1.33 -> 1.42 Massive trouble... 1.33 -> 1.42 Massive trouble...


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1.33 -> 1.42 Massive trouble...

Started by dendrob, December 27, 2005, 08:29:05 PM

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Hi, curious if someone can land me a hand here...

I'm running modded PHPBB with Coppermine gallery,

I had 1.33 working fine...then I upgraded my modded PHP to latest (2.0.18).  Things were somewhat OK, althouh sometimes I had to log in few times before I would see Upload buttons.  I decided to move to the  1.4.2 thinking it would resolve my problems.

Well...I did things according to the upgrade instructions.  After the upgrade only admin would see CONTROL buttons (upload, etc).  After fiddling with it for a few hours, and reading the forum, I decided to reload all the files (except albums, include/setup.inc.php and anycontent.php.  I couldn't log in with Admin, so I then manually went directly into bridgingmgr.php and somehow disabled bridging.    Then, I could no longer log in as Admin (even with original coppermine pass) because I would get permission denied errors.

I got fed up and wiped off the entire coppermine directory and restored the 1.33 again.  Since the unsuccessful update attempt to 1.42 already added some 'stuff' into the sql tables, this version no longer works perfectly (although it does somewhat work). 

When I tried to update again to 1.42 $hit hit the fan and I get all kinds of weird errors.  I again, restored 1.33 and copied 1.42 over it... Now it seems to work, (with no bridging), yet I cannot log in as Admin, 

I will get "Welcome to Admin"  and after pressing continue, I'm back at the index page not logged in.

Any help would be appreciated.

you can see to the gallery here:  htpp://www.orchidboard.com/coppermine   I can't really give you an account to play with, because I can't even get in as Admin


UPDATE:  in PHPAdmin I noticed the user 'admin' was part of group 102, yet admin group had ID of 1 in the group table.  I synch'ed them and I can log in... let me see what else I can muster.


OK, I am the man... fixed it... All is working now.

Thanks everyone  ;D


This has all been fixed in 1.4.3, just released a few hours ago.