Search Album Title & Description - Page 4 Search Album Title & Description - Page 4


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Search Album Title & Description

Started by Paver, January 15, 2006, 09:43:32 AM

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hmm something else too...

When I am on an error page and I click on the search, it takes me to the old one and doesnt overwrite with your plugin's search ...

Take a look on my site (; when you click on a thumb you`ll get the Register or Login screen; on that screen click search and you`ll see what I mean.

I guess it is related to the issue you mentioned above. The plugin is last in priority.


Ahh... I see.  That's very interesting.  I tested out a number of things yesterday but haven't found the culprit yet.  How did you implement the register requirement?  Did you use the one-line mod for displayimage.php mentioned in the FAQ?  I can use this new error to investigate the problem as well.  In your case, it's probably not very often that someone will immediately want to search after getting that error page, but regardless, I am trying to solve the problem as soon as I can because it bugs me.   >:(


Oh this isnt bothering me at all. I only brought it up because I think it is relevant to the above error. In fact, all error screens's search button takes you to the old search. I had this happen before with the database error that was getting (you fixed that error in 1.08).

I implemented the FAQ approach to the registration requirement. I only changed the wording and styling directly in the displayimage.php as no one here wanted to give me directions how to modify the global styling of error messages...


Ok, I'll use this error to see if that helps uncover the pesky bug.

And I would say that no one who read your global-error message was able to answer it in the time they had - it wasn't that everyone shunned you.  I often read messages but if I don't have time to answer right then, I move on, and check back later when I do have time to see if the question is still outstanding.  The board is not a hotline; if someone can answer quickly, he/she will.  If not, you have to hope someone else might be able to.  After a few weeks with no response, it's perfectly reasonable to bump a thread up to effectively ask the question again.  In many threads, it's not clear whether the question is still outstanding because people do not return to close out the thread.  This makes it difficult to decide of the old threads which to read & answer.

I don't mean to belabor this point.  In any case, I'll bend the rules a bit by giving a general answer: all message text should be available in the language files, e.g. lang/english.php.  It's recommended to copy the language file to a new name like english-mod.php, then modify the new file and set your Coppermine to point to the new "language" - that way you know what you've modded when you upgrade.  If you have a follow-up question regarding this, please use your other thread to continue this discussion.


Yes I know about the rules of the board... I learned the hard way.. hahaah look at my karma...

About the plugin: I think its a bug to be fixed in a future version, when you have the time to work on it. Its working fine for now... 

Once stable, do you think this should be integrated into the core code of CPG 1.5? Maybe with the most popular searches mod, I wrote about in the the other thread  ;)

Your time on this is very much appreciated by everyone.


Most plugins & mods are being considered by the devs for inclusion in 1.5.  The devil's in the details as always.  Regardless of whether it makes it or not, plugins are of course the easiest to add on to the core.


I'm curious if this could be modified to allow searches of category titles too.


Anything is possible with a little time & effort.  But please don't request new features in this thread.  You should only discuss the current code as it currently exists (bugs or installation support) in this thread.

Start a new thread on the main plugin board referencing this plugin thread.  That way we can discuss your proposal and work on implementing it (if and when someone or me has the time to do so).  For example, I'm not sure how the category results would look.  This thread would become even more clutterred if we discuss this here.  Start the new thread and explain exactly what you propose.



One Issue:
Using one of the themes that came with Copper (rain_drop) I find that everytime I run a search, and I click on the "search" button again, I'm taken to the original search page, which doesn't allow for title / description searches.

I appreciate this plug in, I've tried practically dozens of other picture galleries, and not a single one of those supported title/album name searches, so this single plug-in makes coppermine work for me!


yeah, forgot to tell you where I'm at :

going to be moving over the 65,000 images I have on the site to coppermine soon, I think I can just hardcode the search into the theme...


It looks like you have set it up correctly on your site.  I don't see the issue you mentioned right now.

I just checked the rainy_day and water_drop themes on my site with the Search_Album plugin and both work fine.  The search buttons go to the Search_Album search page, and after returning search results, everything is still fine.

