Red Train - Theme for cpg1.4.x and WordPress 1.5 Red Train - Theme for cpg1.4.x and WordPress 1.5


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Red Train - Theme for cpg1.4.x and WordPress 1.5

Started by Gizmo, August 10, 2006, 11:31:53 PM

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Hi All,

Here is the Red Train theme that I've ported from a WordPress theme designed by Vladimir Simovic - This theme won the "Mini Poobah" award (3rd place) in the 2005 WordPress theme competition - The Connection theme which won the "Grand Poobah" award has been ported and can be found here - So if you're interested in starting (or have a blog) and want to integerate Coppermine to it then check out these themes for WordPress and Coppermine.

Now for the technical stuff. In order to handle the width of some of the Configuration items (groups, users, ecards) in the main table, a scroll bar is needed but hidden for all other uses of the theme if the following criteria are met. To prevent the scroll bar from being visible in the gallery, it's best to use 4 columns for thumbnails (Config => Thumbnail view => Number of columns on thumbnail page = 4) and 4 items in the film strip (Config => Image view => Number of items in film strip = 4). The default thumbnail size of 100 pixels is also recommended (Config => Files and thumnails settings => Max dimension of a thumbnail ** = 100). Most generally everyone has these set by the defaults and therefore should have no problem.

Also, this theme is really geared towards intermediate photos sizes of less than 460 pixels and since the default in Coppermine is 400, it works great but if you try to go above 480 or so, you will get the scroll bar as when viewing the Coppermine demo. This setting is in Config => Files and thumbnails settings => Max width or height of an intermediate picture/video ** = 400 (default). The popup size can be any size though.

Please enjoy the theme and make all the changes you need to suit your gallery.


Billy  :D
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision

Joachim Müller


Hi Gizmo.  This theme is beautiful, and perfect for what I want.   But when I load it up, I get a huge amount of blank space before the Categories.  You have to scroll down a ways before you get to the actual categories and albums.
Here is a screenshot of what I mean. 

[  U  R  L  =  ]  [  I  M  G  ] [ / i m g ] [ / U R L ]
[edit GauGau] Replaced hotlinked pic with attachment [/edit]

I am not proficient with html and css, but manage to know enough to run my site, make minor tweaks to galleries and forums, and skin them.   Is there something I can do to move those up closer to the  header? 
Thanks so much for your time.


I assume this a screenshot of IE and IE has issues with margins and padding. I've tried this on 3 different systems with 3 different monitor resolutions with IE and FF and I don't have any issues but that's not to say it can't happen. IE is a bit tricky (or junky if you will) but we still have many people using it so we have to comply. Copy the below IE specific selector to the style.css file and let me know how it goes. You may have to decrease the width a bit if it doesn't work with 510px right away.

* html #content {
width: 510px;
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Thank you so much, Gizmo!!!
It DID work at 495px.  ;D

I do know what you mean about IE.  I generally don't use it for my own surfing, I use Firefox or Opera, but when I do anything for my site, I have to make sure it works in IE (bc as you said, most non-webbie people still use it).  It can be a pain sometimes trying to make things work in so many different browsers.  LOL

But this is perfect!  Thanks so much, again.   :D
**Happily prancing off to move all my old 1.3 albums into my kickin new 1.4.9 gallery.**


Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Hey Gizmo.  I did notice in your "read me file" that you allow people to modify your theme to suit their sites.  So I've been tweaking a bit. . .

I'm somewhat embarrassed, because I should be able to figure this out.  There's some black text that is not showing on my new black background.  I've tried to change any occurrance that has the code #000000, but none of them are the right ones.  So could you tell me where I should change the font color code to make this black text another color?  I've attached a screenshot. 

I'm so sorry to bother you again on this, and I know it's something simple . . . but for the life of me, I just can't find the right spot.  Thanks so  much.  :)


No problem. Try the #container style. If that doesn't work, I'll need a link to your gallery.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Thanks Gizmo. 
I went to the container area, and added "font-color: #ffffff" which didn't work.   So I changed it to "color: #ffffff".  That also didn't work.   I know I should be able to figure out which code to use; it's driving me crazy!  rofl

The link to the new gallery is:
I haven't moved over any of the old photos or added all the categories yet, until I finish the skinning process.  Thanks so much.  I know you're going above and beyond, and that you don't have to, so I really appreciate it.


I'm not sure why it's not getting the font color from there as it does with my theme but if you add the color property to the table selector then it seems to work on your gallery.
table {
        font-size: 12px;
        color: #ffffff;
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


WHOO-HOO!!!  Awesome.   ;D Thanks! ;D

Seriously, thanks so much, Gizmo.  I really appreciate it.   ;D


Here is a 930px wide version of Red Train that's been requested. I've also included some Config settings in the theme.php file to help set up the layout for it's optimal use so if you wish, you can change these settings there. The main gallery window is 705px so it will handle your larger intermediate photos quite nicely. If you want to view this theme, you can check it out here. You'll need to use your own header image since the original one was 730px wide but that should be easy to add.

// These parameters overide what the user inputs in the Configuration setup to prevent the theme from breaking.
$CONFIG['max_film_strip_items'] = 6; //overrides the number of thumbnails.
$CONFIG['thumbcols'] = 5; //overrides the number of columns for thumbnails.
$CONFIG['main_table_width'] = '100%'; //overrides the Width of the main table (pixels or %).
$CONFIG['picture_table_width'] = '100%'; //overrides the Width of the table for file display (pixels or %).
$CONFIG['album_list_cols'] = 4; // sets "Number of columns for the album list = 3"
$CONFIG['first_level'] = 0; //sets "Show first level album thumbnails in categories = no".

If you find any issues, please post them here.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision



I used that theme since 3 months and my problem is, i cant simply use 'popup comment'

I can simply remove '//' from index template, but it doesn't work correctly. We can see that the tamplate of popup-comment will be damaged.

<?php //comments_popup_script(); // off by default ?>

If i remove the first //, the comments will be popup, but there is not template for this comments.

Please help me.

My main blog is but sorry i wrote in Malays or French.

So, you can use (my test template) and enter the dashboard by

username: wenkt3
password: azerty

So, you can test RedTrain theme here. Please help me.. i really need you help to use popup-comment correctly.



If you're looking for support for your WordPress blog, you need to go ask on the WordPress Forum or check to see if the theme creator has any support for his themes.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


+ your dream catcher is gonna go up in flames dude.


im still looking for the exact coding for RedTrain Popup Template. I asked the owner but he's from Germany and doesnt speak English / French. I looked around in WordPress Forum but i found nothing.

If you can help me settle this problem, please log in to my test template at with username wenkt3 and the password is azerty

Joachim Müller

We provide support for Coppermine-related stuff. We do not provide support for Wordpress or any other application. This is an announcement thread that deals with the port of a theme/template for Coppermine. Please do not clutter it by asking for unrelated stuff.


Hello, I have a website here

The problem is I downloaded this theme and cannot figure out how to configure my links, about, and archives links on the right side. Please help, thank you

Joachim Müller

Edit themes/yourtheme/template.html with a plain text editor.