CPG ignores users assignment to phpBB groups CPG ignores users assignment to phpBB groups


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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CPG ignores users assignment to phpBB groups

Started by EZ, January 28, 2006, 12:35:39 PM

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Some time ago I've upgraded phpBB to 2.0.18 and CPG to 1.4.2 (and later to 1.4.3).

Before the upgrade everything worked just fine for a long time, but since the upgrade I just can't CPG to work correctly. With my own knowledge of CPG internals and help from other developers, I managed to fix most problems - except this one:

CPG reads the groups from phpBB correctly. As I manage users/groups in phpBB, I only give CPG permissions to the imported groups, and disable all permissions of the default "Registered" group.

However CPG ignores user assignment to groups in phpBB, and instead lists the users as belonging to CPG's default "Registered" group. So my users don't have any permissions, and I can't find any way to convice CPG that the users belong to anything but the default "Registered" group.

An interesting anecdote - there are several (5 or so) users which CPG does read correctly. I can't see anything special about those users.

Of course I downloaded andinstalled the most recent bridge files, but to no avail. I also verified that CPG's user table is empty (except for the default admin account), so I'm certain that CPG reads the user list from phpBB.

Any ideas?




Im having the same problem cpg 1.4.3 and phpBB 2.0.19

If a user joins a group though the join group and admin approves it every thing works great
but if the admin adds a user to a group though the ACP it does not tranfer to the cpg usergroup

Please help



Can someone provide step by step instructions to replicate this issue ?


Im running phpBB 2.0.19 and cpg 1.4.3

If a user registers at my site then clicks on user groups..it displays the user groups available in the phpBB
The user clicks on join Podcaster group and the admin approves them to join the group
that user is add to the Podcaster group in cpg user groups correctly giving that user the assigned permissions

Work like a charm

*NOTE* my setup requires admin approval to join groups

But if the Admin goes into the phpBB Admin Control Panel...selects the user and adds them to the Podcaster Group from there
the user is not added to the Podcaster Group in the cpg and the user is still just a registered member but shows up in the phpBB Podcaster Group

Hope thats a little more helpful



I don't know how to add users to groups using the admin control panel. Please elaborate.


Nibbler -

Regardless of how exactly users are assigned to groups in phpBB, is there any reason that CPG ignores the grouping?




It works perfectly for me, that's why I need to know how to replicate your problem.


ooohhh i see my problem ....im using the Admin Userlist MOD in phpbb to add the users to the group
from there its not working but from the default usergroup page in phpBB if i add a user it does work

Thanks for the look guys


edit that:
If the user has no uploads you can chan the group but if the user has already uploaded it is not changing their group in cpg


instead of group editing is there a mod for cpg 1.4.3 that allows the admin to change the user settings individually...permissions, quota, ect




Nibbler -

I can give you full admin access to phpBB / CPG on my site, if that'll help.
If you want it, just PM/email me and I'll email you the username/password.



I accidentally posted a new thread, but I'm having the same problem with 2.0.15.  My membergroups are not reflected in CPG; everyone is "registered".  I'm not using any mods to put people in groups either.  Hope someone can figure this out since I can't go live without member distinctions.

Added:  I learned something which should help the debug.  I made two test accounts, one of them in a certain membergroup and one not.  In CPG, being in the membergroup allows a personal gallery.  Sure enough, the user in the group was allowed a private gallery and the other not.  Problem is, when looking at the user list in CPG, they are both listed only as "registered" with the associated quota. 

In the docs somewhere it says that when bridging is used, clicking the "users" button as admin will take you to the forums user admin page instead of CPG's.  This isn't the case right now for me.  Is that part of the problem?


Quote from: Nibbler on January 29, 2006, 08:48:14 PM
It works perfectly for me, that's why I need to know how to replicate your problem.

Nibbler -

Did you see my suggestion above?



Anyone with problems with the user manager display, try the attached bridge files.


It doesn't seem to have done anything for me.  Do I just overwrite the old files, or do I also need to do something?



Bummer.  I'm putting off upgrading because I have a lot of hand coded mods to 2.0.15.


If you take the get_users() function from the new php2018.inc.php into your bridge file it would probably work fine.


 Awesome, it looks like it's working.  Thanks!  ;D