Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard

Started by KeZeF, October 10, 2006, 04:33:22 AM

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Just so you know up front, this is a CPG bridged into Joomla.

Ok, I did read the upload faq, I did goto the and download and install the file. I set the user and group permissions and I Looked at the file that was download this is what is says:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

x replacing my real info until i get this working properly

Anyways, I can't log in it keeps saying:

Coppermine XP Publishing Wizzard
can't login keep trying

I am a super admin and I have tried just using a reg registered user as well. Any Ideas?


Joachim Müller

Quote from: KeZeF on October 10, 2006, 04:33:22 AM
Ok, I did read the upload faq,
The FAQ say (at the very top):
QuoteThis document is the second best resource to understand Coppermine - it's mandatory that you read the documentation first that comes with your Coppermine package.
So you should do exactly as suggested in the upload trooubleshooting section of the docs



I did read the FAQ, I did what it said. Unless I missed some wierd step. I can upload via the admin control, I can upload 1 file at a time via the user interface, but I can't use the XP publishing wizard, it won't let me log on to do upload. Am I missing something?

Just so you know, I am not an HTML or PHP expert, but I have read this forum and other for hours and hours on end. I have even made some small adjustments on my site which I set up and integrated Joomla and Coppermine with no ones help. But now I am stuck and all the reading I have done has gotten me no where, that is why I am asking in this forum for some help, I don't know what to do next.

I need to use the XP wizard because if I don't Coppermine use more than 20% of the CPU and my hosting company shuts me down. Using the XP works because it takes so long to upload the pics the server has time to actually process each picture before the next one is loaded therefore the CPU never goes past 20% and hence my hosting company doesn't shut me down.

So now that you know I am doing some research on my end, can soemone help me with my Joomla / Coppermine Bridge Windows XP Publishing Wizrd Login Issue?

Sorry if this cam across rude, but if I missed something in the FAQ then shame on me, but I am not a user that doesn't ask for help without 1st trying to help myself.



You need to be logged in to Joomla using IE first. You cannot login to the publisher when bridged but it should work if you are logged in already and all it needs to do is recognise you.


I tired that already :). But let me make sure I understand you anyways.

I open up IE, log in to my site, then start Publing Wizard, enter login name , then password. Correct?

If that is so then that doesn't work for me.

I must be just missing something really stupid, some small step.

Any other suggestions?

Joachim Müller


Ok, let me try again. I did what you asked, I won't publish the debug log until you ask me. I did creat an account for you at my site, here is the info:

user = test
pass = testpass
user is member of = registered (no admin access)
site =

Site is still being worked on please excuse the bad css in the galleries etc......
Anyways, I can log in as one of my other user accounts and upload via http, I can login as the admin and upload via http, I can login as the test user and upload via http. I do get this error though....

The selected album/file does not exist !

File: /home/pcexpect/public_html/copper/include/ - Line: 1331

BUT! The pic does get load into the album, so to me this is not an issue, anyways, my issue is when I try to login using Windows XP Publishing wizzard it says this:

Coppermine - XP Web Publishing Wizard
*** Couldn't Log in. Try again***

Any Ideas?



LOL, I see you just posted a pic, I must say your quick!

Joachim Müller

Your actual coppermine-driven gallery is located at, please don't make us search our way around in your navigation.
Quote from: KeZeF on October 11, 2006, 04:41:22 AM
The selected album/file does not exist !

File: /home/pcexpect/public_html/copper/include/ - Line: 1331
That's what I get as well. You need to fix this first. It's mandatory that http uploads work before trying to get more advanced stuff working. Looks like the form data isn't being submit properly, which indicates that you're using includes that keep the header from being sent properly. I tried switching themes (you appear to have a classic and an eyeball folder), but the stuff that wraps the gallery stays the same no matter what, so you either modified two themes or you're using a "funny" include (which I guess is the case because there is HTML output after the <html> tag). In case you modified both themes, upload an unmodified theme that comes with the coppermine package for testing purposes. Temporarily turn off the includes to be able to fix your uploading issues without potentially interfering aspects.


Ok, I just downloaded a theme from your download site "Classic Vertical" and I made that the default theme. I tried again to use the Windows XP publishing wizzard and again it would not login me in.

I am not sure what you mean by temporarily turn off the includes though.

Please understand I am not trying to be difficult, I am just frustrated and I think this is a log in issue and not a upload issue seeing how I can't even get to the point to try and upload.

Just so you know in the groups setting I have everyone set to be able to upload and creat galleries and personal galleries for now just for testing.

Joachim Müller

When accessing your site I get
QuoteThis Account Has Exceeded Its CPU Quota

Please contact this site's webmaster.

Wait a few minutes and use your browser's "Back" button or click here to try again.

If you are the webmaster, your account may have exceeded for one or more of the following reasons:

    * Your site has used more than 20% of the cpu.
    * Your account has too many processes running at the same time.
    * Your site was consuming too many resources. This happens on occassion to very busy sites that have inefficient scripts running.


Sorry I was trying to do a batch upload and as I stated earlier this is what happens when I try that! Hence thats why I need xp publisher. Anyways try it now I will stop trying to upload tonight.


Ok, here is the latest and greatest, hopefully this will end up helping someone else out and save them the frustration I went through!

1. This applies as far as I know to my Joomla 1.0.11 and Coppermine V1.49 installs & bridge

2. The reason I wanted to use XP Publishing Wizard this way was due to the low impact the upload had on the server as compared to, the high impact and the warnings I got from my hosting company when trying to import photos from the FTP folder I upload them too. Importing this way caused the server processor to go over 20% and thus I would be shut down for many minutes until the server recovered. (Note: The pictures never would finish upload either :( )

3. I finally figured out VIA the bridge makers FAQ (How I missed it was beyond me) that the XP Publishing Wizard doesn't work with his bridge :(

4. What I did then was I found a plugin for Coppermine call CPGMassimport ( ) This delays the importing of photos from your FTP photos folder hence reducing the strain on the server (Server / Hosting company very happy, no more shutting down)

5. I find out that although it imports the photos, and I can see the thumbnails, the albums are not created and I get errors when clicking on the thumbs nails.


1. Undo the bride from the Admin Tools in Coppermine, Upload your photos via XP Publishing Wizard or VIA the Mass Import PlugIn

2. Go back into the Admin Tools in Coppermine and redo the bridge function

3. Check to see that your photos are imported properly.

This seems to work for me, after MANY MANY nights and frustrating research I hope this continues to work for me and hopefully will help others.
I worry that at some point when I rebridge Coppermine that something may go wrong, but maybe I am worrying for nothing. As I stated earlier I really do not know PHP so I do not know what effects the briding funcion might have on these two pieces of software.

Good Luck

Joachim Müller

Thanks for returning and sharing your solution. Glad you were able to fix things for you. However, as a reminder to others: the workaround used by KeZeF is not recommended; the admin should use batch-add over anything else. A properly configured webserver (complain at your webhost if it is not) should be capable to handle the load of batch-adding easily. Instead of finding workarounds, consider adding less images in one go when using batch-add.