Admin rights to "Registered" user Admin rights to "Registered" user


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Admin rights to "Registered" user

Started by TheRain, January 26, 2006, 11:43:06 PM

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I have a CPG 1.4.3 bridged with phpBB 2.0.19.
How i can give admin rights for "Registerd" phpBB user?



You would need to do that through your phpBB admin panel.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink - he's got to discover that it's wet for himself.


Edit bridge/


$this->admingroups = array(2);

change to

$this->admingroups = array(2,4);

If you use post based groups you'll also need to add a quick workaround by switching around the order of these 2 lines

if ($this->userlevel == 1 || in_array($row[$this->field['usertbl_group_id']] , $this->admingroups)) array_unshift($data, 102);
if ($this->userlevel == 0 || $this->userlevel == 2) array_unshift($data, 2);

I assume you are aware of the implications of making this modification.


Ok. But i have one more question:

1. I turn on CPG bridged mode with post-based group's
2. I make special group in phpbb with name "Gallery Admin"and insert username in this group
3. CPG correctly dispalyed my phpBB groups, but in CPG user still stay on "Registered" group

How i can put this user into "Gallery Admin" group in CPG for apply yours codechange?

My English leaves much to be desired... :(


CPG will display the user's primary group, which is 'registered'. The bridge system doesn't yet support determining admin rights from additional groups. You can make all registered users admin, but not members of an additional group.

Joachim Müller

I don't get it though why you would not trust those users to administer your forum, but you want to allow them to administer the gallery. A malevolent user or somebody who doesn't know his way around could ruin one app or the other. So if you fully trust those people, make them regular admins in your forum - they'll then be gallery admins as well. If you don't trust them fully, don't make them admin at all, in none of the apps.


I only wished to give out to one of users of the right to acknowledgement upload files to gallery. Whether it is possible?