Remove Albums 0 and Pictures 0 in categories list Remove Albums 0 and Pictures 0 in categories list


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Remove Albums 0 and Pictures 0 in categories list

Started by roRisc, January 05, 2004, 08:30:23 AM

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on the new versions of CPG.. since G. Demar left the project...
the "0"'s are shown where categories have subcategories and no albums/pictures in the next level

here's what I mean:

how can the tables be simply ignored..
also on Demars version, when there were no imediate albums, another color was used of the 'title' category to differentiate between sections, which was preaty eye releiving

... is this a theme issue? (cuz I'll dive in and change it.. )

btw, do the themes for cpg-standalone work with nukeport?

thnak you

on a second thought... ...
I think it woud be ok to just show the total number of albums in that category, and total number of pictures of all albums in that category.

if so.. another column would show how many subcategories the category has (besides the # Albums and # of Pics)

Joachim Müller

standalone themes can't be used for nuked versions...



I would like to know how to make it so that it doesn't show albums with 0 pictures in the album list.

Would it be difficult?

Joachim Müller

do not hijack other's threads - your question is totally unrelated to the thread. Your question has been answered elsewhere on the board (do some search).
I'm locking this thread, since the board runs so slow today, I won't bother to make your posting a standalone thread.
