Export Pictures out of Photopost 4.6 Export Pictures out of Photopost 4.6


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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Export Pictures out of Photopost 4.6

Started by gmarik, February 03, 2004, 06:11:53 PM

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Gaugau, here is the MySQL backup, please make a transfer to
CPG 1.21 script, I hate PhotoPost and a lot of people do as well.  :!:

Joachim Müller

I'm not the only person around here; I ask anybody how sees this post and feels like writing a converter to reply by saying "task taken" and code it.

@gmarik: could you make an english dump (switch your language temporarily to english in phpMyAdmin) and post it here? Thanks!



CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}admlog (id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,adminuser varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',datestamp int(20) NOT NULL default '0',ip varchar(35) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (id)) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}favorites (id smallint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, userid int(8) NOT NULL default '0', photo int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY  (id), KEY parent (photo)) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}laston (cat smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', userid mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0', laston int(11) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (cat,userid)) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}exif (photoid INT(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, exifinfo TEXT);
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}categories (id smallint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,catname varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',description varchar(255) default NULL,catorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',thumbs varchar(4) NOT NULL default 'yes',parent int(5) NOT NULL default '0',header varchar(200) default NULL,footer varchar(200) default NULL,headtags varchar(200) default NULL,private varchar(5) NOT NULL default 'no',ugnoview VARCHAR(255) NULL,ugnoupload VARCHAR(255) NULL,ugnopost VARCHAR(255) NULL,ugnoanno VARCHAR(255) NULL,children TEXT default NULL,lastpost INT(11) UNSIGNED,lastphoto INT(11) UNSIGNED,photos INT(11) UNSIGNED default '0',posts INT(11) UNSIGNED default '0',password VARCHAR(24),cattype varchar(4) NOT NULL default 'c',theme VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,catdepth varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL,watermark varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (id),KEY parent(parent)) TYPE=MyISAM;
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}categories VALUES (1,'Main','',2,'no',0,NULL,NULL,NULL,'no',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'2',0,0,0,0,NULL,'c','','','');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}categories VALUES (2,'A Category','Photos of a particular subject.',1,'yes',1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'no',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,NULL,'c','','','');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}categories VALUES (500,'Member Galleries','Individual user galleries - any photo category.',1,'yes',0,NULL,NULL,NULL,'no',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,NULL,'c','','','');
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}comments (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,username tinytext NOT NULL,userid mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0',date int(15) NOT NULL default '0',rating float(12,2) default NULL,comment text NOT NULL,photo int(11) NOT NULL default '0',cat smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0',approved INT(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id),KEY photo(photo),KEY cat(cat)) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}photos (id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,user varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',userid int(8) NOT NULL default '0',cat int(11) NOT NULL default '0',date int(15) NOT NULL default '0',title varchar(75) NULL default '',description text NULL,keywords varchar(150) default NULL,bigimage varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',width smallint(6) default NULL,height smallint(4) default NULL,filesize int(10) default '0',views int(10) NOT NULL default '0',medwidth int(12) default '0',medheight smallint(6) default '0',medsize mediumint(9) default '0',approved tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',lastpost int(15) NOT NULL default '0',rating float(12,2) NOT NULL default '0',watermarked varchar(5) NOT NULL default 'no',allowprint varchar(5) NOT NULL default 'yes',extra1 VARCHAR(255), extra2 VARCHAR(255), extra3 VARCHAR(255), extra4 VARCHAR(255), extra5 VARCHAR(255), extra6 VARCHAR(255), disporder INT(5) DEFAULT '99999' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id),KEY userid(userid),KEY cat(cat),KEY bigimage(bigimage,cat)) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}settings (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',varname varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',description varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',setting varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',optionorder int(3) NOT NULL default '0',section int(3) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id)) TYPE=MyISAM;
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (1,'Title for your PhotoPost Application','galleryname','','My Photo Gallery',1,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (2,'Web site name','webname','','My Website',2,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (3,'Your Website URL (include http://)','domain','','http://www.domain.com',3,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (4,'Administrator Email Address','adminemail','','admin@domain.com',4,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (5,'Data directory virtual path','datadir','This is the web / virtual path to the data directory.','http://www.domain.com/photopost/data',25,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (6,'Full path to PhotoPost data directory','datafull','Full path to the image files directory.','/path/to/your/photopost/data',26,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (7,'URL to your forums main directory (optional)','vbulletin','This is the virtual path to your forum installation.','http://www.domain.com/forum',27,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (8,'Full path to Header Include file','header','To include an HTML file as the header, enter the full path.','/path/to/php/header.htm',28,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (9,'Full path to the Footer include file','footer','To include an HTML file as the footer, enter the full path.','/path/to/php/footer.htm',29,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (10,'Full path to HTML file containing head tags','headtags','','/path/to/php/headtags.htm',30,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (11,'URL to PhotoPost PHP directory','maindir','','http://www.domain.com/photopost',31,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (13,'Default number of comments per page','defaultposts','','15',53,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (14,'Show Most Recent Additions on Index page?','mostrecent','','yes',54,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (15,'Number of columns for thumbnail pages','thumbcols','','4',55,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (18,'Thumbnail image max width and height in pixels','previewwidth','','100',88,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (19,'Max allowable image width in pixels','maxwidth','','2500',89,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (20,'Max allowable image height in pixels','maxheight','','2500',90,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (21,'Trigger medium graphic height and width','biggraphic','An uploaded larger than this will create a medium image of this size.','600',91,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (22,'Uploaded photos require admin approval?','moderation','','yes',92,4);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (33,'Display photo and diskspace stats on index page?','stats','','yes',20,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (37,'cright','cright','','<font size=\"1\" face=\"verdana\">Powered by: <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.photopost.com\">PhotoPost</a> --replaceme--<br />Copyright 2003 All Enthusiast, Inc.