Fatal error after upgrading from cpg1.3.2 to 1.4.4 Fatal error after upgrading from cpg1.3.2 to 1.4.4


CPG Release 1.6.26
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Fatal error after upgrading from cpg1.3.2 to 1.4.4

Started by javelinworld, March 26, 2006, 12:24:59 AM

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I tried to install the latest version of coppermine 1.4.4
I ran the update.php and then I ran versioncheck.php and got a FATAL ERROR.
I tried to check the main page.. and also got a FATAL ERROR...
I do not understand...PLEASE HHHELLPP !!!

The website is :

I did exactly what it is said in the documentation:
First, make a backup (dump) of your database.
Backup your include/config.inc.php file, your anycontent.php file and your "albums" directoy.
Unpack the archive
If the file install.php exists in the root directory, delete it.
Except for the "albums" directory, upload all of the new files and directories making sure not to overwrite the include/config.inc.php file, your anycontent.php file or the albums directory.
Delete all leftover, outdated language files in the lang folder that are named XXX-utf-8.php
If you have not already done so, create a folder called "edit" within your "albums" directory - this folder will be used by coppermine as a temporary folder, do not ftp-upload files there. Make sure the new "edit"-folder is CHMODed the same way your albums-directory is (755 or 777, depending on your server's config)
Run the file "update.php" in the coppermine directory once in your browser (e.g. http://yourdomain.tld/coppermine/update.php). This will update your coppermine install by making all necessary changes in the database.

Joachim Müller

enable debug mode to get a more detailed error message - use a tool like phpMyAdmin, browse coppermine's config table, set "debug_mode" from "0" to "1". Paste the error message you get into your posting (not the debug_output).


The errore message (Thanks for your help :))

Fatal error :

While executing query "delete from `jerome.chevillat`.cpg132_sessions where time<1143364700 and remember=0;" on Resource id #5

mySQL error: Incorrect table name 'cpg132_sessions'

Joachim Müller

does your mysql user have the needed privileges to create a mysql table? Use phpMyAdmin once more to verify if a table named "cpg132_sessions" actually exists. If it doesn't exist, try running the queryCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cpg132_sessions (
  session_id varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  user_id int(11) default '0',
  time int(11) default NULL,
  remember int(1) default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (session_id)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Used to store sessions';
in the sql tab of the phpMyAdmin app. If this fails, contact your webhost.


Yes I have a table named "cpg132_sessions"....

There are 4 parameters inside :
session_id varchar(40)
user_id int(11)
time int(11)
remember int(1)

But nothing was recorded..

Joachim Müller

what's your table prefix for the other coppermine tables?


You shouldn't have a dot in your database name, get it removed or search for the workaround on the forums.


The prefix is the same "cpg132_"

I do not have any dot (",") in the database name...

I do not understand  :'(

I reinstall cpg132 I reinstall the databse backup -> it works fine with cpg 132  ;D

I try to update again to 144 and ...fatal error  >:(

I have another website where I update form cpg142 to 144 and ...it works !!!





In the session table I have nothing recorded, is it OK ???



Change jerome.chevillat to jerome_chevillat in include/config.inc.php



Now I have toc orrect langage pb : french langage !! with accent

Joachim Müller

another problem, another thread. We have a "one question per thread" policy you agreed to respect when signing up. Locking