Bad character encoding between forum (PunBB 1.2.11) and Gallery (cpg 1.4.8) Bad character encoding between forum (PunBB 1.2.11) and Gallery (cpg 1.4.8)


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Bad character encoding between forum (PunBB 1.2.11) and Gallery (cpg 1.4.8)

Started by yacenty, August 13, 2006, 11:03:47 AM

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Hi all,
I had brigged forum with gallery, everything was till few days ago. Few my members have register with special characters in login - for example "Józek".
in the forum everything is ok, but when he adds photos to gallery he has strange name "J#(some kind of dummy character)zek"
in the gallery encoding is set to UTF8, but I have no idea what type of encoding is set in forum, I can not find any option to change it.
How can I get the same login in gallery and in forum?

Best regards,


sorry for lackness of information:)

My forum:
my gallery:

cpg: 1.4.8
forum: punbb 1.2.11

user: test pass: test1234

Forum URL:
Relative path to your BBS's config file:    ../forum/
Use post-based groups?:    1

what is wrong with my config? why do I have strange encodings with some special polish characters?

best regards,


Your forum is running in ISO-8859-2 and Coppermine in UTF-8. Check the punbb board for discussions on running punbb in utf-8. If you have iconv enabled in php then you can convert the names so they are displayed correctly. If you do then I can come up with some code to correct things.