</font>',300,'0');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (38,'Use email to notify users?','useemail','Users can be notified of photo approvals and deletions.','yes',301,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (41,'User Registration System','vbversion','','2.2.0',304,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (42,'Comments increment user post count?','cpostcount','','yes',93,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (43,'Photo uploads increment user post count?','ppostcount','','yes',94,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (44,'Save and display medium and large images?','bigsave','','yes',95,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (45,'Number of columns for most recent additions section?','recentcols','','4',96,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (46,'Number of photos to display in the most recent additions section?','recentnum','','12',97,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (47,'Allow users to send e-Cards?','enablecard','','no',98,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (48,'Require users to be registered to send an e-Card?','cardreg','','yes',99,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (49,'URL to PhotoPost images directory','idir','','http://www.domain.com/images',33,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (50,'Depth (number of levels) of categories to display.','catdepth','','1',34,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (51,'Allow users to be notified of new posts via email?','usenotify','','yes',305,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (57,'Exclude admin uploads from photo approval process?','adminexclude','','yes',101,4);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (58,'Show post count and photo details for cats without thumbs?','catdetails','','no',211,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (61,'Use COPPA for registration?','coppa','','yes',350,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (62,'Full Path to Registration Rules, or leave blank for default','rules','','',351,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (63,'Require verification of email address upon registration?','emailverify','','yes',353,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (64,'Your mailing address to receive COPPA permission forms?','address','','',354,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (65,'Full path to COPPA rules file, or leave blank for default?','copparules','','',352,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (66,'Allow new user registrations?','allowregs','','yes',349,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (67,'Allow users to upload photos?','allowup','','yes',84,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (68,'Allow users to post comments?','allowpost','','yes',85,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (69,'Show recent photos in default location (bottom)? (if no, will display at top)','recentdefault','','yes',56,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (70,'Your <a target="_blank" href="http://www.techimo.com/photopost/affiliate.html">Commission Junction</a> click-through URL','cjurl','','',5,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (71,'Notify Admin of New Uploads?','uploadnotify','','yes',93,4);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (72,'Show last photo thumbnail in member galleries listing?','membthumb','','yes',102,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (75,'PhotoPost main table width, percent or pixels.','tablewidth','','100%',192,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (76,'Require unique email addresses for user registration?','emailunique','','no',103,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (78,'Show Random images on Index page?','disrandom','','no',55,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (79,'Show Most Popular images on Index page?','dispopular','','no',55,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (80,'Do you want to allow ZIP uploads?','allowzip','','no',53,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (81,'PATH to UPLOADS directory?','zipuploaddir','','/path/to/uploads',53,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (82,'URL to UPLOADS directory?','zipuploadurl','','http://www.yoursite.com/uploads',53,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (83,'Forum database table prefix','dprefix','','',53,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (84,'PhotoPost Version','pversion','','4.5',53,0);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (86,'Enable watermarking of photos with overlay image?','annotate','','no',60,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (87,'If enabled, position of overlay watermark on images.','gravity','','SouthEast',61,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (88,'Quality setting for resizing/thumbnails?','imgquality','','70',89,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (89,'If photo upload width or height exceeds maximums, resize upload down to max dimensions?','resizeorig','','yes',59,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (90,'Full server path to watermark overlay image.','watermark','','',63,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (91,'Allow users to move/delete their own images?','userdel','','no',58,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (92,'Display Members Gallery on the main index page?','showmem','','yes',55,2)
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (93,'Require users to be registered to view images?','reqregister','','no',56,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (94,'Do you want Members Gallery to show all of a users photos?','memformat','','yes',57,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (95,'Display headers during SlideShows?','slidehead','','yes',58,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (97,'Maximum multimedia upload size in Kb','mmuploadsize','','2000',88,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (98,'Allow users to create Personal Albums?','allowpa','','yes',53,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (99,'Allow multimedia uploads?','allowmedia','','no',88,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (100,'Allow members to rate photos?','allowrate','','yes',54,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (101,'Display new comments/photos indicator on index?','displaynew','','no',58,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (102,'Display and extract EXIF information from images?','showexif','','no',59,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (103,'Do you want to show the Members Gallery in List format?','memblist','','no',60,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (104,'Do you want to prompt for optional info during registration?','getoptional','','yes',355,5);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (105,'Do you want to be notified of all new comments?','notifyadmin','','no',94,4);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (108,'Optional Photo Field #1 (blank for none)','extra1name','','',1,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (109,'Optional Photo Field #2 (blank for none)','extra2name','','',2,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (110,'Optional Photo Field #3 (blank for none)','extra3name','','',3,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (111,'Optional Photo Field #4 (blank for none)','extra4name','','',4,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (112,'Optional