this topic if somebody need bulgarian translate im here,almost every day checking the forum :)


Georgian (ka) updated (1.4.23) attached
Would You be so kind to upload it at SVN

thx (and congrats - great script)

Joachim Müller

Thanks for your contribution - your update went into the SVN and will be in cpg1.4.24


Russian updated (1.4.23) attached
Please, upload it to SVN

Thank You!