I did see the issue you mentioned during one of the previous versions of this plugin, but the current version should not have this issue anymore.

Please report with your Coppermine version and a link directly to the page (or instructions on how to get to it) if you still see the problem on your site.


I've taken off the sub_menu and am using a hardcoded search link, I think I like having that better then the sub_menu.  Now my only issue is with the link color, but that's not for this thread ;)

Again, thank you for this, it's made the entire program worth it for me!


You're welcome. 

I'm still not sure why using the search button on the sub_menu didn't work for you since I tried the default rainy_day and water_drop themes and it seemed to work fine.  But that's OK.  If someone else runs into it, I'm sure they'll post for assistance.  The only issue with using a hardcoded link is if you uninstall the plugin or disable plugins, then you'll have an invalid link.


great job paver
thx dude

one question.
i added a search field on my mainsite.

<!-- add search box -->
<td width ="478" align="right" valign="baseline">
   <form method="get" action="thumbnails.php" name="searchcpg">
   <input  type="hidden" name="album" value="search">
   <input  type="hidden" name="type" value="full">
   <input  type="text" style="vertical-align: bottom" style="height: 16px" style="width: 100px" name="search" maxlength="30" value="" class="textinput">
   <input  type="submit" style="height: 20px" value="Schnellsuche">
          <!-- End search box -->

ok it works but one problem.
only if user klick first on default search, go back and than use your search, the album_title is displayed correctly.
Seems to be a flag problem.
the reason was, i want to have a full search allthoug in my album_title(Title).

maybe you got on idea

thx in advance


Just finally found this thread and this great plugin after searching through many other dead end topics.  Great job and thank you.


I just installed this plugin and it works fine, but the standard search link in SUB_MENU was not replaced in any theme installed, I had to do it manually.

Italian translation attached.
A short mod for a complete translation:


FIND (line 1632)
$lang_adv_opts = array(
  'title' => 'Title', //cpg1.4
  'caption' => 'Caption', //cpg1.4
  'keywords' => 'Keywords', //cpg1.4
  'owner_name' => 'Owner name', //cpg1.4
  'filename' => 'Filename', //cpg1.4

  'alb_title' => 'Album Title', //Search Album Plugin 
  'alb_desc' => 'Album Description', //Search Album Plugin


FIND (line 1632)
$lang_adv_opts = array(
  'title' => 'Titolo', //cpg1.4
  'caption' => 'Didascalia', //cpg1.4
  'keywords' => 'Parole chiave', //cpg1.4
  'owner_name' => 'Nome proprietario', //cpg1.4
  'filename' => 'Nome File', //cpg1.4

  'alb_title' => 'Titolo Album', //Search Album Plugin 
  'alb_desc' => 'Descrizione Album', //Search Album Plugin


FIND (line 100)
<td><input type="checkbox" name="album_title" id="album_title" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /><label for="album_title" class="clickable_option">Album Title</label></td>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="album_title" id="album_title" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /><label for="album_title" class="clickable_option">{$lang_adv_opts['alb_title']}</label></td>

FIND (line 104)
<td><input type="checkbox" name="album_description" id="album_description" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /><label for="album_description" class="clickable_option">Album Description</label></td>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="album_description" id="album_description" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /><label for="album_description" class="clickable_option">{$lang_adv_opts['alb_desc']}</label></td>


FIND (line 49)
<td><input type="checkbox" name="album_title" id="album_title" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /><label for="album_title" class="clickable_option">Album Title</label></td>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="album_title" id="album_title" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /><label for="album_title" class="clickable_option">{$lang_adv_opts['alb_title']}</label></td>

FIND (line 53)
<td><input type="checkbox" name="album_description" id="album_description" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /><label for="album_description" class="clickable_option">Album Description</label></td>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="album_description" id="album_description" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /><label for="album_description" class="clickable_option">{$lang_adv_opts['alb_desc']}</label></td>




I've translated language file for Search Album v1.08 to danish.

Mimer  8)



I use that plug-in in two galleries and like it very much. I also use the offered little hack for full language-compability which works also very well.

I have translated the Plug-In into German (Du). I attach the file as txt.


It works very nice.