Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 19 Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 19


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Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools

Started by Stramm, March 31, 2006, 03:33:15 PM

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usually the reason is not enough php memory (memory_limit in php.ini)


hmmm I don't think I can change that on my free hosting account, can I?



Hi there.

Was wondering if anyone else had this problem and what resolved it.

I am running 1.4.18

I installed the mod, changing the files needed and replacing the file with the new one. I ran the update.php.

I then went to config and set the path to my .png file and enabled watermarking.

The rpoblem is that when all was done images were not there any more. Just little gray boxes instead of the thumbnail pics that were clickable and still no image in large image page.

I backed up files so nothing was lost.



after doing your mod, I get this error when trying to delete a photo from the gallery:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare output_table_header() (previously declared in /homepages/40/d237348395/htdocs/uglycars/photo/gallery/delete.php:34) in /homepages/40/d237348395/htdocs/uglycars/photo/gallery/delete.php on line 51



Doesn't work on my CPG. I am running 1.4.19 and I've done these modifications about five times now and always reached the same point. Everything looks like it should. But when I try to enable it [Config => Image watermarking => Watermark image => Yes => Save new configuration] nothing changes. When I look again to the Image watermarking page under my configuration tab the little blue dot that I just had put into the 'yes' box is still in the 'no' box.


You need to run update.php for the database changes to take effect. I think that's missing from the instructions.



upgrade to 1.4.19, then post a link to your site and all your watermarking settings


I'm able to delete photos now.  I added below a section of code where I was supposed to replace with...all fixed now.  Just waiting on my watermark image my friend is making and hopefully she works like a charm!



Now I'm having quite strange anomaly. Everything works and watermark shows up on some of the images. But on most of the images it doesn't. I have updated all albums from admin tools. Watermark also shows up on images I upload. And as strange as it may sound the problem only seems to occur with older images in my gallery. Newer images are all OK. Look at this album for example.


Check the permissions on the files. They need to be writeable for admin tools to update them.


OK cancel that. I understood later what permissions you're talking about. My bad.


could someone please attach a util.php file?  Mine is all corrupt and I can't find it in the coppermine downloads to replace it.


ok, when running the admin tools to update thumbs/or resized photos I receive this error after it runs for a bit.

Error 500 - Internal server error

An internal server error has occured!
Please try again later.

I have the following selected:
Both resized and full sized (if a orig copy is available)
Number of processed images per click  (had it set on 1,2,5)
Auto refresh is checked
had it do my smallest album first


Make sure you followed the instructions to the point.
Make sure your php settings are sufficient to do resizing, watermarking (memory limit)


I read the instructions about 3X and redid the mod at least twice.

This is what my phpinfo says as far as my memory limit.

memory_limit   40M   40M

What other info do you need and/or what can I do to get this fixed.