Another phpbb plus Integration Problem Another phpbb plus Integration Problem


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Another phpbb plus Integration Problem

Started by Bullett, January 26, 2004, 01:31:26 PM

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after reading a few threads in this forum,
-That one just deals with blocks in the portal...

i feel still alone with my problem... :cry: :

I integrated coppermine and it works fine, userbase and cookies.
The problem is, i can´t integrate it visually:
I build a link in my navigation bar, that links directly to the index.php (Coppermine) -> that one is cleaning the window and opens the index.php in the complete window.
What i want is, that the header from the webpage remains where it is and the navigation-bar at the left side as well.
I figured out, that my portal.php is building the page and integrates the templatefiles overall_header.tpl and portal_body.tpl, the portal_body file is in html-code and it maintains a table with 3 td-datafields.
I tried to take the portal_body and change it ->portal_gallerie.tpl tocall
<?php include "mygallerie/index.php");> in the second td-field, then i changed the portal.php ->into a gallerie.php and changed it to call the portal_gallerie.tpl as the tamplate file...
in my navigation bar i set up the link for gallerie on the gallerie.php.
guess what, nothing works... :evil: !
Has anyone food for thoughts?  :shock:

Thanks for reading,
and doublethanks for helping...


Hey i went on trying it, with this code:


&#40;'IN_PHPBB', true&#41;;
$phpbb_root_path './';
#40;$phpbb_root_path . ''&#41;;
include&#40;$phpbb_root_path . 'common.'.$phpEx&#41;;

// Start session management
$userdata session_pagestart&#40;$user_ip, PAGE_INDEX&#41;;
// End session management
// Start output of page
$page_title "Disclaimer";
#40;$phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.'.$phpEx&#41;;

<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0" class="forumline">
<th class="catHead" height="25">
<td class="row1" align="center">




now i can see the writings from Coppermine index.php, i have the right header and footer from my phpbb, but i can´t see any image only the redcrosses, and the template is the wrong one...
do i have to define a root, or anything else?

still searching for help!
food for thoughts!