How do I change the home view How do I change the home view


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How do I change the home view

Started by bebop, September 06, 2006, 01:55:36 AM

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Where in the code would I change what my users see on the home page? I would like for them to see thier own gallery but I did not see a breadcrumb for that. Do I have to build one or am I just missing something basic here?
Bopping to the beat of my own drums =))


I answered my own problem... thanks anyways... here is the answer I was searching for.

Consider this topic solved.


Bopping to the beat of my own drums =))

Joachim Müller

Quote from: bebop on September 06, 2006, 02:27:57 AM
I answered my own problem...
To me it seems that Abbas Ali answered your question, and the thread you're refering to is for cpg1.3.x. Anyway, marking your posting as requested.


well i ended up in the wrong version thread *looks humbled* so I am back to the drawing board.. any suggestions?
Bopping to the beat of my own drums =))


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Joachim Müller

Just for clarification: you're not meant to ask cpg1.4.x-questions on mod threads that are labelled as "cpg1.3.x" (see "Don't ask for other versions"). Basically, you're stuck and will have to solve this on your own by porting the code posted on the mod thread for your coppermine version. If you can't do this, you'll have to hire someone to do this for you.

@bmossavari: please don't do this in the future. Instead of posting the cpg1.4.x-flavor of a mod on the thread that is labelled for cpg1.3.x, start a new thread instead that summarizes your mod (enabling it to stand on it's own) and that contains reference to the original thread. If you don't, the thread will be cluttered by some people asking for support on the cpg1.3.x flavor, other asking for support on the cpg1.3.x flaavor on the mod.
It's mandatory to keep up a separation between mods that behave differently for different coppermine versions.


Sorry for wrong post, can we split that post to a new post with 1.4.x lable?

I see that you've already done that
Thank you and again sorry for create such a problem
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board