Displaying videos from Youtube in Coppermine. - Page 12 Displaying videos from Youtube in Coppermine. - Page 12


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Displaying videos from Youtube in Coppermine.

Started by Nibbler, October 31, 2006, 03:42:27 AM

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I already posted a version that uses cURL in this thread.

Elwood J. Blues


Can you insert a link in the first post for other user ?

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I did everything they said article to introduce youtube in coppermine, the principle seems to work but when I reach the final or December "The file could not be placed above."
Help please be any nonsense



Hello, i am new Coppermine user (great app!)
I was trying to install the Youtube mod, and as you have already guessed, something went wrong.

Nibbler, few posts earlier you mentioned a cURL version of the hack, but i couldn't spot it.
Could you please tell me where it is?

Thank you in advance and sorry for asking something that is potentially obvious
for more advanced users than me.

Additional info:

-I am using phpbb2 v2.0.23 bridged with Coppermine v1.4.16
-My hosting company is unable to enable the furl function, so uri uploads don't work
-I am using the original theme
-I also included in your original hacks the steps described by
Joachim Müller here

and Elwood J. Blues here

-The error i get is the following:
YT errors:
URI   Error message
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aYu0YapSm0   8Bad, unknown, or disabled dev_id specified.


It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


I did. I checked, i double checked, but i will check it again  :)

Yes, i suppose i did. Just to be sure, is the dev id the 100digit id?


That doesn't make any sense. The message you see is from the youtube API which means either allow_url_fopen is enabled or you are using the cURL version already. I'm pretty sure the devid is not that long - make sure you have the correct one.



You were right, thank you! I feel so stupid right now...  :-[
I have searched this board and google for at least 4hours, but i haven't thought of the obvious. Check my dev_id!

For those who might have doubts about their Youtube developer id

The dev_id can be obtained at: http://www.youtube.com/my_profile_dev
The dev_id's form is: XXxxxxXXxXX (like mentioned by Nibbler's post above)

Thanks again for the great mod!
Greetings from Greece!


Thanks for posting this.  My installation went smoothly and the youtube upload boxes appear on the file upload page.  But after uploading a youtube video nothing happens when I click on a youtube thumbnail to play the file.  I'm guessing this has something to do with the fopen thing.  I loaded the php.ini file (initially it was labelled php.ini.default, so I changed it to be just php.ini) but my hosting company could not say for sure where this file should appear (which folder).  I didn't see anyone else with this problem in the thread.  I'm a complete newb to coppermine so maybe I've got something set wrong.  Can anyone suggest something to try?

To see what I mean by nothing happens, here is the link http://www.learnandreturn.com/index.php


Perhaps you could try what i did,
i followed Nibblers instructions (1st post)
and additionally i did what these posts say:

Joachim Müller here

and Elwood J. Blues here

i am using the curl, not the fopen function.
Hope it works for you as it worked for me!


You didn't apply the changes to theme.php properly (or atall).


Thanks for responding, I've got it working.  Based on Nibbler's guidance to apply the changes to the theme (which I had already done) I realized that I must have changed the wrong theme.  I'm a self-admitted newb and didn't know which theme I'm using or even how to change themes yet, so I copied the changed theme file into all the theme folders in my installation.  I realize I've probably wrecked the ability to use any of the other themes in my installation, but I'll deal with that downstream when I'm ready to pick a new theme for real.  Thanks anyway Kimosabe, and thanks again Nibbler for making this mod available.


Seems to be a great mod, this one :)!

One question, though: I always get
Quote8Bad, unknown, or disabled dev_id specified.
as I try to upload... I first tried the Developer Key, and then the Client ID, but with the same result :(. Which one should I use, or may there is a coding error?



You need the dev id. This was already discussed just a few posts ago.


Quote from: Nibbler on April 01, 2008, 10:22:31 AM
You need the dev id. This was already discussed just a few posts ago.

OK, sorry for that one but this thread is kind of too messy to read in all its' total  :-\. Unfortunately I didn't make it less messy  ::)...

And besides, things would be more straight, I think, for ppl to use the proper words... To me the word "dev id" is a hybrid of Developer Key and Client ID, so that in itself got me puzzled...

But of course I'm much obliged for your reply, and I'll have yet another go for this one :)!



Those terms didn't exist when I made this plugin - it's all changed to the Google API system now.


Quote from: Kimosabe on March 28, 2008, 11:12:53 AM
The dev_id can be obtained at: http://www.youtube.com/my_profile_dev
Thanks, Kmosabe - that certainly did the trick  :o :). My advice is to put this URL to the first post of the thread, to avoid further comfusion about the dev_id  8)


I'm using the youtube mod described in this thread and it is working fine.  However just now a couple of my videos display "We're sorry, this video is no longer available" in the youtube viewing box.  I checked the source video on youtube and the videos display fine there.  Has anyone else seen this happen or know how to fix?  I was experimenting with changing themes just before this happened, but don't know if this is cause and effect or coincidence.