Unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image. Unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image.


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Unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image.

Started by jankopkas, January 07, 2006, 11:28:02 PM

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While uploading the pictures in the Batch add files the coopermine cannot add the pictures to gallery cause is unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image. What is wrong?
Thank You. jankopkas


First, you need to follow the troubleshooting guide.


After that, you would have found the actual error, and then you would've searched the forum.

Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Thank you, but I already found that advise but nothing happened.
Is this code wrong? I really don't know what to do more. I am just user and most of advise sounds too complicated to me... ???
I downloaded the Coopermine just yesterday and it seems that the code is already changed. 

imagejpeg($dst_img, $dest_file, $CONFIG['jpeg_qual']);

<This is already in the original code below...
Thank You.

  Coppermine Photo Gallery
  Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Coppermine Dev Team
  v1.1 originaly written by Gregory DEMAR

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  Coppermine version: 1.4.3
  $Source: /cvsroot/coppermine/stable/include/picmgmt.inc.php,v $
  $Revision: 1.16 $
  $Author: nibbler999 $
  $Date: 2005/12/10 17:36:35 $

if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) { die('Not in Coppermine...');}

$CONFIG['read_iptc_data'] ){

// Add a picture to an album
function add_picture($aid$filepath$filename$position 0$title ''$caption ''$keywords ''$user1 ''$user2 ''$user3 ''$user4 ''$category 0$raw_ip ''$hdr_ip ''$iwidth 0$iheight 0)

$image $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $filepath $filename;
$normal $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $filepath $CONFIG['normal_pfx'] . $filename;
$thumb $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $filepath $CONFIG['thumb_pfx'] . $filename;

    if (!
is_known_filetype($image)) {
    } elseif (
is_image($filename)) {
$imagesize getimagesize($image);

        if (
$CONFIG['read_iptc_data']) {
$iptc get_IPTC($image);
           if (
is_array($iptc) && !$title && !$caption && !$keywords) {  //if any of those 3 are filled out we don't want to override them, they may be blank on purpose.
$title = (isset($iptc['Title'])) ? $iptc['Title'] : $title;
$caption = (isset($iptc['Caption'])) ? $iptc['Caption'] : $caption;
$keywords = (isset($iptc['Keywords'])) ? implode(' ',$iptc['Keywords']) : $keywords;

        if (((
USER_IS_ADMIN && $CONFIG['auto_resize'] == 1) || (!USER_IS_ADMIN && $CONFIG['auto_resize'] > 0)) && max($imagesize[0], $imagesize[1]) > $CONFIG['max_upl_width_height']) //$CONFIG['auto_resize']==1
//resize_image($image, $image, $CONFIG['max_upl_width_height'], $CONFIG['thumb_method'], $imagesize[0] > $CONFIG['max_upl_width_height'] ? 'wd' : 'ht');
resize_image($image$image$CONFIG['max_upl_width_height'], $CONFIG['thumb_method'], $CONFIG['thumb_use']);
$imagesize getimagesize($image);
        if (!
file_exists($thumb)) {
            if (!
resize_image($image$thumb$CONFIG['thumb_width'], $CONFIG['thumb_method'], $CONFIG['thumb_use']))
        if (
max($imagesize[0], $imagesize[1]) > $CONFIG['picture_width'] && $CONFIG['make_intermediate'] && !file_exists($normal)) {
            if (!
resize_image($image$normal$CONFIG['picture_width'], $CONFIG['thumb_method'], $CONFIG['thumb_use']))
    } else {
$imagesize[0] = $iwidth;
$imagesize[1] = $iheight;

$image_filesize filesize($image);
$total_filesize is_image($filename) ? ($image_filesize + (file_exists($normal) ? filesize($normal) : 0) + filesize($thumb)) : ($image_filesize);

// Test if disk quota exceeded
if (!GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE && $USER_DATA['group_quota']) {
$result cpg_db_query("SELECT sum(total_filesize) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']}{$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE  {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']}.aid = {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']}.aid AND category = '" . (FIRST_USER_CAT USER_ID) . "'");
$record mysql_fetch_array($result);
$total_space_used $record[0];

