Re: XMB + CPG brigde issues & how to do it manually? Re: XMB + CPG brigde issues & how to do it manually?


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Re: XMB + CPG brigde issues & how to do it manually?

Started by DrLou, February 06, 2006, 04:54:22 PM

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I would be thrilled to!  But where IS my cookie path in XMB????               TIA - Lou


You need to do it manually since there is no option in the software.


Cookie fix (if your board is not installed to site root):


find put_cookie function definition (c. line 1414) and add

$path = '/';

just inside the top of the function



Nibbler - Thanks for sticking with me on this...

By way of background:
- Have created 'Admin' user in both CPG-1.4.3 and XMB 1.9...
- Both are setup in 'standard' way - ie:  http://<domain>/gallery  and   http://<domain>/forum
- both 'gallery' and 'forum' are resolvable 'Aliases' within Apache (v2.0.54)
- the 'hide unused form fields' box is un-checked, which does expose the 'Cookie prefix' box, but:
- both 'Cookie prefix' and 'Relative forum path' are disabled, even for the Admin user!

Trying to use the Bridge Wizard, get the following error:

    * ../forum/config.php doesn't exist. Correct the value you entered for Relative path to your BBS's config file

(even though config.php is there, with permissions 777, owned by the owner of the Apache process!)

Ultimate goal, for what it's worth:

Integrate CPG and XMB between and among several of our virtual-hosted domains, assuming that 'groups' functions of the two tools can handle the segregation required between domains.

Again, appreciate your help!    Lou

PS - where are those review links again, to which we can post our (very positive) comments?


hehe, you can't use an alias. It has to be an actual path on the filesystem.


OK, I've made this change, at it works!  So thanks - so far...


- both Cookie prefix and Relative forum path are still disabled, even for the Admin user!

Bridging now gets installed AOK, but will this destroy my integration goal, as below?  IE, single shared install of CPG and XMB, with the two shared between various virtual hosts.  We were thinking this could be achieved with some kind of simple hard-coding to handle each domain as a 'group', let's say?

What is the overview for integration?  IE, which now becomes the parent application, if you will?  To which system should we have users login first?

The Goal:

Integrate CPG and XMB between and among several of our virtual-hosted domains, assuming that 'groups' functions of the two tools can handle the segregation required between domains.

Also, where is functions.php?

Again, thanks.     Lou


They are disabled because they are not required, ignore them. The forum is the master, Coppermine the slave when bridged. Note that you can't bridge across different actual domain names, since the cookies are limited to a specific domain. functions.php is in the root of the XMB forum directory.


(cant' bridge across multiple domains...)

Of course, this makes perfect sense, given the cookies technology.

However, we'd hope only to switch between CPG and XMB within a given domain, not between different ones.  In terms of implementation, we were hoping to make all this happen with a php variable, passed by the referring page, which says, effectively: "User is member of Group X" where 'X' defines a specific domain.  This would make our 'hack' a very simple one...  Again, our environment is one in which many domains are virtual-hosted; it would be very useful to maintain only one installation of Coppermine, XMB and other useful tools, with vhosting or simple PHP hacks handling the negotiation between domains.

Has this actually been tried?  Perhaps I should post it as a suggestion for next version?

(The forum is the master, Coppermine the slave when bridged)

Thanks, this is helpful.  So, as I understand it, after logging on the <FQDN>/forum as 'Admin', a switch to <FQDN>/gallery should retain the Admin's logged-in status on Coppermine.  At the moment, this is not workign.  Am I missing something?
