Bridge plugin in construction, need some info on various boards/content managers Bridge plugin in construction, need some info on various boards/content managers


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Bridge plugin in construction, need some info on various boards/content managers

Started by flux, May 06, 2006, 11:16:35 AM

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i'm currently finishing a small plugin that will hopefully improve/help improve a bit CPG integration using bridges..

Basicaly the plugin will let your fetch additional data from the user table out of your bridged database.
you will be able to choose the user table fields you want to import, they will be associated with every picture/comment data being displayed in cpg and made available to your templates..

Currently i'm making all my tests with the Invison Power Board 1.3 Bridge recently released but in order to make this plugin usefull to other bridgers i would require some info on various boards/content managers that already have a cpg bridge available..

# Simple info that require no particular programing knowledge and that you've most certainly came across during your board installation :

- So i would simply need to know the "avatar" field(s) name(s) present in the "usertable" of your board database, where the member avatar info is stored.
For example in invision 1.3 that field is simply called "avatar" so i would need to know that the avatar field name is "avatar"..

- Then, if available, i would need the default avatar path and avatar upload path (if it exists), invision has both for "board avatars" and "members uploaded avatars"..

## Info that would probably require some knowledge of your board internals :

- the avatar field format and its various possible values.
For example invision stores in that single "avatar" field four different possible avatar sources, like this :
"upload:someprefix_somefilename" for member uploaded avatars
"/somepath/somefilename" for board avatars
"http://someurl" for member URL avatars
"noavatars" when the member has no avatars
with that info i'll be able to build the avatar path back, directly inside the plugin.

- Additionaly, i plan to make very small mod that will let my plugin hack the emoticons list so it can import your board emoticons and use them in your pictures comments.
I would then require any info you can give me about how emoticons are managed in your board, usually what i will need is how are build/stored the emotions "code/picture path" pairs..
In CPG the emoticons are hardcoded, possibly taken from phpbb, and stored in a simple array that has all the "code/picture path" pairs.
In invision and hopefuly other boards, emoticons are managed in a database table, that table has only three fields "code", "path", "clickable", with that and with the table name (without prefix) i can fetch those emoticons and render them available to cpg core code..

any help's appreciated



i've made some screens of my current integration using my bridge plugin.. i'm just using avatars/emoticons, haven't fetched additional data fields.

displaying avatars in the thumbnail display, it also uses a somehow basic caption template i've introduced in my theme modification and that comes with the plugin too :

picture (intermediate) display, picture owner avatar is there too :

picture comments display, comment owner avatars on the left, emoticons fetched from the board are also displayed down below :