Photo Field #5 (blank for none)','extra5name','','',5,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (113,'Optional Photo Field #6 (blank for none)','extra6name','','',6,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (114,'Display filesize?','dispfs','','yes',7,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (115,'Display views?','dispviews','','yes',8,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (116,'Display date?','dispdate','','yes',9,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (117,'Display dimensions?','dispdims','','yes',10,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (118,'Display keywords?','dispkeys','','yes',11,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (119,'Display description?','dispdesc','','yes',12,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (120,'Display ratings that have no comments attached?','dispempty','','yes',13,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (121,'Display title under photo?','disptitle','','yes',14,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (122,'Display quickratings under photos?','dispquick','','yes',15,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (123,'Do you want to allow people to download their favorites?','allowfavzip','','yes',58,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (124,'Display # of comments indicator under thumbnails?','dispcoms','','yes',16,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (125,'Display unapproved comments?','moderatecoms','','yes',17,4);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (126,'How many file upload prompts do you want?','maxfiles','','1',89,3);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (128,'Pixel size of borders for images/thumbnails','cellpadding','Thickness - set to 0 for no border','1',60,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (129,'Color for image borders','framecolor','Color of the frame around images/thumbs','#000000',61,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (130,'Select a theme for your website','theme','Choose from the available themes for your site layout','default',62,2);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (131,'Show UBBCode on Photo page?','showubb','','no',16,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (133,'Use Spider-friendly URLs?','spider','','no',17,6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (134, 'Use Anti-leeching code?', 'right-click', 'Use Right-Click Disable Script', 'no', 18, 6);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}settings VALUES (135, 'Display number of viewers on categories?', 'displayonline', 'Adds a query to main index, but shows numbers of viewers per category', 'yes', 60, 2);
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}sort (sortid int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(35) NOT NULL default '', code varchar(75) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (sortid)) TYPE=MyISAM;
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sort VALUES (2,'Latest','ORDER BY disporder,date DESC');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sort VALUES (3,'Most Views','ORDER BY disporder,views DESC');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sort VALUES (1,'Most Active','ORDER BY disporder,lastpost DESC');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sort VALUES (4,'Most Popular','ORDER BY disporder,rating DESC, views DESC');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sort VALUES (6, 'Random', 'ORDER BY disporder,RAND()');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sort VALUES (5, 'Least Popular', 'ORDER BY disporder,rating,views');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sort VALUES (7, 'Image Name', 'ORDER BY disporder,bigimage');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sort VALUES (8, 'Title', 'ORDER BY disporder,title');
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}admingroups (id int(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,name varchar(35) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (id)) TYPE=MyISAM;
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}admingroups VALUES (1,'Titles, Paths and Configuration');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}admingroups VALUES (2,'Index Display Options');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}admingroups VALUES (3,'Image and Diskspace Options');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}admingroups VALUES (4,'Admin Options');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}admingroups VALUES (5,'User and User Registration options');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}admingroups VALUES (6,'Field Display and Optional Fields');
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}sortmemb (sortid int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,name varchar(35) NOT NULL default '',code varchar(75) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (sortid)) TYPE=MyISAM;
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sortmemb VALUES (2,'Date (newest first)','ORDER BY maxdate DESC');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sortmemb VALUES (3,'Views (high to low)','ORDER BY tviews DESC');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sortmemb VALUES (1,'Most Active','ORDER BY maxlast DESC');
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}sortmemb VALUES (4,'Alphabetical Order','ORDER BY user ASC');
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}ecards (id int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment,fromname varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',toname varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',subject varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',message text NOT NULL,photoid int(25) NOT NULL default '0',date int(25) NOT NULL default '0', backcolor VARCHAR(12) DEFAULT '#696969' NOT NULL, bordcolor VARCHAR(12) DEFAULT '#000000' NOT NULL, fontcolor VARCHAR(12) DEFAULT '#FFFFFF' NOT NULL, pickfont VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT 'arial' NOT NULL, layout VARCHAR(24) DEFAULT 'tobottom' NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id)) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}notify (id int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,userid int(25) NOT NULL default '0',photo int(25) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (id),KEY photo(photo)) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}users (userid int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment,usergroupid int(5) NOT NULL default '0',username varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',password varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',email varchar(75) NOT NULL default '',homepage varchar(100) default NULL,icq varchar(50) default NULL,aim varchar(30) default NULL,yahoo varchar(30) default NULL,joindate int(25) NOT NULL default '0',posts int(20) NOT NULL default '0',birthday date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',ipaddress varchar(18) default NULL,location varchar(100) default NULL,interests varchar(250) default NULL,occupation varchar(250) default NULL,bio varchar(250) default NULL,site VARCHAR(30) default NULL,offset SMALLINT(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,views int(10) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (userid)) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}ipcache (id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,userid INT(25) NOT NULL, ipaddr VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL, date INT(11) UNSIGNED, type VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL, photo INT(10) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id)) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}iponline (userid VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL default '', ipaddr VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL default '', date INT(11) UNSIGNED, what VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL default '',item VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (ipaddr)) TYPE=MyISAM;


