Korean language support problems Korean language support problems


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Korean language support problems

Started by Atester, January 30, 2006, 12:05:10 AM

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I tried to set the language to Korean, but once I set it that way, the "Home" page is blank and other pages are in Korean.
Alternate language support doesn't seem to work very well. I read the help files and looked thru all over the forum and it seems mixed up.

Step by step these are things I've tried:

1 The obvious
config, language & charset settings, select Korean lang, OK.
Result, site in English, settings return to English.

2 Based on FAQ
(note there is no "Default (language file)" in my list as the faq mentions)
>config, language & charset settings, select "Default (not recommended)(language file)" which is the closest match, leave lang as eng, OK
>browse to http://mysite.com/coppermine_dir/index.php?lang=korean
Result, blank page. If I return to admin url, all in English.

Eventually after trying many things I can get all in Korean (except for blank front page) or broken Korean/jumble. Controlling how it comes out? Have not figured out the pattern.

It would be great if someone could lay out step by step how to set it to an alt lang.

IE is set to use Eng then Korean. The install is of 1.4.2, via fantastico.

What do you think the problem might be?

Joachim Müller

Korean hasn't been translated yet for cpg1.4.x
Moving this thread from "General discussion (no support!)" to the board you should have posted in in the first place.


Any notion of when K lang will be in place for 1.4.2?

If a long wait, what's the most recent ver that has K working?



was just checking this site, and the Korean flag at the "Demo for cpg1.4.x" seems to do its thing quite well?

Joachim Müller

that's the cpg1.3.x language file with the language fallback option in place that shines through in the demo. Works for regular users, but not for admins speaking korean.
The translations get done by users, as no dev team members speak korean. Why don't you start translating it? Refer to http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=20355.0


Hi and thanks

I'm not actually a K lang speaker, a friend is, for whom I'm asking. I'm not sure that they are familiar enough with this type of software to give the translation a try. Both of us are new to coppermine.

I wonder, it's not the admin interface that 'needs' to be in K, it's the navigation stuff that end users see. How would I try to utilize the K lang work that is used for 1.3x? Would that approach be sufficient, ie not worry about admin interface for now, but good enough for site users?

Joachim Müller

enable language fallback in coppermine's config, should be all it takes. Post an actual link to your site instead of a dummy placeholder URL.


http://www.perspectia.net/copper/  which is currently set to eng so I can deal with it.

I know this must be tiring for you, and I appreciate your help so far. But, so far no good. There are many possible settings to play with, and none seem to result in the right thing so far. Can you tell me exactly what should be? Options include:

Fallback to Eng if trans phrase not found
char encoding
And the faq entry that gives seemingly out of date and incomplete instructions (the one that says lang=korean etc)

You said enable lang fallback, but that is fallback to Eng, I'm not sure how it would help? Didn't help so far.

Joachim Müller


This is so confusing.

Right now, I look at the site on my pc, the config page is set to eng, and site is all there in Eng.

K user looks at site, most pages like home page are completely blank (white screen); config page is in competely in Korean, and Lan is set to Korean, char to unicode utf-8. The only way K user can get to admin page is by url http://www.perspectia.net/copper/admin.php, home page is blank. My Gallery works, but home page is always blank.

How is it possible that both see config pages set to diff values? We have refreshed, closed browsers, and it's persistent.

We're using the same login. K user has IE settings as Eng then K, I only Eng. Fallback to eng yes for both.


If you use a Korean browser you will see the gallery in Korean. If you use an English browser you will see the gallery in English.


Thanks Nibbler

The config page lang setting is supposed to show differently depending on which lang the browser is set to???? That can't be right?

Anyways, both pcs have Eng as the first lang. K user has K as lang #2 in IE. I don't expect to see K lang, but the K user/browser should be able to see the site front page in K, and all they see is a pure white page. Obviously that is not right,

Joachim Müller

Your users are not suppossed to see the config page at all. Only you (as admin) are suppossed to go there. That's why I said that korean will work for regular users, but not for admins. Don't make your users admins.


Thanks gaugau. The last thing I will do it to make all the users admin, I promise!

