PUNBB Integration PUNBB Integration


CPG Release 1.6.26
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PUNBB Integration

Started by nickfzx, September 12, 2006, 03:15:02 AM

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how hard would it be to make this modpack work with punbb?

I am only really interested in the comment email notification and maybe the avatar (from punbb) being put next to peoples comments...this I think would be awsome.

I have tried installing this a couple of times and always seem to mess up...I have unbridged on my testing server to see how things work but I seem to be having trouble as well.

What are the chances of a PunBB bridge being made available



is this thread here:

the same comment notification system or has it undergone changes sinse then?


oh by the way if this helps...my main coppermine install:


and my testing installation....liable to change all the time as i play around with stuff:



Adapting bridge files usually isn't to hard at all. Depends on how the forum handles avatars. If I've a free min I'll have a look on that punbb software


that would be really great...I think it is similar to phpbb in a lot of ways




great stramm!!

will wait for the punbb bridge for this. thanks so much.


I've just had a look at the punbb software. As far as I could see it doesn't have a build in PM system. Means I see if I can make use of the modpack PM system --> PM links and stats will only show up in Coppermine. I will not change anything in PunBB

2nd problem. The PunBB avatar system. It doesn't save the name of the image file, but renames the uploaded image to the user id. If avatars are enabled, punbb checks if id.jpg exists, if not id.gif, if not id.png, if not it doesn't display an avatar. So I'd have to implement that triple check (if the file exists) to the modpack as well and that everywhere an avatar may appeare. ---> no avatars available


here it is.. replace the existing files and strat the bridging wizard. For the notifications. It's not that sophisticated as in the orig coppermine profile. The one notify check in PunBB triggers the 4 possibilities in the modpack.
Notification... as you don't have the CPG profile anymore, there's no link to the subscribtion manager anymore (subscribtion_manage.php)

Avatars... prepared but not implemented. You shouldn't enable avatars in CPG. However you can eg modify the function theme_html_comments... and check for jpg, gif, png, and if found, display the avatar. You only need to do this check, the avatar path and the name is already available


stramm, thanks!
got it installed in my forum+gallery (http://kadus.bambooborneo.com/gallery) -- got the square thumbnails working.

For the PM system, I got it working by installing a mod for PM in punbb and changing the PM_LINK in the bridge file. On the avatar, yet to try.


hey thanks a lot i can't wait to try it out

I have just moved house and have no internet for a few days, but once my isp sets up the internet ill test it out.

I am in a library right now.

Thanks again



So I have had the internet back on for nearly a week and have tried a few times to get this working.

I am having a few problems...

firstly when I install the modpack it makes it impossible to upload images...either via file or url.  The error for file is "impossible to move" and the error for url is "unknown MIME type"

Also I do not seem to be able to subscribe to image comments:
I run this on an image:


and i get this error:

You don't have permission to access this page.

File: /vhost/vhost1/t/h/e/thebutterflyfilm.co.uk/www/galleries/subscribe.php - Line: 10

I am doing all these tests on the testing server (url in previous post) and am using your tentacle theme to keep things clear and similar to your site for now.

The way I did the install was to copy all the files into the copermine folder (overwriting where repeating files) then ran the database update in coppermine.

Is there anything I am missing or may have done wrong?

Any help would be much appreciated...and thanks again for taking time out to do a punbb bridge.


I also notice that af3 is getting the same permission error as me when trying to subscribe to comments.  Although he doesn't seem to have any upload problems.


Create a new thread for your upload issue on 1.4.x upload support board , this is not related to modpack
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Joachim Müller