User manager / usermgr.php Not Found after vBulletin 3.0.X bridge..... User manager / usermgr.php Not Found after vBulletin 3.0.X bridge.....


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User manager / usermgr.php Not Found after vBulletin 3.0.X bridge.....

Started by TopShelfExotics, August 14, 2005, 01:56:15 PM

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Everything seems to work PREFECTLY finally. Its using the forum names, all is well... EXCEPT:

Whenever you click on "Memberlist", or "Users" it used to go to a 404 page for usermgr.php

The file is indeed there.... But it wont view. I checked the options in the configuration and such and this SHOULD be working correctly. Either way, I had thought this was to point to the userlist for the forums anyways. Either way I am at a loss for words. I do not know what I must modify in order to get this integration working 100%. Anyone help?

I need to know what code to change the administration user link, and the normal members link that everyone can see.

Here is my altered file, it is correct last I checked...

//NOTE : Your vBulletin license number is provided at the top of every php file in your vBulletin installation!
define('VB_CUST_NO''XXXXXXXXXXX'); // Your vBulletin license number (NOT your customer number)
define('VB_DB_NAME''***'); // The name of the database used by the board
define('VB_BD_HOST''localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('VB_DB_USERNAME''***'); // The username to use to connect to the database
define('VB_DB_PASSWORD''***'); // The password to use to connect to the database

// The web path to your vBulletin Board directory
// In this example

vBulletin Forums:

Important Note: The link on our forums points to an OLD installation of coppermine we are converting. Use the link above to navigate to the CORRECT galleries.
C. Johnson
Owner - Top Shelf Exotics


Update..... I found out why it was not working. It was working off of a redirect in the bridge code for vbulletin. It was redirecting it to vbulletins default admincp panel, which is NOT cool considering anyone who clicks the public 'members list' option on the gallery would go to our admin panel. The only reason this did not work and we were getting a 404 error is because our admincp folder is NOT the default name as in most vbulletin installations. Either way, since I obviously did not want everyone going to our admin panel I changed the setting below appropriately:

I changed this.... Which would have linked everyone looking to view our members in the gallery to our forum admin panel had we had the default folder....

// Edit users
function udb_edit_users()
    $target = 'admincp/index.php';

To this.....

// Edit users
function udb_edit_users()
    $target = 'memberlist.php?';

And now whenever anyone clicks on Members List it goes to our member list for our forums located at

BUT.... It does the same thing with the admins "users" button.

Is this the way it is supposed to work? I thought the link for the administrative button would have been different but it seems the code in the bridge file for vbulletin ties both links to that one definition......

Now there is no way to get to the actual user manager..... the redirect controls both the members list and users links. What am I doing wrong or what do I need to add?

If anyone can clarify this for me it would be appreciated. Thanks.
C. Johnson
Owner - Top Shelf Exotics

Joachim Müller

I edited out the db username and password in your above posting. For security reasons, you should change them asap. Never post such sensitive data on a public board!


whoa! Must have been quite tired when I posted that.... thanks for catching it.
C. Johnson
Owner - Top Shelf Exotics