Custom theme Custom theme


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Custom theme

Started by ISBB, October 12, 2005, 05:48:25 AM

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Might possibly be looking to do another custom theme.. is the current site.. needs re-vamping and will be getting phpbb+cpg and possssssibly a portal page but unsure of that yet...

Last time i had something similar done cost me $90us via paypal and would possibly be willing to do the same again.. depending on the coder/publisher..
It is a sand dunes site so the theme needs to be appropriate.

GeorgeCC did for me the last time around and got it right down to what we wanted and would be happy to have george again or if anyone else does this type of work incase george is a wee bit busy..

drop me a e-mail
Its gaurunteed.. until it breaks

Lifted trucks are like boob jobs, no matter what size shape or dimension they are always fun to look at.


No, I am not too busy :)
PM sent.


Its gaurunteed.. until it breaks

Lifted trucks are like boob jobs, no matter what size shape or dimension they are always fun to look at.


Has anyone seen or heard from GeorgeCC lately?

He had started the integration for me and got CPG bridged w/ IPB 2.1.3 and i haven seen or heard hide or hair of him since... left a few e-mails.. I know he has internet problems in his country but i need to get this done ASAP??   So if someone could drop a bug in his ear or if someone else is willing to pick up where he left off that would be great..
Its gaurunteed.. until it breaks

Lifted trucks are like boob jobs, no matter what size shape or dimension they are always fun to look at.


Well i have waited and waited and waited to hear from georgeCC.. but its time to move on.. Anyone else want to take over the task for him... Right now i just need coppermine skinned to match my forums..

please drop me a e-mail to  thinkin 40-50 bucks oughtta cover it?
Its gaurunteed.. until it breaks

Lifted trucks are like boob jobs, no matter what size shape or dimension they are always fun to look at.



Replied thx for the offer...

Now onto the next designer.. :D  Will keep ya updated on this one as well!!
Its gaurunteed.. until it breaks

Lifted trucks are like boob jobs, no matter what size shape or dimension they are always fun to look at.


So who's next!!!  the second designer i felt was un qualified and had a very rough time completeing my requests... so now whos up to the challenge... 2 freelancers down... how many more to go...

Just a simple note... I want my coppermine gallery to look like it belongs with my forums...

I dont want something that the shades are off or that the images are mis aligned or that the fonts are wrong or that the CELL PADDING is off... If i can create a page. using COPY and paste out of the forum wrapper im sure that something can be done with my photo gallery... someone with the knowledge please STEP UP to the plate...

Also i amd also requesting that a watermark mod be installed as well.. I have ran out of time as my job now requires me to work 12 hours a day and im tired of letting this sit on the back burner when i can be using it as my forums are growing at a rapid rate...   Again i will pay... and have stated the budget in the first post but w/ the addition of the watermark mod things can be negotiated... if your up to the challenge please PM me..
Its gaurunteed.. until it breaks

Lifted trucks are like boob jobs, no matter what size shape or dimension they are always fun to look at.



I'm the next one  ;)

Check this out

Drop me a line if you're interested
In my view you cannot claim to have seen something until you have photographed it


Lets hope 3rd times a charm.. :D

Netfall your up to bat!
Its gaurunteed.. until it breaks

Lifted trucks are like boob jobs, no matter what size shape or dimension they are always fun to look at.