Upload Error Messages (unsure how to correct) Upload Error Messages (unsure how to correct)


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Upload Error Messages (unsure how to correct)

Started by edrahl, May 12, 2006, 01:12:09 AM

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I read through your support file and did check every folder in the Coppermine folder on my website and all folders have 777 or 755 permissions (that refers to R,W,X?).

Another suggestion said that the PHP max-something time was set at 60.  This could be my particular problem as I have dial-up from my home computer; however, I was trying to upload VERY small files - like 50KB.  I also had someone with a faster connection try and they were unable to upload either.

Maybe what isn't clear to me is what Coppermine's usage is.  I recently moved from hosting my site on Yahoo! Geocities to a hosted site that runs through CPanel.  Coppermine appeared as an add-on, and our group was looking for a way to upload pictures rather than people e-mailing me (or giving me a Zip drive) and then I have to upload all the pictures.

I tried changing the settings to single uploads, I've placed pictures directly in the albums or pictures files within Coppermine on my hosted site... anything I can do to get it to work.

Basically I get the error:  Failed to create directory albums/userpics/10001 !

File: /home/arectlb/public_html/Coppermine/db_input.php - Line: 228

Warning: mkdir(albums/userpics/10001): Permission denied in /home/arectlb/public_html/Coppermine/db_input.php on line 227

Initially, I got an error that said it could not be moved from a particular file, though the file was on my computer, so I don't understand that.

Perhaps my problem is that Coppermine is for a different usage then I am thinking.  I thought it was similar to how we could post pictures on Yahoo! Groups, where Members/Registered Users can simply post pictures in a given gallery.  Or... is that the general usage of Coppermine?

I'm looking at the error again, about "failure to create directory."  I did see something in the instructions about setting up a directory when installing Coppermine; however, based upon the directions I read when installing, it looked like you could leave most of the fields blank, so I don't know/think I have created something separate... and maybe that is my error.

Forgive me if I have missed an obvious solution.  I worked with Perl and CGI scripts a LONG time ago, and haven't had work/home opportunity to work with advanced skills, so please have patience (cuz this looks like a great program, and I would prefer not to have to upload lots of files myself for the back-end way).

Thanks in advance.


Please keep to "one issue per thread" since that's the policy (and a good policy) of this forum.  To quickly answer your "is Coppermine right for me" question without continuing the discussion here since it's not the "one issue" of this thread, you can try the DEMO linked above to see how Coppermine works.

For your upload problem, I suspect your webhost might have "safe mode on" for PHP.  Read the sticky thread in this board "Troubleshooting the Upload Process" and scan down to "silly safe mode" where it tells you about creating directories under the "userpics" folder and how to turn on "Silly_Safe_Mode" in Coppermine.  This might solve your problem.


Sorry about putting multiple topics (I tend to ramble on and that may have introduced other issues... I really just want to resolve the upload problem).

Anyway, I looked in my phpinfo.php, and it shows that Safe Mode is "Off."

The only other issue that I am thinking about is maybe the Coppermine folder should reside in a specific part of my website? (I'm not trying to suggest another topic, only thinking why it doesn't want to give me permission to upload files.)



It's fine to continue the current issue wherever it takes us . . . hopefully to its resolution!

Right now your error message is about creating the new directory under userpics.  How about creating that directory (albums/userpics/10001) manually, setting its permissions to 777, then seeing if the upload works.  This would determine if it's a general upload problem or just a creating-a-directory problem.


Well, putting in the directory manually seemed to work, but then would I have to add in 777 directories manually every time anyone wanted to create an album?

(I thought for a moment it didn't work... at first, and then I re-read the error message and it had to do with jpg versus gif.)


Yes, I agree that adding in each folder manually is not reasonable.  But this was useful for troubleshooting.

Looking at the Coppermine code, the Coppermine constant SILLY_SAFE_MODE is only used for creating the userpics folders.  So I suggest turning it on in Coppermine and see if things work.  Looking at the sticky thread, you turn it on by adding this line to your include/config.inc.php:
define('SILLY_SAFE_MODE', 1);

Before you do this, I guess it would be worthwhile to be double-check the permissions on the /albums and /albums/userpics directories to make sure they are 777.

So basically if SILLY_SAFE_MODE works for you, it shouldn't have any other side-effects, at least not in this version of Coppermine.

If you don't want to create a new user to test SILLY_SAFE_MODE, you can delete the current photos in Coppermine, then delete the 10001 directory, then try to upload.  (I thought I'd mention this in case you're wondering how to remove that directory properly - you need to remove the photos first so the directory is not referenced in the database.)

Joachim Müller

As you said you installed from cpanel, my guess is that you're using an outdated version, so please post a link to your coppermine-driven page. We'll then be able to advice. Most recent stable version is cpg1.4.5


Good point.  I remember reading that the first time, was going to mention it in my first reply, then got sidetracked reading about SILLY_SAFE_MODE, then forgot.   :(


The current listing page is:  http://www.arec-lb.com/Coppermine

As regards your message about adjusting to Silly_Safe_mode, I'm not sure where I adjust the config.inc.php


You're using version 1.3.2 - that's very old.  If that's what you just installed, your webhost should be ashamed.

I'd start over and install the current version 1.4.5 yourself.  It's easy to do - the docs give you a step-by-step guide.


That was the most available version on my cpanel.  Should I uninstall the other version first?


They should be ashamed.   >:(

As long as you don't care about the files and haven't done a huge setup for albums and categories, I'd say wipe it out.  Uninstall it however you like.  You need to delete all the files and the database tables.

You theoretically could upgrade it, but that would not make sense here at all.  Wipe it out & start over.

Then install the current version.

You could just install the new version to a new directory and using a new table prefix if you don't want to deal with the uninstall right now.  Just make sure you are using a new directory and new table prefix and say so in the installation process (not pointing to the old one by accident).

Note to self: always ask for a link at the beginning of a support thread.   :(



It took me a while to uninstall (i.e. delete) and reinstall.  Dial-up is slow.

I'm not having any trouble logging in and uploading pictures, but wondered if I needed to start a new thread because I am unsure about how I can get the uploaded pictures to appear when someone different logs in... or goes to the page.

I looked through the directions and I don't see anything about that, but maybe I didn't know what the right keyword was.


Wait.  I think I found it.  I was clicking on links while I waited for a response.  It's in Properties.

Let me make sure this is working first, but I want to get offline to rest before embarking on a 100-mile relay run this evening. =)