        if (((
$total_space_used $total_filesize)>>10) > $USER_DATA['group_quota'] ) {
            if (
is_image($image)) {
$msg strtr($lang_errors['quota_exceeded'], array('[quota]' => ($USER_DATA['group_quota']),
'[space]' => ($total_space_used >> 10)));
// Test if picture requires approval
$approved 'YES';
    } elseif (!
$USER_DATA['priv_upl_need_approval'] && $category == FIRST_USER_CAT USER_ID) {
$approved 'YES';
    } elseif (!
$USER_DATA['pub_upl_need_approval']) {
$approved 'YES';
    } else {
$approved 'NO';
$PIC_NEED_APPROVAL = ($approved == 'NO');
// User ID is now recorded when in admin mode (casper)
$user_id USER_ID;
// Populate Array to pass to plugins, then to SQL.
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['aid'] = $aid;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filepath'] = $filepath;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filename'] = $filename;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filesize'] = $image_filesize;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['total_filesize'] = $total_filesize;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth'] = $imagesize[0];
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight'] = $imagesize[1];
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['owner_id'] = $user_id;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['owner_name'] = $username;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['title'] = $title;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['caption'] = $caption;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords'] = $keywords;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['approved'] = $approved;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user1'] = $user1;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user2'] = $user2;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user3'] = $user3;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user4'] = $user4;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pic_raw_ip'] = $raw_ip;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pic_hdr_ip'] = $hdr_ip;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['position'] = $position;
$CURRENT_PIC_DATA CPGPluginAPI::filter('add_file_data',$CURRENT_PIC_DATA);

$query "INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} (aid, filepath, filename, filesize, total_filesize, pwidth, pheight, ctime, owner_id, owner_name, title, caption, keywords, approved, user1, user2, user3, user4, pic_raw_ip, pic_hdr_ip, position) VALUES ('{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['aid']}', '" addslashes($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filepath']) . "', '" addslashes($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filename']) . "', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filesize']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['total_filesize']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight']}', '" time() . "', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['owner_id']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['owner_name']}','{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['title']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['caption']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['approved']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user1']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user2']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user3']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user4']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pic_raw_ip']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pic_hdr_ip']}', '{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['position']}')";
$result cpg_db_query($query);



// Add 'edit' directory if it doesn't exist
// Set access to read+write only
if (!is_dir($CONFIG['fullpath'].'edit')) {
$cpg_umask umask(0);

* resize_image()
* Create a file containing a resized image
* @param  $src_file the source file
* @param  $dest_file the destination file
* @param  $new_size the size of the square within which the new image must fit
* @param  $method the method used for image resizing
* @return 'true' in case of success
function resize_image($src_file$dest_file$new_size$method$thumb_use)

$imginfo getimagesize($src_file);
    if (
$imginfo == null)
// GD can only handle JPG & PNG images
    //if ($imginfo[2] != GIS_JPG && $imginfo[2] != GIS_PNG && ($method == 'gd1' || $method == 'gd2')) {
if ($imginfo[2] != GIS_JPG && $imageinfo[2] != GIS_PNG && $CONFIG['GIF_support'] == 0) {
$ERROR $lang_errors['gd_file_type_err'];
// height/width
$srcWidth $imginfo[0];
$srcHeight $imginfo[1];
    if (
$thumb_use == 'ht') {
$ratio $srcHeight $new_size;
    } elseif (
$thumb_use == 'wd') {
$ratio $srcWidth $new_size;
    } else {
$ratio max($srcWidth$srcHeight) / $new_size;
$ratio max($ratio1.0);
$destWidth = (int)($srcWidth $ratio);
$destHeight = (int)($srcHeight $ratio);
// Method for thumbnails creation
switch ($method) {
"im" :
            if (
preg_match("#[A-Z]:|\\\\#Ai"__FILE__)) {
// get the basedir, remove '/include'
$cur_dir substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, -8);
$src_file '"' $cur_dir '\\' strtr($src_file'/''\\') . '"';
$im_dest_file str_replace('%''%%', ('"' $cur_dir '\\' strtr($dest_file'/''\\') . '"'));
            } else {
$src_file escapeshellarg($src_file);
$im_dest_file str_replace('%''%%'escapeshellarg($dest_file));

$output = array();
             * Hack for working with ImageMagick on WIndows even if IM is installed in C:\Program Files.
             * By Aditya Mooley <aditya@sanisoft.com>
if (eregi("win",$_ENV['OS'])) {
$cmd "\"".str_replace("\\","/"$CONFIG['impath'])."convert\" -quality {$CONFIG['jpeg_qual']} {$CONFIG['im_options']} -geometry {$destWidth}x{$destHeight} ".str_replace("\\","/" ,$src_file )." ".str_replace("\\","/" ,$im_dest_file );
exec ("\"$cmd\""$output$retval);
            } else {
$cmd "{$CONFIG['impath']}convert -quality {$CONFIG['jpeg_qual']} {$CONFIG['im_options']} -geometry {$destWidth}x{$destHeight} $src_file $im_dest_file";
exec ($cmd$output$retval);

            if (
$retval) {
$ERROR "Error executing ImageMagick - Return value: $retval";
                if (
$CONFIG['debug_mode']) {
// Re-execute the command with the backtit operator in order to get all outputs
                    // will not work is safe mode is enabled
$output = `$cmd 2>&1`;
$ERROR .= "<br /><br /><div align=\"left\">Cmd line : <br /><font size=\"2\">" nl2br(htmlspecialchars($cmd)) . "</font></div>";
$ERROR .= "<br /><br /><div align=\"left\">The convert program said:<br /><font size=\"2\">";
$ERROR .= nl2br(htmlspecialchars($output));
$ERROR .= "</font></div>";

