Update History - Page 4 Update History - Page 4


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Update History

Started by François Keller, November 05, 2006, 11:55:56 AM

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QuoteAfter uninstall with or without save settingstable - is there no way to reinstall the V2
in the plugin table from the database, erase the updatehistory entry
OK I'll try this - but you should fix it in V2 Final

And I make the german asp - ok

François Keller

I try to find why this happend, but no chance at this moment  :-\
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Is this the range to delete from sql?

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cpg132_update_history_config`;
CREATE TABLE `cpg132_update_history_config` (   `Group_Id` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',   `bloc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',   `archive` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',   `uploader_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',   `days` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',   `number` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',   PRIMARY KEY  (`Group_Id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM;
INSERT INTO `cpg132_update_history_config` VALUES('1','1','1','1','1','4');
INSERT INTO `cpg132_update_history_config` VALUES('2','1','1','1','1','4');
INSERT INTO `cpg132_update_history_config` VALUES('3','1','0','0','1','4');
INSERT INTO `cpg132_update_history_config` VALUES('4','0','0','0','1','4');


Sorry - delete this from sql and reinstall V2 doesn't work  :'(

Now I have found a way - I restore the DB with installed V1.1 and replace the PlugIn with ftp in background without using the PlugIns-Manager.
After this in PlugInsManager the Version is shown as V2 and it works as V2 - on Indexpage the Configbutton is shown also.

In my first tests it works fine - but I miss a third funtion
you have integrated the two ways to show :
first: Uploads from last 4 days - grouped as in this example
QuoteFebruar 24, 2007: 21 new files added to the album Folklorum 2003
Februar 24, 2007: 2 new files added to the album 10.09.1998 Steeg
second:last 4 uploaded files
QuoteFebruar 24, 2007: PICT0502.jpg added in the album Folklorum 2003
Februar 24, 2007: PICT0496.jpg added in the album Folklorum 2003
And I miss the
third:the last X Uploads grouped for albums and not every file separately
QuoteFebruar 24, 2007: 21 new files added to the album Folklorum 2003
Februar 24, 2007: 2 new files added to the album 10.09.1998 Steeg

Please add this to my wishlist for V2 final

Hein Traag

I redid my install. Ran into the same problem. I emptied the update_history_config table and then installed v2 again. No problems after this.


QuoteI emptied the update_history_config table
How to do this? silly question?

François Keller


Quotefirst: Uploads from last 4 days - grouped as in this example
Februar 24, 2007: 21 new files added to the album Folklorum 2003
Februar 24, 2007: 2 new files added to the album 10.09.1998 Steeg
second:last 4 uploaded files
Februar 24, 2007: PICT0502.jpg added in the album Folklorum 2003
Februar 24, 2007: PICT0496.jpg added in the album Folklorum 2003
And I miss the
third:the last X Uploads grouped for albums and not every file separately
Februar 24, 2007: 21 new files added to the album Folklorum 2003
Februar 24, 2007: 2 new files added to the album 10.09.1998 Steeg
What's the difference between first and third  way ? I don't understant what you mean  :-\
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Hein Traag

Quote from: AlexL on April 11, 2007, 12:17:34 PM
How to do this? silly question?

With phpMyAdmin. You login to the DB and select the update_history_config table and select to empty that table. I don't have a screenshot here but if you need one i can make one for you.


QuoteWhat's the difference between first and third way
OK OK OK - I have cheat to show this first. Have a look at the Date - it's from February - if I take the variant First and take the last 5 days - then the report is empty. That's why i take 100 days. This is the Problem - I need a grouped variant - but not from last X days - because of no need to adjust the days to a valid value.
I want to have a version which displays like the first but it shows a adjustable number of rows. Now all confused?

I must have a talk with my hoster - at this time he is the only one with the ability for PhpMyAdmin. In moment I can only backup and restore the Database with the PlugIn from Frantz.


Now I have make me a nice own goal. I have tested the V2 and take any adjustments - and now I config the not show the bloc for Admin. It's nice - the bloc is'nt shown longer - but now there is no config button to restore the setting - fine ;D >:( ;D - But no problem - I take the back Button from my browser and correct this ;D


Now a new error found - sorry it's not my intention. :'(
After diverse tests and config is all ok - I'll take a backup from my DB with your Backup-PlugIn - but the button is disappear.
I take a look at the PlugIns Manager and the PlugIn is not to see - not at installed and not at not installet section.

I have hear about problems with the sequencing of plugins - that's why I try to arranged the UpdateHistory PlugIn from lower to upper. And with every click another PlugIn disappears. Till the Updatehistory is alone - then I deinstalled it and now all others are back.
But I cant reinstall it without PhpMyAdmin - It's high time that I get access to it.

But to encourage you - the german.php

François Keller

Thank's for report.

This bug is the same i i'have found in my test. I'm working to find the problem.

QuoteBut I cant reinstall it without PhpMyAdmin - It's high time that I get access to it.
Yes i think so  ;)

Thank's for the german translation.
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Now I have it -  ;D - and now it was no problem to empty table, reinstall and after config the other PlugIns now are present - till I increase the position of update history

Do you have the same effekt like I in this Screenshot?

François Keller

QuoteDo you have the same effekt like I in this Screenshot?

Yes, i haven't see this (another little bug in this version)
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Have you understand my First Third difference?

François Keller

euh! not sure  :-\ can you give an exemple ?
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Ok I'll try with step by step

The two ways you have realized are correct. But the per file way is only usefull for galleries with many users. This users upload single files and if you take the setting to 15 Files then the indexpage shows a heterochromatic list of files. In my case I'm the one and only user for my gallerie. I upload 50 files to a new album and then 30 to an other. If I take the setting 15 Files it's a boringly list of File1 File2 File3 ...

If I take the last 100 days setting it shows a heterochromatic list of updated albums with the amount of new files, but the list is to long. But if i take the last 5 days the list is empty. My job at this time is to find the optimum amount of days to display an interesting list for my visitors, but the list has to be not to long.

My wish is you calculate so: all updated albums and how many files are updated in this albums and crop the first 5 entrys from this list. The resulting representation is nearly the same output like if I take 57 days.

I hope now I descript it understandably?

François Keller

Ok understand now  ;D
I'll first fix the two bugs from the plugin before coding this (it's not so simple  :-\  ;) :-\)
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