After removing bridge cannot login anymore :( After removing bridge cannot login anymore :(


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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After removing bridge cannot login anymore :(

Started by R0yk3, March 24, 2006, 04:29:44 PM

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I had the bridge between Joomla and cpg. It did not work right so i tried to remove it. as i could not login into the cpg i went to the fil, and changed line # 223 by hand from 1 to 0. Now i get al login screen :D
So i type my name and password i get the welcome screen but then when i go on i still am not logged in. I flushed my cookies everything. Even tried it on another PC nothing. The strange thing is that i get the welcome screen? so username and passwd are right. pls help.

When i change back again i get an error couse i have been so stupid to delete some info from the table cpg_bridge

pls  ???

Joachim Müller

you're not meant to edit that file - undo your changes. Disable bridging the same way you enabled it: using the bridge manager. If you can't, use a tool like phpMyAdmin, browse coppermine's config table and switch "bridge_enable" from "1" to "0"


I must be blind but in the table php config i cannot find bridge_enable? i updated already to the latest version?

Joachim Müller

coppermine's config table should be named "cpg144_config" or similar (depending on what prefix you chose during install).


These are the rows which are in cpg135_config table

alb_list_thumb_size    100
allowed_mov_types    ALL
allowed_doc_types    ALL
allowed_snd_types    ALL
allowed_img_types    ALL
allow_private_albums    1
allow_user_registration    1
allow_duplicate_emails_addr    0
caption_in_thumbview    1
views_in_thumbview    1
charset    language file
cookie_name    cpg133
cookie_path    /
debug_mode    0
debug_notice    0
default_dir_mode    0777
default_file_mode    0666
default_sort_order    dd
enable_smilies    1
filter_bad_words    1
forbiden_fname_char    $/\\:*?"'<>|` &
fullpath    albums/
gallery_description    Fotoalbum
gallery_name    Jeanine & Roys

Joachim Müller

that's the first 30 records that get displayed by default. Use the arrow buttons to navigate to the next page(s), or change the number of records to be displayed on a single page. Please refer to the phpMyAdmin documentation to find out how it works ::).


Got it thank you :D
try later if it works now. Thnaks in advance.