I'm a professional programmer (not php/html), so it's not like I can't follow a logic path. Here are things I've been asking about that I don't see a resolve for.

[1] I log on as main admin user, go to config page, and see Eng as the lang setting. I log on with diff pc, same user, browser set to k as lang #2, and see Korean in the lang setting. That seems very strange.

[2] In the case of my second login above, the site home page is completely and utterly blank. I'm not sure why no one so far has noticed my mentioning this several times, but, to an amateur, it seems like kind of an important point!!! <g>

Thanks for your help I'm sure it'll work out soon. coppermine looks very nice in general.


So, anyone want to pitch in on this one?

#1 issue is why the coppermine home page is blank. I've been asking since the first post about this, have recieved zero input on it.

#2 issue is less important, why the lang setting seems to change depending on which browser/setting it's viewed with. Maybe it's supposed to do that, but seems pretty odd if so.


Joachim Müller

probably nobody replied, because nobody was able to replicate your issues with blank pages: your page in Korean works fine in IE and FF for me


It's good if you can see it in K and Eng. But since the target audience has to include the site admin, and it's blank from here, I need some informed help.

GauGau, just to confirm, have you looked at the site in Korean? You have that enabled on your browsers? You see Korean characters on the home page?

The only site on the planet that is blanked out on that machine is the coppermine front page in IE. I've even removed K lang from IE and it's still blank. Isn't there some clue as to what could be causing this?

I will repeat my other question which I've asked many times in this thread and have heard nothing about from anyone. It may be related to the prev issue. That is, why when I browse to the admin page in coppermine on one pc it says Lang = Eng, and the other it says lang = K? Same admin login. If that is the expected behavior, then please, someone explain what the point is? Is the purpose of the lang setting supposed to be simply to control the admin page rendering, or the entire site's menu structure?

The lang support for coppermine seems very mixed up. To get a fresh install of firefox to show the site in Korean, I have to set lang = K, default lang (not recommended); apply; run the lang=Korean url commnad; now it's in broken Korean; then change back to unicode, for finally a site in K. You can't really think that's the way lang suport is supposed to be? Besides the fact that at least on one admin pc, the main coppermine page is utterly blank.

Gaugau, you've spent a week or more on this and I appreciate it, but is there someone else in the coppermine crew that might be able to help me figure this out? It's taking forever and I'm getting nowhere. It just can't be this hard, can it?


Your gallery works fine for me in korean, i can see korean characters and no blank screen. The display of the language in the config page is normal (although not ideal) - that's why you are getting no response asking questions about it. Temporarily remove the korean language file from the lang folder, that will determine if the language is the issue. A blank screen tells us nothing, so hard to know what to suggest to fix it.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Noodnik on February 05, 2006, 09:48:59 PM
But since the target audience has to include the site admin,
I already told you that korean can't be used to administer coppermine, it can only be used by "regular" users, unless someone comes up with a real cpg1.4.x language file for cpg1.4.x

Quote from: Noodnik on February 05, 2006, 09:48:59 PM
GauGau, just to confirm, have you looked at the site in Korean? You have that enabled on your browsers? You see Korean characters on the home page?
Yes, I didn't have to enable anything in my browser, as I have set it to auto-detect. Works for me in all major browsers on W2K

Quote from: Noodnik on February 05, 2006, 09:48:59 PM
I will repeat my other question
Well, we have a "one question per thread" policy you agreed to respect when signing up. ::)


The issue is NOT KOREAN ON THE ADMIN PAGE. So it's fine that you've told me several times that it's not supported there but that is not the issue.

The main issue IS that the K admin cannot see the home page. I repeat, the K admin cannot see the home page. That must be the fifth time I've written that. The home page is not the same thing as the admin page.

The only questions I've had about the admin page is that it reports a different setting for the lang, depending on which browser is used to view it. That seems very odd to me. Since there appears to be some bug in coppermine, I'm reporting it on the theory that you coppermine experts might be able to make something out of it.

The question here is one, that is, how to get coppermine to behave in Korean. It would be incredibly stupid if every time I had a question related to that I made a different thread,.

It is cool that it works for you but like I said, getting the home page to work for the site admin is the goal. I do appreciate that you are trying to help.