BlackBirch-Theme for cpg1.4.x BlackBirch-Theme for cpg1.4.x


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BlackBirch-Theme for cpg1.4.x

Started by snork13, November 24, 2005, 06:47:29 PM

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ramppi made BlackBirch for1.3 version, thought i would port it for the 1.4 release.
Hope this can be moved, and that it was ported correctly.

the zip was too large to attach :P

download here


Joachim Müller

Demo - Download

Thanks for converting it.


Hi Snork13,

Not been visiting here for a while - nice to find out that You have made  blackbirch migration for 1.4(applause) - just thought to fix it in 'these days'.

All Good


One user asked how to link in Blackbirch logo. 'Logo' (site-logob.jpg) is bgr image so it can not be done straight but You can do it like this:

Make a transparent .gif (for example 'site_logotrans.gif') and place it in template.html cell (top left) over your logo- fix size to fit your logo and link to that transparent .gif.

All Good


There is one bug: the charset (iso-8859-1) is hardcoded into the template.html file.


Quote from: ramppi on November 29, 2005, 07:12:21 AM
One user asked how to link in Blackbirch logo. 'Logo' (site-logob.jpg) is bgr image so it can not be done straight but You can do it like this:

Make a transparent .gif (for example 'site_logotrans.gif') and place it in template.html cell (top left) over your logo- fix size to fit your logo and link to that transparent .gif.

All Good

Thanks for your help Matti regarding creating a linkable image.  What I did was modify his line (about line # 25. I made other changes):

td width="25%" align="left" valign="bottom"><span class="topmenu"><a href=""><img src="themes/blackbirch/images/site_logob.jpg" border="0"></a></span></td>

After doing that and playing around with table sizes, it's looking great now!  ;D

Thanks again!


I am also seeing a bug where clicking on the help-icons (the little ? clickable icon when enabled in the config)  with the blackbirch theme enabled, the background is white as well as the text.  Images appear as normal though.  Not sure which file would need to be edited in order to fix this.  Maybe the sytles.css file?


I just downloaded and installed from Sourceforge and the theme says it's valid XHTML and CSS, it doesn't seem to be. I made the necessary changes to the theme to make it valid (at least on my server). Anyone want this?

Edit: Hmm. It's valid. But I still get a bunch of warnings on the CSS. Haven't looke in to this yet.


Quote from: natrlhy on November 29, 2005, 10:58:30 PM
I am also seeing a bug where clicking on the help-icons (the little ? clickable icon when enabled in the config)  with the blackbirch theme enabled, the background is white as well as the text.  Images appear as normal though.  Not sure which file would need to be edited in order to fix this.  Maybe the sytles.css file?

Inserting a color-line after line 168 in style.css solves this problem and gives black text on white background. I don't know if it has any adverse side-effects though.


.tableb {
        background: transparent;
        padding-top: 2px;


.tableb {
        background: transparent;
color : #000000;
        padding-top: 2px;



Inserting a color-line after line 168 in style.css solves this problem and gives black text on white background. I don't know if it has any adverse side-effects though.


.tableb {
        background: transparent;
        padding-top: 2px;


.tableb {
        background: transparent;
color : #000000;
        padding-top: 2px;


Most appreciated!  This worked perfectly.  I did try changing just the background: transparent; to #000000; and it did not look as good with the images.

MANY THANKS! I was viewing the source of the help file pop-up and saw this: <body class="tableb"> but still learning about CSS.

UPDATE: I found the side-effect... other text that was used elsewhere is now black and cannot be read (I was in the catagory section)
Modified it to this and seems OK:

.tableb {
        background: black;
        color : #FFFFFF;


Oh, and while you're mucking about in the stylesheet you might as well fix an error in in it.

Line 428
letter-spacing: 0,5px
should be
letter-spacing: 0.5px



 8) Thanks! What does this change affect?


Quote from: natrlhy on November 30, 2005, 12:04:03 AM
8) Thanks! What does this change affect?

It's just a typo from the person that wrote the stylesheet to begin with. Hopefully it shouldn't change anything noticeably but it avoids any errors in parsing (because a comma is not the same as a dot).


Edit: I mucked about a bit, and I can't really figure out what it actually does. I can't find any changes when changing the value of that. Maybe it's unused?

Joachim Müller


I 've used this excellent theme, and remixed it a bit...
Check it out on :
Would like to thank ramppi and snork13 for theri excellent work!


Theme updated (I updated my galleries to cpg 1.4.4 too). The site body background-color (default=black #000000) is now ruled by .css (instead of template). Also readme.txt updated

Can be loaded here

Working example of BB theme

all good


Done small update to bb-theme. Total site background-color is now ruled by .css (instead of template body)

all good, Matti

If You like to do update, it's so small that it's easy to do manually also:

in 'template.html' delete line 8: <body bgcolor="#000000"> away. Add in Your  <body> tag: <body class="allover_bgr">.
in css add somewhere (in the beginning):

.allover_bgr {
      background-color: #000000;

thats it - Matti (change that now in css if You like to change Your bgr-col)


I use Firefox 99% of the time and didn't notice that there is a bug in the flimstrip for this theme. If you use IE (my version is 6.0.x - SP2) you'll see that only the corners have the film.gif and none showing inbetween. I checked nearly all the sites listed in this thread and they all show the same issues as does the demo. I can't seem to put my finger on it but thought I'd post a warning.

Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


It's raining like crazy here so thought I would tinker with this IE problem to see if I could find a solution since I'm using a modified version of this. Since my html experience isn't as high as the dev folks, I'll outline what I found and hope for an answer. Attached is a screenshot of the filmstrip in IE. The template.html and style.css for this cpg 1.4.4 version of the Blackbirch theme did not validate correctly so I've fixed everything except one problem which is causing the issue in IE in the first place.

The issue causing the before problem was the background pic (handu.jpg) used in the intermediate photo table is messing with the filmstrip table. So, I commented it out in the style.css if anyone wants to play with it.

Now here is the strange part, following the instructions in the upgade doc (, everything was cool except I kept getting the broke issue in IE. Come to find out it's the DOCTYPE statement that's causing all the problem. Changing this:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

to this:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

is causing the problem and if I leave it as 4.01 Transitional, all is well. Here is a post that mentions this issue as well so I'll leave here as it is and go have a pint since it's not going to stop raining.



PS. The attached theme is working well now except that the template.html has the older doctype statement. You can see the new version here on my test gallery

Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision

Joachim Müller

The Blackbirch theme had been broken on the demo as well as in the downloads section. Gizmo fixed them and created a new package. Links to demo and download are still valid as per my reply above:
Quote from: GauGau on November 24, 2005, 11:19:56 PM
Demo - Download