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CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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Share your galleries

Started by, September 23, 2003, 03:25:09 PM

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Hi guys :-)
here is my gallery:
First Polish Agricultutural Gallery

3 months in business with CPG, 275users, over 2700pictures from all aspects of agricultural business in Poland.
there are few mods and plugins:
SELF links
who is online

and small changes with overall look especially for design

Kind regards,

ps. Big thanks for CPG


I've been reading the forum a lot tonight and went ahead and upgraded from 1.2.0 to the latest version, then I had a few problems, found the fixes here, then bridged all back up with my forum, had a few more problems which I managed to fix, and then decided to make the gallery and phpbb look the same.

I don't they could be any similiar.

Thankyou everyone!

Joachim Müller


It meight be a weird question, but what would be the maximum number on the total viewed counter in your entire album before it likes start at 0 again.
And does anybody know what's the most viewed CPG on the web?

Joachim Müller

It is a weird question, as it doesn't belong into this thread at all! Respect board rules - post on the proper support board that deals with your version in the future. The hit counter in the database is int(10), so you can have a max number of 9,999,999,999 - that's 10 Billion. I doubt that an individual pic in your gallery can get that many hits. If this is not enough, just change that field in your database to whatever you like.

luchtzak using it already for a few years now. Aviation picture gallery: 6840 files in 420 albums and 8 categories with 62 comments viewed 1737424 times  8)


Wanted something really simple to integrate into exisiting design. Will only be displaying computer related images so you can scrap what's there at the moment :-)

Hope it works well for others... I'm still not 100% myself  ???


It's a work in progress, based on the 'Oranje' template but here's mine :)

onr - A site on travel photography which also uses Coppermine and a style based on the Max_ox_x theme. I also implemented there an SEF add-on which not only works for displayimage, thumbnails and search but also the language flags. I can post the code here if people are interested.

Joachim Müller

Site is not related to photography itself, but displays photos. Split from Useful photography sites and merged with proper thread. Please post your modifications in a new thread on the support board. A moderator will move it accordingly if applicable.

Pascal YAP


I see that your gallery has to erase and gummed the Copyright Coppermine.

The Coppermine Dev-Team does not thank you !  ???




Here's my gallery:  Hope you like it!
I still have A LOT of work to do one the gallery and the site as a whole before I'm satisfied... lol.


[Edit GauGau]
Those websites mentioned below are down and/or not related to coppermine. Obviously just board spam. Removed linking and banned user. Ignore!

two websites to recomand



Hello All,
Just wanting to show off my gallery.
It originally started off as a coppermine photo gallery. With time more features were required than was available through coppermine.

Geeklog proved to be a cms which fitted my needs, the bridge was written by TheMike and available here on the coppermine site. Also using several plugins available for the Geeklog CMS, as well as CPM-Fetch for the pictures to show on the Front page. See front page here

I do still need to fix the style sheet, if i want to have the CPG gallery to show within the geeklog header and footer, but all members are currently happy, so eventually that will get done.

The site proves strong and reliable, i would like to thank TheMike for his time and attention to complete the Coppermine - Geeklog Bridge.

Also thank you to the coppermine team for help on little problems when i was first setting up the CPG site.


Kind Regards



Hi I am launch my site today

it is a social networking site for illustrators, it uses coppermine integrated into punbb

thanks for all the support this forum provided.

I also use CPMFETCH on the hompage.

the main coppermine bit

let me know what u think





I worked on uploading an organizing my library for almost a year and now the magazines love it!  Many of my aviation clients are using at as a private stock agency instead of dealing with Corbis or GettyNearly 4000 images later, the database is more than proving its worth.

Some great sites ya'll have created!


Currently maintain two coppermine galleries:

Both have only been up for a couple of weeks, but the general response is very positive (especially compared to what we were running before!)

Daniel Kongos

Hello.  I just installed coppermine for my photography a few days ago and I'm using the rin theme, which is fantastic, and added lightboxplus.  I really like coppermine - wish I'd set it up sooner.