"gd1" :
            if (!
function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR'PHP running on your server does not support the GD image library, check with your webhost if ImageMagick is installed'__FILE____LINE__);
            if (
$imginfo[2] == GIS_JPG)
$src_img imagecreatefromjpeg($src_file);
$src_img imagecreatefrompng($src_file);
            if (!
$src_img) {
$ERROR $lang_errors['invalid_image'];
$dst_img imagecreate($destWidth$destHeight);
imagecopyresized($dst_img$src_img0000$destWidth, (int)$destHeight$srcWidth$srcHeight);

"gd2" :
            if (!
function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR'PHP running on your server does not support the GD image library, check with your webhost if ImageMagick is installed'__FILE____LINE__);
            if (!
function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR'PHP running on your server does not support GD version 2.x, please switch to GD version 1.x on the admin page'__FILE____LINE__);
            if (
$imginfo[2] == GIS_GIF && $CONFIG['GIF_support'] == 1)
$src_img imagecreatefromgif($src_file);
            elseif (
$imginfo[2] == GIS_JPG)
$src_img imagecreatefromjpeg($src_file);
$src_img imagecreatefrompng($src_file);
            if (!
$src_img) {
$ERROR $lang_errors['invalid_image'];
            if (
$imginfo[2] == GIS_GIF)
$dst_img imagecreate($destWidth$destHeight);
$dst_img imagecreatetruecolor($destWidth$destHeight);
imagecopyresampled($dst_img$src_img0000$destWidth, (int)$destHeight$srcWidth$srcHeight);
// Set mode of uploaded picture
@chmod($dest_fileoctdec($CONFIG['default_file_mode'])); //silence the output in case chmod is disabled
    // We check that the image is valid
$imginfo getimagesize($dest_file);
    if (
$imginfo == null) {
$ERROR $lang_errors['resize_failed'];
    } else {


I have no idea where you got that file, because it didn't come with 1.4.3 available on our site.  You must be using a modified version of Coppermine.

Now, follow the troubleshooting guide and post the information we need.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


OK, once again. I am sorry but I cannot help it. I tried to fix it accordin to instruction at http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=23342.0 ,but i am not sure if I did everything well. I am not a software engineer and this is my first time creating the web so please be patient with me.
I opend the file picmgmt.inc.php from include folder in notepad and I replaced the code

imagejpeg($dst_img, $dest_file, $CONFIG['jpeg_qual']);


imagejpeg($dst_img, $dest_file, $CONFIG['jpeg_qual']);

than I saved it and uploaded back to the serve again.

Is this what I was supposed to do? Because the album still cannot create thumbnail or reduced size images...
I apologize for being annoying but I would rally appreciate one complex and detailed instruction for dummies.
Thank you!

Joachim Müller

you were told to follow the upload troubleshooting section of the docs and do as suggested. I'll quote it for you here and highlight the important bit. If you fail to do as suggested, then we won't be able to help.
Quote4.11.4 Upload troubleshooting

If you are experiencing issues with coppermine's upload process, temporarily change your coppermine settings as suggested below to get more detailed error messages:

  • Go to your coppermine page and log in as admin
  • Go to the config screen
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page
  • Expand the "Maintenance settings" section by clicking on it
  • Enable debug mode for everyone
  • Leave display of notices switched off
  • Save the new settings by clicking on "Save new configuration"
  • Go to the "groups" panel
  • Set the upload form configuration for all groups to "Single file uploads only" (set File upload boxes to "1", URI upload boxes to "0" and No. of boxes to "fixed")
  • Save your new settings
Then try to upload (using http uploads, even if you experienced troubles using another upload method) - you should get a more detailed error message that tells you what exactly goes wrong with your uploads. If the error message doesn't mean anything to you, search the support board for the error message you get.
When asking for support on the coppermine forum, post a link to your site and a test user account (the test user mustn't be in the admin group!) with upload privileges, with the above mentioned settings in place - this way, supporters can see the error messages as well.


Finally! I kept trying to fix the bug and the only think I didn't do before - was REINSTALLING the whole program. When I deleted the gallery and installed again with the patched file , it worked! There was a hitch! Thank you  all, though!

Joachim Müller

not a bright move, it would have sufficed to do as suggested. Anyway, it worked for you - what can I say? Marking thread as "solved"