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cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Share your galleries

Started by, September 23, 2003, 03:25:09 PM

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you can see my gallery at
a website dedicated to Asia


An update on my Gallery, powered by Coppermine:


Hein Traag

Quote from: laurent on July 10, 2007, 02:59:18 PM
An update on my Gallery, powered by Coppermine:


Laurent, i do not see the "Powered by Coppermine" text anywhere in you cpg. Accidentally removed ? Please restore it asap.



very respectfully....don't you have anything else to do?

Kind Regards,


Hein Traag

Quote from: laurent on July 10, 2007, 08:12:30 PM

very respectfully....don't you have anything else to do?

Kind Regards,



I do actually. But still i would like to point out that this

We can't stop you from taking that line out but it shows some respect to the dev team who develop cpg.




Then stop making people believe that is is a *legal requirement*. Is it GPL or not?

Additionally there *always* have been a reference to Coppermine on the site (which is accessible on every page by clicking on Legal Notices).
I am very respectfull and gratefull to the Coppermine Dev' Team and especially to the initator of the project Gregory Demar and its successor Joachim Mueller. I have already showed that in other posts.

I do not claim to have coded the Coppermine section of the site neither I try to misslead the visitors.
I did that only for design reasons and I believe that visitors who are coming to look at pictures don't give a .... of which php files are used to display my images (for the same reason I don't put a watermark or copyright notice on the pictures).

La section photoblog de ce site est gérée par Coppermine Gallery -
Ce logiciel est soumis aux termes de la General Public License 1.
1 Les termes de la General Public License sont consultables ici :

I believe the only thing missing is a disclaimer of warranty.

Topic closed for me,


[ironic]Very sad that you brought this subject in such a subject....does this follow the posting best practices?[/ironic]

Joachim Müller

Quote from: laurent on July 10, 2007, 08:33:25 PM
Then stop making people believe that is is a *legal requirement*. Is it GPL or not?
It is a legal requirement. The GNU GPL doesn't say otherwise. The GPL doesn't say that you can do anything you please with a software that is released under GNU GPL. It allows to make a tag like the "Powered by Coppermine" mandatory. We discussed this with OSI and FSF members already. Unless you're an expert or copyright lawyer I suggest not to interpret the GPL as you see fit.

Quote from: laurent on July 10, 2007, 08:33:25 PMI am very respectfull and gratefull to the Coppermine Dev' Team and especially to the initator of the project Gregory Demar and its successor Joachim Mueller.
Then I suggest showing your respect by respecting the wish of Gregory Démar to leave the footer intact. Not too much to ask imo, leaving all legal discussion aside.

Quote from: laurent on July 10, 2007, 08:33:25 PM[ironic]Very sad that you brought this subject in such a subject....does this follow the posting best practices?[/ironic]
Yes, in the thread "Share your galleries", such a discussion doesn't belong. There are many threads already (like the one Hein has refered to) that discuss the license issue. However, it's justified to remind you of the Coppermine tag being a requirement both in legal as well in ethical terms. Hein asked you nicely to respect this. It was you who started an argument. I really would like to split this discussion though from the "Share your galleries" thread, however I don't want people who dispute the need to keep the tag to believe that we shy away from the discussion - that's why I won't move this discussion from this thread.
Every now and then there are people who keep on discussing this issue, and all those debates that usually start in a friendly manner soon end up in a flame war. There is even a third party site (who's webmaster actually resells Coppermine with his own footer replacing the original one and constantly flaming the coppermine dev team on his site). I'm really fed up having to repeat this discussion over and over. Why don't you leave all legal aspects aside and read between the lines, as all free software licences are meant to be understood: there are people who spend a lot of time and effort to create an application - in the first place for their own use. Then they decide to share their work with others and release the software under a free software license (be it GPL or one of the other flavors approved by the OSI), not making their minds up too much over such lame things as copyright details. The bottom line is: they did the works, so they deserve the right to decide what happens with their software. In a next stage, some people come along, download their free copy and spend a very small amount of time (compared to the huge amount of time the original developers and the community around the application have spent to build the app in the first place) to customize the free app and then decide that they deserve the right to change the software in a way that was never intended by the original developers. They tend to hide behind formal and legal arguments, but actually they just behave selfish imo. This is just lame: we're coders, not lawyers. We like sharing our work with others. We do not like having to justify and explain our intentions. In an ideal world, people like you who do something with the app that was not intended would at least undo their "unwanted" changes after having been told so in a calml and friendly manner.
I ask you to stop this argument now and instead restore the credits as they were meant to be kept. If you decide not to do so, then I ask you to stop this argument anyway. If you still decide to continue this discussion, I will split the entire discussion from this thread and move it into a new thread, not for the sake of muting someone who disagrees with our point of view, but simply for keeping this thread in a way that it was designed for.

Joachim Müller
- coppermine project manager -


Gaugau who's flaming?
I am working on replacing Coppermine for my site so you don't get upset that someone is using Coppermine without this wonderful footer! What a glory!

As I said before :Topic closed for me.


Pascal YAP


Vous n'êtes tout simplement pas Fair-Play ni même simplement respectueux du travail réalisé par le Dev-Team de Coppermine  ???

You'r not with us, and nor about our work. Do you understand we work for you ? And yourself you're forgot our Dev-Team.
Thanx for all => K-1



Quote from: laurent on July 11, 2007, 02:36:36 PM
Gaugau who's flaming?
I am working on replacing Coppermine for my site so you don't get upset that someone is using Coppermine without this wonderful footer! What a glory!

As I said before :Topic closed for me.


Wow, this guy sounds like a ungratefull asshole if you ask me :)


Update for benchmarking purposes:

300829 files in 4227 albums and 94 categories with 48259 comments viewed 10003171 times

Dual Xeon 2.8 (dedicated)
4 Gb RAM
2 x 73 Gb SCSI hard drives.

All good - still running smoothly (with powered by coppermine intact *wink*).

Just out of interest - does anyone know of a bigger coppermine installation than ours?  Would be interesting to compare notes.


Joachim Müller

@rubenix: I wasn't able to spot the "Powered by Coppermine" footer on your page. Please restore it!


-->My Gallery<--

Just has a couple mods to the Reynolds theme.


my Hmong Music gallery
with mod connection theme and some modded plugs and added stuff


Hi all,

I would like to point your attention to my photo site at:

This site contains pics of most of my travels with my recent cameras

Canon S-10
Nikon Coolpix 995
Canon G5
Canon EOS D400

Please have a look. Please note that comments from guests have been turned off for spam fighting reasons. Sorry about that.

Best regards,



İf you want to see music clips you can visit my site. You can find English and Turkish songs. Also you can add. No membership.


Joachim Müller

Quote from: gabe1k on July 27, 2007, 10:57:26 PM
Here's my gallery.
Very nice design.


P.S. You're running cpg1.4.10 - you should upgrade to cpg1.4.12