CREATE TABLE {$pp_db_prefix}usergroups (groupid int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, groupname varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', cpaccess smallint(3) NOT NULL default '0', modaccess smallint(3) NOT NULL default '0', uploads smallint(3) NOT NULL default '1', comments smallint(3) NOT NULL default '1', diskspace int(10) default NULL, uploadsize int(10) default NULL, editpho int(3) NOT NULL default '0', editposts int(3) NOT NULL default '0', useralbums int(3) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (groupid)) TYPE=MyISAM;
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}usergroups VALUES (5,'Administrator',1,1,1,1,'','',1,1,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}usergroups VALUES (1,'Banned','','','','','','',0,0,0);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}usergroups VALUES (3,'Unregistered','','','','','','',0,0,0);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}usergroups VALUES (4,'Registered','','',1,1,'','',1,1,1);
INSERT INTO {$pp_db_prefix}usergroups VALUES (2,'COPPA','','','','','','',0,0,0);


Is this what you need?  If you need a test server let me know.

Joachim Müller

I won't write a photopost converter (as I'm busy with other things), but maybe someone else will be doing this (take up the task).
The person who is (eventually) taking up the task will surely post or contact you if further info is needed.



I'm the one who plans on doing the little thingy :)

Maybe that little is an ironicly written word huh ? :D Well, any of you who have a MySQL dump of a gallery, PM me!

Why did the chicken cross the road? Bill Clinton: "What's your definition of chicken?"


Note: I also need the location of where the pics are stored. I can't seem to find that in the DB, it only sais "bathroom.jpg" for example. So basically, can you tell me in what folder are the pics? Are they in "category/album_name/some_name" or somewhere else? This is VERY important. Thanks for the help.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Bill Clinton: "What's your definition of chicken?"