Google Map in Coppermine Gallery, version 2 (of mod and api) - Page 8 Google Map in Coppermine Gallery, version 2 (of mod and api) - Page 8


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Google Map in Coppermine Gallery, version 2 (of mod and api)

Started by Tranz, May 07, 2006, 10:05:44 AM

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Quote from: TranzNDance on March 19, 2007, 02:27:34 AM
It's hard to tell where things went wrong. I see the Albums link doesn't work the way it should. Try copying the from the first page to see if that helps.
Hi Tranz,

I copied the code from the first page of this topic and overwrote my file, no change though. I just installed a Google Maps extension for Joomla to test to see if there was some incompatibility there, but those maps show up fine:



Quote from: Garibaldi on March 19, 2007, 02:41:40 AM
Hi Tranz,

I copied the code from the first page of this topic and overwrote my file, no change though. I just installed a Google Maps extension for Joomla to test to see if there was some incompatibility there, but those maps show up fine:

Is that link correct? I don't see a map.


Yes, try the link again now. I forgot that I had restricted access to it when I published it.


I just created a new map file using the code on the first page of this thread and it's ok. How about your map file? Have you modified it to work with this integration? If you have, could you please attach it to your next post?


I did not modify my map file. I put the attached 2 php files (the joomla titled ones) in the bridge folder as per Mehdi's instructions. I also attached my map.php file and style.css for my theme just in case


Hey Tranz,

Did those files help or do you need something else? I could send along info about the scripts etc included in my Joomla header?


Hi Garibaldi,

Sorry for the delay and thanks for reminding me. I was unable to extract that file. Could you please double-check that it works?


Hi Tranz,

I tried extracting the files and it went okay for me. I've attached another zip file with the 4 of them again, maybe this one will work.




Hi Garibaldi,

I used your map file and from the first page of this thread and it worked fine. I can't investigate further since I don't use joomla. Sorry. :(


I have followed the instruction on the thread and cannot get this mod to work? Appreciate any help given!



The css section is commented out, so that means that the part involving master template wasn't followed exactly.


Thanks for the help TranzNDance, fixed it now, great mod btw!


The mod works fine. But take care about changes on google maps API. They change ist several times (actual version is 2.81) and it can be that one time you need to chage the api call from v=2 to v=2.x
I have another use of the api and my ballon tooltips where gone. Changing the call fix it. Right now your mod work fine without modification.

But I have a little style question. Take a look at this:
Do you see the white space under the text? Is there a way to reduce this? I cannot find out where the height of the infowindow is calculated. Do you have any Idea?

I use it on


It seems to be caused by your custom theme. When I switch to Classic, it doesn't happen. So you would need to look at your theme's css. Sorry. Did this start happening recently or has it always been like this?


I never try a other theme ... But I will do it at try to find out the differences. Right now my server seems to be down :( I will report back if I find it. Thanks for the hint.


Hi there :-)

I just got you mod to work on my gallery - currently I have two problems

- the width of the slideshow column isn't saved when I enter it in the settings - but that's not a problem, I simply changed the value manually directly.
- I don't really know how to add coordinates to albums - you say you cannot get it to work directly but that you have to change the value in the sql-database - since that's a bit of a hassle maybe you could show me how to disable album-display in my (Google Map) file? When I choose album display I get an error (of course) because none of my albums contain coordinates - or maybe it would be possible to catch that error.

Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your mod, I really love it. Looks great in my gallery :-)

I tried to get the Google Map modification for Gallery2 to work on my server but that didn't work at all and the support on the Gallery2 forums is a mess. I also didn't manage to get the theme to work so I finally turned back to Coppermine and everything worked like a charm just following your description here. At first it looks like an idiotic amount of work but the result is so gratifying especially because it only took me about 5 hours to get everything done the way I wanted compared to two days of fiddling with Gallery2 (which also has no easy way to alter themes). So I will stick with Coppermine now and will try to get lightbox up and running now :-)

Again - thanks a lot, and if you can you could point me towards a way to disable the album display. I can't find the location where it is processed in your mod...


Thanks for the feedback. It's a pleasure to share code that benefits other people.

You can remove the undesired part of the code in
' [' . $view_link . '] '

You're right that the error should be caught, but I don't have time to look into it. Sorry.


Eeek you are quick :-)

Another thing I noticed is that if I assign the same coordinates to 5 or more pictures, the overview-map map loses the ability to focus on that picture. When you click one of the five+ pictures in the slideshow, the map doesn't center/focus anymore.

This makes the mass edit function kind of obsolete (editpics.php). I also noticed that the coordinates aren't displayed in editpics.php if an image already has coordinates. When I add them manually via copy and paste, they ARE saved, the markers ARE set on the overview map, but as I mentioned the center-on-slideshow-click function doesn't work anymore.

But that doesn't really matter - small changes in the coordinates are enough. I'll simply alternate the coordinates by tiny fractions so the images have different locations - which results in only one marker being in the absolute front on the overview map and when you click that the popup with the image information doesn't have more tabs (but since if you have 47 images in the same location 47 tabs would look silly anyway I think it's sufficitent to have one image and then have the user guess that he should click the small thumbnail in the popup to get to the album the picture is in to find additional pictures from that location or near it.

Hey I can't help it - a baseball stadium doesn't move during a game and neither did I or my camera ;-)

I am totally happy with the current functionality. I removed the code as you suggested (well I removed a little bit more
' [' . $view_link . '] ' . to be exact ;-)

Thanks again for your great work and fast replies.



This is certainly the most silly question posted in this thread...

I followed all the steps and now I wanted to start. Apparently I must be incredibly dumb (because all the other ones succeeded) but I just don't know exactly how. Can someone tell me (or direct to manual) how to start now in Coppermine?
Please forgive my ignorance...
I also have a database error (probably copy/paste wrong but I look at this myself...).


Concerning the database problem. Via PhpMyAdmin I noticed that the additional fields that came from update.sql where not there. So I verified my update.sql and notice that in every single line the tables are called "cpg_..." while my tables are called "cpg132_..."
Could that be the problem? Can I just change this in the update.sql file? In all the other lines (not from this modification) the tables are also called "cpg_...". Can I just leave them as is or do I have to change them also?
Thank you very much for your kind help!