attempting to login to coppermine attempting to login to coppermine


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attempting to login to coppermine

Started by harveypaul, September 27, 2005, 02:51:44 PM

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At first I coulpd not get past the login screen as it did not reconise my username and password.Now I followed instructions and checked in the phpmyadmin file and found that although my username was listed my password was not i.e no password. So I went back and tried to login with username and no password,I rocognised the username and welcomed me then said continue.But it just went back to the same page and did not show an admin screen.I realy need help to login properly please.


You can modify your password with phpMyAdmin.

Then login with your username and this password, should be better.

Let us know how it worked,


@harveypaul: Don't crosspost! You just got two replies from supporters in different threads! >:(


why the admin pass is in plain text?
can i convert it to md5?coz is to unsecure?

Joachim Müller

don't attempt to hijack a thread. Your question is not related to this thread. MD5 encryption of passwords in the database has been discussed, do a search. Locking this thread now.