Bridging with vbulletin... Bridging with vbulletin...


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Bridging with vbulletin...

Started by oldskool-nick, December 24, 2003, 07:23:27 AM

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I am planning on using the method in the Coppermine readme to bridge my gallery with my board (vbulletin).  It seems fairly easy, but I have already installed my gallery. How will this work? Is it still possible, or will I have to delete the gallery off of my server and reinstall it? Also, is the method in the readme all that I need to do? It just seems a little too easy, if you know what I mean. Thanks,



nevermind, i figured it out myself. It works great except for the fact that if you aren't logged in and you try to go to the gallery, it says:

Fatal error :
There was an error while processing a database query

But if I log in in the forum before I go to the gallery, it works just fine.


I am getting an error message on my gallery that says:

Fatal error :
There was an error while processing a database query

You can refer here for why:

But what I want to know is whether this error message is in the coppermine files somewhere, of if it is beyond my control. I want to change it so that it says
"You must be logged in to view this page, Log In Here"

If it is just an error message programed into a coppermine file somewhere that would be really good, but I know its a long shot. Thanks,



I just combined my gallery with my board (vbulletin) And I have run into a problem.

Here is my site:
Username: guest
Password: guest

You have to log in on the forum and then click "gallery" or else it won't work. The problem is that when you click on the thumbnails for the albums, you get a critical error. It says:

Critical error
There was an error while processing a database query
This is a big problem because I can't view the pictures. I have phpmyadmin and I looked at the mysql databases, and they looked fine, even though I don't really know what I'm looking for.  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks


Joachim Müller

to find out what is causing the error, try switching debug_mode on in coppermine config (and copy the debug output into your posting here).


P.S. Thanks for triple-posting on 3 different boards in 3 different threads. I am well aware now that you seem to find this problem annoying. I wouldn't have understood if you'd just posted once. :evil:
I merged all your postings on the error your receive into this thread. That's what I love best about giving support :x

Joachim Müller

Quote from: "oldskool-nick"But what I want to know is whether this error message is in the coppermine files somewhere, of if it is beyond my control. I want to change it so that it says
"You must be logged in to view this page, Log In Here"
Changing the text of the error message is not recommended, but if you must: edit include/ and find// Error message if a query failed
function db_error($the_error)
        global $CONFIG;

        if (!$CONFIG['debug_mode']) {
            cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, 'There was an error while processing a database query', __FILE__, __LINE__);
        } else {



I appologize for posting 3 different topics, but I only did it because I had 3 different problems and I didn't want you to get confused, which you did ( you gave me the code for my other error message, not the one I was asking about, but its okay, I figured it out).  It won't happen again.

So I ran the gallery in debug mode and I got this error message:

Notice: Undefined index: aid in /www/c/chopitup/htdocs/glassin_world/gallery/include/ on line 1003

There are other error messages too, but this one is the main one that I am concerned about right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again,


Joachim Müller

it's just a notice, no need to be alarmed: mostly they are produced when a php variable is being used without being initialized properly in the first place. It's merely a matter of "good coding pratice" - we'll have to get rid of the notices sooner or later, but they won't affect your coppermine installs performance.
If you don't want notices to be displayed in debug mode, edit include/ and findif ($CONFIG['debug_mode']) {
    error_reporting (E_ALL);
} else {
    error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
and change it toif ($CONFIG['debug_mode']) {
    error_reporting (E_NOTICE);
} else {
    error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
This is not recommended though, usually you want the notices to be displayed as well, since that's the reason for switching debug_mode on...



Is there any integration with vBulletin 3.0 RC3 done?  :shock:
Maybe the coppermine templates could be stored in the Bulletin Board DB, it would be much easier to make the design look like something like a part of the whole site...

Joachim Müller

none of the dev team members runs vbulletin afaik, so we have to rely on the coppermine users to contribute a bridge file. Why don't you build/modify one (based on the existing bridge).
