Share your galleries Share your galleries


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Share your galleries

Started by, September 23, 2003, 03:25:09 PM

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Dono which forum to put this on but here it goes.

This is our gallery >

524 pictures in 160 albums and 41 categories- all military related off course!

Please give your feedback, and share your galleries.

PS: Gaugau, remember(if u do) that javascript problem we were discussing on old forum-well fixed it. Everything works great.

Thank u


Read the Online DOCs,FAQ, and SEARCH the board BEFORE posting questions for help.


On my gallery you can find all kind of photos. I've made them with my Canon G5.

The address:
Frans AKA SurfDude || My Gallery


My gallery on //

I just starting up with my gallery, so wait for new photo's.
It will grow up every week.

flex is mine! it's a personal gallery.

Lots of pictures from my recent travels around Europe, taken with my Canon Digital Ixus II. (Still wanting/waiting for video support in coppermine! :p)


A site about photography, all free.
Only 30 pictures or so, but everybody can upload (admin aproved). Already got some great photographs from around the world...
Cool photos, reviews, forums at:
[size=10]Note: Contains  artistic nudity...[/size]


Not mine but I discovered Coppermine through this one


Quote from: "SurfDude"On my gallery you can find all kind of photos. I've made them with my Canon G5.

The address:

How you like your Canon G5?
must be good.
I also looking in this camera,
Can you post larger image with tabletop close up shot to take a look details, please?

My Gallery:
still need more options


I have began in Aout ...

Too many things I don't like :)

(for example, I'm writing on CSS tabless and when we see a pic, first click = popup, 2e click = the popup grows to show the real w/h of the pic so ... click = close win)


here is one that i'm working on the skin let me know what you think


Quote from: "BoneFish"here is one that i'm working on the skin let me know what you think
I like your theme!  :) Can you send a link to a zip file containing the theme?
By the way, there seems to be a bug there.  :? When I click on a thumbnail there is an error message abov the picture:
QuoteWarning: main(include/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/trevor/public_html/displayimage.php on line 25

Warning: main(): Failed opening 'include/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/trevor/public_html/displayimage.php on line 25


Thank you, for the heads up on the error message I was working on trying to implement EXIF data ..... the site is just for app testing ...

As for the theme my copy would do you little good as you would spend as much time removing my proprietary links and logo images as it would take you just to edit the colors in css of the "default theme" that is all that this theme really is


Quote from: "BoneFish"Thank you, for the heads up on the error message I was working on trying to implement EXIF data ..... the site is just for app testing ...

As for the theme my copy would do you little good as you would spend as much time removing my proprietary links and logo images as it would take you just to edit the colors in css of the "default theme" that is all that this theme really is
Than just post your css, if you don't mind! The babies are beautiful!!! :)


Nuked Coppermine: [/list:u]Most popular feature on my site...  8)
    .:: Nothing comes for nothing. Somebody pays in one form or another. ::.
    .:: VinDSL's | The Disipal Site | NukeCops ::.


    Coppermine embedded into a travel-oriented site (German-language):

    Currently I have about 250 photos online from Canada, USA, Crete, and Jamaica; there's more to come. All pictures were taken by me with a Minolta XD7 or a Canon EOS 3.


    //Edit 08/03/2006: Whole new site, whole new template.


    my gallery, at (nothing special)
    Digital Photography Greece Competitions at (with yabb intergration)
    Digital Photography Greece advanced member's usergalleries at (with yabb intergration)
    GR ClubCento (Greek site for small FIATs) gallery at ( <- 868 photos, 55 albums, ~1800 comments and ~65000 views, also with yabb intergation)

    all of them are in Greek.

    Including the tests and some friend's sites, I think I have made more than 10 separate and different installs of coppermine...  :D
    Coppermine is GREAT!!!

    Problems with Greek lang of Coppermine? Contact me!


    Here is my personal site that I've used Coppermine on...using it to share pics with my family and friends.

    I've taken the ssi.php that I believe gaugau provided (correct me if I'm wrong) and add Simon Inns' Summary page to the front page.

    Great stuff on the other sites that are using Coppermine!


    Well, my wife just about killed me just now.  Told her I was working on the Coppermine project and she said "Oh, the stuff we used to put up our wedding pictures?"  I was surprised she remembered that was "Coppermine"....  I said yes.  Well, she was looking over my shoulder and saw the "Share your galleries" and said, "so you posted ours?"  "Well, I posted the band's..."


    Oh well, here it is, with apologies to my wife.
    Read the Online DOCs,FAQ, and SEARCH the board BEFORE posting questions for help.


    Thanks everyone for sharing your wonderful galleries. They are all quite inspiring.

    Here is mine -- pretty minimal....

